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    • 1、考研英语一昆明市2023年最后冲刺试题Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points) I understood Chinese cultures only seen on TV and in books but only made little headway learning Chinese. 1 , it did not matter. The patience, generosity and 2 of strangers left me pleasantly surprised with Beijing.I 3 needed Chinese On my birthday, for example, I was 4 in the city. Everyone I knew was out of town, s

      2、o I decided to 5 a day of it myself. I went shopping. After three happy hours, I went confidently up to the 6 and for a minute, I 7 everyone spoke English.But after 8 my items, the woman behind the counter spoke in Chinese, and all I could do was stare 9 .I thought she was asking cash or card, so I pulled out some notes, but she 10 her head. We stood there for a few minutes 11 another cashier said, “A couple of your 12 are part of the sale and cannot be exchanged or 13 once bought.”Another day,

      3、I went to the police station as I had lost my wallet in a 14 land During that 20-minute talk, I realized the eagerness and 15 of people.Speaking in a mix of Chinese and English, the young police officer did all he could to put me 16 . He knew that as foreigners we were nervous at the police station, so he smiled and spoke. In the end, the 17 took a couple of hours and the wallet did not 18 anymore. I had made a friend.There are many 19 and unforgettable memories of getting by without 20 , but pe

      4、rhaps without the friends help, Beijing may not have been so easy to navigate.1、ALastlyBHoweverCInsteadDThus2、AsacrificeBeffortsCwarmthDpromise3、ArarelyBbasicallyCcompletelyDtotally4、AstillBevenConlyDalone5、AmakeBneedCdoDplan6、AexitBstoreCcounterDhall7、ArealizedBrecognizedCguaranteedDassumed8、Aringing upBshowing upCassessingDexamining9、ApoorlyBhelplesslyCquicklyDpatiently10、AwavedBnoddedCshookDhung11、AuntilBasCafterDfor12、AexpensesBpurchasesCsuppliesDparcels13、AacceptedBcanceledCreturnedDbroken1

      5、4、AforeignBsameCdifferentDnew15、AhappinessBwisdomCexcitementDkindness16、Afor sureBat easeCin orderDin place17、AincidentBprocedureCquestionDsurvey18、AmatterBstayCchangeDreturn19、AinterestingBamusingCpleasantDadmiring20、Acell phoneBpolice officersCChineseDcashiersSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1Throughout history, artist, inventors,

      6、writers and scientists have solved problems in their dreams. Now, lets have a look together at some of them.1.Paul McCartney Found Yesterday in a dreamPaul McCartney is one of the most famous singers/songwriters of all time. According to the Guinness Book of Records, his Beatles song Yesterday(1965) has the most cover(翻唱) versions of any song ever written and, according to record label BMI,was performed over seven million times in the 20th century.The tune for Yesterday came to Paul McCartney in

      7、 a dream.“I woke up with a lovely tune in my head. I thought, Thats great, I wonder what that is? There was an upright piano next to me, to the right of my bed by the window. I got out of bed, sat at the piano, found G, found F sharp minor- and that leads you through then to B to E minor, and finally back to E. It all leads forward logically. I liked the _melody a lot, but because Id dreamed it, I couldnt believe Id written it. I thought, No, Ive never written anything like this before. But I ha

      8、d the tune, which was the most magic thing! ”2. Mary Shelleys Frankentein Inspired by a DreamIn the summer of 1816, nineteen-year-old Mary Wollstonecraft Godwin and her lover, the poet Percy Shelley (whom she married later that year),visited the poet Lord Byron at his villa beside Lake Geneva in Switzerland. Stormy weather frequently forced them indoors, where they and Byrons other guests sometimes read from a volume of ghost stories. One evening, Byron challenged his guests to each write one th

      9、emselves.Marys story, inspired by a dream, became Frankentein(科学怪人).“When I placed my head upon my pillow, I did not sleep, nor could I be said to think-My eyes shut ,I saw-with my acute mental vision-the pale student of unholy arts kneeling beside the thing he had put together. I saw the ugly figure of a man stretch out, and then , on the working of some powerful engine, show signs of life, and tremble with an uneasy motion, extremely frightful. The next morning I announced that I had thought of a story. I began that day with the words, It was on a dull night of November, making only a transcript(文字稿) of the c


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