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题库 练习 试卷 答案 教师 招聘 小学教师
题库练习试卷题库练习试卷 A A 卷附答案教师招聘之小学教师招聘卷附答案教师招聘之小学教师招聘题库与答案题库与答案 单选题(共单选题(共 5050 题)题)1、Not until yesterday _ anything about the new English teacher.A.have I learned B.I learned C.that I learned D.did I learn【答案】D 2、Consider these situations:You have just read an excellent book and want to tell a friend about it.You have seen an exciting movie and want to _11_ your instructor to go to see it.You have heard an inspiring lecture,and want to _12_ your newly found knowledge with a roommate who didnt attend the lecture.A.scores B.passages C.clues D.stories【答案】C 3、某生学习成绩较差,却经常在同学面前炫耀自己的父亲是 x x 级干部,以求得心理满足。这是采用了()这种心理防御方式的表现。A.升华 B.补偿 C.退行 D.转移【答案】B 4、教师职业道德的核心是()A.为人师表 B.团结协作 C.关爱学生 D.忠于人民的教育事业【答案】C 5、心理活动对一定对象的指向和集中指的是()A.个性 B.注意 C.记忆 D.思维【答案】B 6、使用 word 软件编辑文档时,打开段落对话框,不能完成的设置是()A.1.5 倍行距 B.五磅字符间距 C.首行缩进 2 字符 D.居中对齐【答案】B 7、中小学心理健康教育的是()。A.提高全体学生的心理素质:培养勤奋好学的思维品质:充分发掘天才少年 B.提高问题学生的心理素质;培养勤奋好学的思维品质:提升学生抗挫能力 C.提高全体学生的心理素质:培养乐观、健康向上的心理素质:充分开发学生潜能 D.提高全体学生的心理素质;培养乐观、健康向上的心理素质;培育创新性人才【答案】C 8、Sometimes I really doubt whether there is love between my parents.They are very busy working to 16 the family.They don t act in the 17 ways that I read in books or I see on TV.18 flowers to each other on Valentine s Day is even more 19.One day,my mother was sewing a quilt(床罩).I 20 sat down beside her and looked at her.Mom,is there love between you and Dad?I asked her in a 21voice.A.romantic B.friendly C.lovely D.active【答案】A 9、我国尝试编写具有中国特色的马克思主义教育学教材开始于()。A.20 世纪 50 年代以后 B.20 世纪 60 年代以后 C.20 世纪 70 年代以后 D.20 世纪 80 年代以后【答案】B 10、He works ten hours a day,makes more than US$98000 a year,doesnt 16 to take holidays,dresses 17 he pleases.Hes 18 been happier and is looking for another job.This 33-year-old white,university-educated person is the typical Internet worker,according to a study by the Industry Standard,a San Francisco-based news magazine.A.bad B.worse C.good D.better【答案】D 11、下列句子中,加点的成语使用不恰当的一项是()。A.汽车在老大爷身边戛然而止,市长打开车门,露出和蔼可亲的笑颜,亲自搀扶老大爷上了车 B.我们的身体在不断长大,我们心中的一种情感也在潜滋暗长“谁言寸草心,报得三春晖!”C.卢沟桥上的石刻狮子,有的母子相抱,有的交头接耳,有的像倾听水声,千态万状,惟妙惟肖 D.夏乃声音的季节,蝉声足以代表夏,故夏天像一首绝句。这诗中自有其生命情调,旷远飘逸。让人不禁听得屏气凝神【答案】A 12、根据下面资料,回答 A.being examined B.to be examined C.being operated D.to be operated【答案】B 13、Id like a wake-up call at 7:00 a.m.,please!A.help yourself B.You will certainly make it C.just do what you like D.Ill make sure you get one【答案】D 14、在限定时间内产生大量的观念,体现了创造性思维的()特征。A.灵活性 B.独创性 C.发散性 D.流畅性【答案】D 15、肘关节受伤后用绷带包扎,应选用()。A.环形包扎 B.螺旋形包扎 C.转折形包扎 D.“8”字形包扎【答案】D 16、霍桑的代表作是()。A.红字 B.带有七个尖角阁的房子 C.福谷传奇 D.玉石雕像【答案】A 17、小学一二年级每周体育课应为()。A.2 节 B.3 节 C.4 节 D.5 节【答案】C 18、看见一面红旗,人们马上能认出它,这时的心理活动是()A.感觉 B.视觉 C.色觉 D.知觉【答案】D 19、根据下面资料,回答 A.traditional B.special C.funny D.valuable【答案】A 20、道德品质的基础是()。A.道德信念 B.道德意志 C.道德认识 D.道德情感【答案】C 21、加强党的政治建设,要把力戒形式主义、官僚主义作为重要任务。面对形式主义、官僚主义的工作作风,必须把问题导向放在第一位,解决基层实际困难,真正的用好政策精神方能把握实质。值得庆幸的是,目前已经有越来越多的地区开始行动,决心将这本账明明白白地呈现给广大村医群体看,公开透明的处事态度值得点赞!同时也奉劝那些懒政和不作为的官员,不能真正转变工作作风,不能发挥干部的实际作用,是必然会受到党纪国法惩处的。A.当前要注重工作作风的转变 B.为现在公开透明的处事态度点赞 C.政务公开和党员干部的作风问题均很重要 D.亟需改善干部的作风问题【答案】C 22、Rod is determined to get a seat for the concert _ it means standing in a queue all night.A.as if B.provided C.even if D.whatever【答案】C 23、根据下面资料,回答 A.Americans have lost interest in innovation during the past years B.too many risky ideas have destroyed people s confidence in innovation C.institutions,government and business cannot cooperate effectively as before D.the essential elements of innovation have lost its energy for development【答案】D 24、根据下面资料,回答 A.go through B.build up C.show off D.wipe out【答案】B 25、安徽省中小学行为规范规定走读生每天在校教育教学活动的时间,小学生不超过()A.6 小时 B.7 小时 C.8 小时 D.9 小时【答案】A 26、Even plant can run a fever,especially when theyre under attack by insects or disease.But unlike human,plants can have their temperature taken from 3,000 feet away straight up.A decade ago,adopting the infrared(红外线)scanning technology developed for military purposes and other satellites,physicist Stephen Paley came up with a quick way to take the temperature of crops to determine which ones are under stress.The goal was to let farmers precisely target pesticide(杀虫剂)spraying rather than rain poison on a whole field,which invariably includes plants that dont have pest(害虫)problems.A.the desire of farmers to improve the quality of their produce B.growing concern about the excessive use of pesticides on crops C.the forceful promotion by the D.full support from agricultural experts【答案】B 27、非法举办国家教育考试的,由()宣布考试无效。A.国务院 B.党中央 C.地方人民政府 D.教育行政部门【答案】D 28、教师不得对学生实施谩骂、变相体罚或其他侮辱学生的行为,这是由学生的()决定的。A.人身自由权 B.隐私权 C.人格尊严权 D.荣誉权【答案】C 29、学生能够做到“一题多解”的思维活动是()。A.再现思维 B.集中思维 C.发散思维 D.抽象思维【答案】C 30、1868 年,俄国教育家乌申斯基出版了()一书,认为在生理学、心理学和逻辑学这三个教育学基础中,心理学应放在首位。A.大教学论 B.人是教育的对象 C.教育心理学 D.教育心理学大纲【答案】B 31、教师讲课时,一位小学生一会儿听教师讲,一会儿翻书看,一会儿在本子上写什么,你认为这位小学生这时的注意状态是()A.稳定的 B.起伏的 C.转移的 D.分散的【答案】A 32、一个懂得维修摩托车的技工,容易学会维修汽车。这体现的迁移类型是()。A.一般迁移 B.逆向迁移 C.正迁移 D.负迁移【答案】C 33、学生中常见的焦虑反应是()。A.交往焦虑 B.上学焦虑 C.考试焦虑 D.课堂焦虑【答案】C 34、下列描述中属于负强化的是()A.为努力表现的学生点个赞 B.对学生错误行为进行批评 C.让课上看漫画的学生值日 D.因室内喧嚣嘈杂而暂时离开【答案】D 35、教学过程一般可分为感知、理解、巩固和()四个基本发展阶段 A.复习 B.应用 C.培养 D.运用【答案】B 36、某次英语语法考试之后
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