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高考英语一轮基础知识复习:必修1 Unit 4 Earthquakes

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    • 1、高考英语一轮基础知识复习:,Unit 4 Earthquakes,知识清单,(一) 基本单词 1. _ vi. 爆裂;爆发 n.突然破裂;爆发 2. _ v. 破坏;毁坏;消灭 3. _ v.(使)震惊;震动 n.休克;打击;震惊 4. _ n.& vt.援救;营救 5. _ vt.埋葬;掩埋;隐藏,burst,destroy,shock,rescue,bury,单词,8. _ vt. 使陷入困境 n. 陷阱;困境 9. _ n. 灾难;灾祸 10. _ n. 掩蔽;掩蔽处;避身处 11. _ n.& vt. 损失;损害 12. _ n. 事件;大事 13. vt. 表示;表达 n. 快车;速递,trap,disaster,shelter,damage,event,express,6. _ adv. 真诚地;真挚地 7. adj. 无用的;无效的,sincerely,useless,(二) 派生单词 14. _ adj. 极度的 _ adv. 极其地 15. _ v. 损害;伤害 _ n. 受伤;伤害 _ adj. 受伤的,extreme,extremely,injure,injury

      2、,injured,16. _ vt. 使惊吓;吓唬 _ adj. 受惊的;受恐吓的_ adj. 令人恐惧的 17. _ n. 祝贺;(复数)贺词 _ v祝贺 18. _ n. 裁判员;法官 v.断定;判断;判决 _ n.判断;判决,frighten,frightened,frightening,congratulation,congratulate,judge,judgement,1. 立刻;马上 2. 结束;终结 3. 严重受损;破败不堪 4. 掘出;发现 5. 许多;大量的 6. 评价很低;不重视 7. 横穿;横跨 8. 以而自豪;引以为荣,right away,at an end,in ruins,短语,dig out,a (great) number of,think little of,cut across,be proud of,核心要点,1. burst vi. (burst, burst) 爆裂;爆发 n. 突然破裂;爆发 【教材原句】 In the city, the water pipes in some buildings cracked and burst. 在

      3、市内, 有些建筑物里的水管爆裂开来。,单词,【归纳】 burst out 突然发生, 突然起来 (常跟动词-ing形式) e.g. Everyone in the room burst out laughing / singing. burst into 突然(进入某种状态) e.g. Much to my surprise Ben suddenly burst into tears.,burst in on / upon 突然打断/插嘴 e.g. The boy burst in on our conversation. burst with 满得快裂了, 装得满满的 e.g. That bag is bursting with potatoes. burst n. 突然破裂; 爆发 e.g. There was a burst in the water pipe.,On seeing Jay Chou appear on the stage, the audience _ cheering. burst in B. burst into C. burst on D. burst o

      4、ut,2. ruin n. U 毁坏; 毁灭; 崩溃 n. C (pl.) 废墟; 遗迹 v. (使)破产; (使)堕落; 毁灭 【教材原句】 In fifteen terrible seconds a large city lay in ruins. 在可怕的15秒钟内, 一座大城市就沉沦在一片废墟之中。,【归纳】 in ruins 严重受损;破败不堪 fall in/into ruin 灭亡;荒废 bring.to ruin 使毁灭; 使没落 go/come to ruin 毁灭;落空 ruin oneself 毁掉自己 ruin ones health/fame 毁坏某人的健康/名誉,ruin多指因外部原因而受到严重破坏或毁灭,侧重破坏的彻底性,也可用于引申意义; destroy多指彻底地、毁灭性地破坏,含导致无用,不能或很难再修复的意味; damage多指对无生命物体的损害,造成降低价值、破坏功能等后果。,ruin destroy damage,用以上单词完成句子。 1) The rainforests are being _ at a frightening rate. 2)

      5、 Many buildings were badly _ during the war. 3) Her injury _ her chances of winning the race.,destroyed,damaged,ruined,3. injure vt. 损害; 伤害 【教材原句】 Two-thirds of them died or were injured during the earthquake. 2/3的人在地震中死去或受伤。,【拓展】 injured adj. 受伤的 the injured 伤员 injury n. 伤; 伤口; 伤害 do sb. an injury / do an injury to sb. 伤害某人,injure多指意外事故中受伤,也可指健康、名誉、感情等的伤害; hurt常指伴有强烈疼痛的创伤,也可指别人的言行给某人的情感造成无意的、较小的伤害;hurt比injure更为通俗,injure比hurt语气强。,injure hurt wound harm,wound常指有意的伤害,尤其指在战斗或攻击中受伤,身体上出现明显的伤口,wound也

      6、可指对感情上的伤害; harm 用于表示精神或肉体上的伤害均可,有时也可指引起不安或不便。还可用于抽象事物,尤其是指不道德的事情。,用以上单词完成句子。 1) Angus _ his leg playing football yesterday. 2) Gunmen killed two people and _ six others in an attack today. 3) I have never _ anyone. 4) It _ me when you talk like that.,injured,wounded,harmed,hurts,4. shock v. (使)震惊; 震动 n. 休克; 打击; 震惊 【教材原句】 People shocked. 人们惊呆了。,【归纳】 be shocked at. 对感到震惊 be shocked to do sth. 做某事很震惊 be shocked that. 对很震惊,5. bury vt. 埋葬;掩埋;隐藏;使沉浸; 使专心;插入;刺入 【教材原句】 The army organized teams to dig ou

      7、t those who were trapped and to bury the dead. 部队人员组成小分队, 将受困的人们挖出来, 将死者掩埋。,【归纳】 bury oneself in sth. 使陷入;埋头(工作、学习) be buried in (doing) sth. 专心致志于某事 be buried in thought 在沉思中 bury in=put (sb./sth.) into (a grave, earth) 把埋入,6. judge v. 判定;判断 n. 裁判员;法官 【教材原句】 Your speech was heard by a group of five judges, all of whom agreed that it was the best one this year. 评委会的五位评委听了你的演讲, 他们都认为你的演讲是今年最好的。,【归纳】 judging from/by 从上看,根据判断 as far as I can judge 据我判断,我认为 judge sb./ sth. from/ by. 从来判断 【提醒】 judgin

      8、g from/ by “从上看, 根据来判断”。句首时, 为独立成分, 不受句子主语和时态影响, 只用现在分词作状语。,短语,1. at an end 终结; 结束 【教材原句】 It seemed as if the world was at an end. 世界似乎到了末日。,【拓展】 at the end of 在尽头; 在末端 come to an end 结束 make ends meet 使收支相抵; 量入为出,by the end of 到结束时;到时候为止 (常与完成时态连用) bring sth. to an end 使某事结束,终止 in the end 最后;终于;最终 end up 结束;告终,2. dig out 挖掘出; 发现; 翻找出 【教材原句】 The army organized teams to dig out those who were trapped and to bury the dead. 部队人员组成小分队, 将受困的人们挖出来, 将死者掩埋。,【拓展】 dig into 调查; 钻研; 通过翻土把 掺入土壤 dig up 挖出; 掘出

      9、; 发现; 揭露 dig for sth. 挖寻某物,3. a great number of 许多; 大量的 【教材原句】 Such a great number of people died because the quake happened while they were sleeping. 那么多人丧生是因为地震发生时人们正在睡觉。,a great/ large number of a great/ good many quite a few/ a good few,+ 可数名词复数,many a more than one,+ 单数可数名词 + 单数谓语动词,【归纳】,【拓展】,a great/ good deal of a great/ large amount of quite a little,+ 不可数名词,a lot /lots of a great/ large quantity of large quantities of,+ 可数名词复数 或不可数名词,1. It seemed as if the world was at an end. 世界似乎到了末日。 It seems as if/as though. 似乎是 as if/as though引导的是表语从句, 从 句中可用陈述语气或虚拟语气。,句式,【提示】 如果as if/as though引导的从句是“主语系动词”结构,且主/从句中主语相同,可省略从句主语和

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