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    • 1、http:/ 留学生论文专业定制代写网站留学生Essay写作美国护理人员短缺AbstractThe well-anticipated demographic change attributed to the ageing of the baby boomer population in the USA will led to a significant demand on the healthcare industry in the long run.Important resources such as the nurse work force will be required to provide quality health care services to the population.This research paper will provide a brief description and statistics of the nurse labor force in the USA,the educational requirement needed to be a n

      2、urse,the challenges face by the nurses in the healthcare system.The last part of the paper identifies the nursing shortage and the solutions for the short and long run,the recommendations and finally,the conclusion.LABOR FORCE IN THE U.S.HEALTHCARE SYSTEMThe healthcare system in America is a complex and unique setting comparing to the other 34 countries in the Organization for Economic Co-Operation and Development(OECD).In 2016,The United States spent$3.3 trillion on health care benefits,or 10,3

      3、48 per person annually,which represents 17.9% of the total GDP and remained at top of all OECD countries for the health care expenditures.About 30%of the cost was spent on hospital care,20%on physician and clinical services,10%on prescription drugs and 5%on nursing care.However,the life expectancy is 78.6 years which ranked 22nd of the OECD countries(Medicare&Services,2015).Meanwhile,problems such as growing population,aging and shortage of physicians and nurses are causing the increasing demand

      4、 for health care benefits(Levit&Patlak, 2009).In 2016,there were 5,534 registered hospitals including 4,840 community hospitals in the U.S,most of the healthcare facilities are owned by private companies and 60%of the community hospitals are non-for-profit organizations,20%are for-profit and 20%are owned by government.In U.S, the most value of healthcare system in America is the health professional, also considered as health providers(AHA,2018).THE NURSING WORKFORCEAccording to U.S Bureau of Lab

      5、or(2018),the total labor force was around 160 million.Nurses are playing an important role in the healthcare system. Nursing demographic consists of:1.5 million certified nursing assistant(CNA),which represents about 1%of the U.S labor force who are responsible supporting patientsdaily activities such as taking vital signs,dispensing prescribed medications, bathing and transporting patients.Certified nursing assistant is concerned as nursing assistant as general or patient care assistant.CNA is

      6、like medical assistants that both assist physicians,nurses and such healthcare providers.Usually,CNAs are assigned in an inpatient hospital and residential facilities such as nursing home and day care centers.Till 2016,the average salary for CNA was$26,590 while VA hospitals might offer better salary,around$37,450.Alaska pays the highest average salary which was$17.81/hour while it was$11.6/hour in West Virginia.In fact,the market expected the demand for CNAs would increase about 11%during 2014

      7、to 2024.738,000 licensed practical nurse(LPN),which represents about 0.5%of U.S labor force,who are responsible for administering injections,surgical preparation and communication between patients and physicians.LPNs also do assistant works such as recording and maintaining communication with patients,registered nurses and physicians.LPNs are directly assigned to take care of patients that keep patients comfortable.Sometime,LPNs are assigned to take blood pressure,insert catheters and such activ

      8、ities.LPNs usually work in hospitals,nursing homes,doctors offices and any healthcare facilities.In fact,LPNs are the direct contact between patients and physician that they are responsible for keep patientsknowledge about treatment and procedures.The average salary for an LPN was$44,000 and the number is expected to increase.Connecticut state pays the highest average salary which was 24.30/hour,comparing to the lowest paying state West Virginia with$14.25/hour or$29,640 per year.3 million regis

      9、tered nurse(RN),which represents the largest group of all types of nurse and 1.9%of U.S labor force,who are qualified with license to make nursing diagnoses and work as a supervisor of CNAs and LPNs.RNs work with physician and healthcare teams to improve healthcare quality and treatment quality.RNs also educate patients for their health conditions and support patients and their family members on further living. Since it is the largest group,the competition is fierce.Depending on the specialty,education and experience,the average salary was around $70,000 in 2015.Some hospitals might offer better payment to$100,000. California owns the largest number of RNs,which was around 300,000 and it pays the highest salary in America,which was$98,400 on average.The market expected a 16%increase of RNs from 2014 to 2024.151,000 advanced registered nurse practitioner(ARNP),who received additional education with masters degree or po


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