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    • 1、http:/ 留学生论文专业定制代写网站留学生Essay写作婚姻与圣职Here is the questionSince Vatican 2 the sacraments of Marriage and Holy Orders have been understood assacramentsof Christian ministry.How is this understanding of these two sacraments reflected in the churchs contemporary theology of Marriage and Holy Orders?Several individuals have been concerned with the understanding of the sacraments of holy matrimony and the holy orders in the churchs contemporary theology.for instance1st aThe Catholic custom educates that

      2、 sacraments are an outward signs, incidents that are clear in our understanding,of the unseen truth of Gods grace in our lives,which is practiced only indirectly by its consequence on our lives.And the customary lessons goes further.Not only do sacraments spot the approaching of grace with a noticeable symbol,but they bring about the realism of refinement by the means they connect us to the person of Jesus Christ present in the society which is his house of worship.In the case of the sacraments

      3、of occupation this is clear in the way these sacraments begin individuals into a duty,a service,in the church society.since the outcome of the sacraments is connected to the outer symbol,which should be as comprehensible and fluent as possible.To a great level the society itself is constitutive of the symbol,and is thus vital in calling forward the gifts of the occupation in which each individual is well-known and established in each sacrament of occupation.1st bThe Bible pioneers us to a widesp

      4、read custom of sacramental movement.For example the Hebrew Scriptures do not utilize any phrase that we would interpret as sacrament,but portray acts of worship base on representation. The most significant of these is the Passover festivity,but there are many others.However,in the New Testament Jesus built on these obtainable customs of worship,as well as on the narratives and descriptions of the Scriptures in his events and in his teachings.Consequently,the sacraments we rejoice in nowadays are

      5、 all developed from these events and teachings of Jesus.And that is why we refer to Matrimony Holy Orders as the sacraments of occupation,a statement that originates from the Latin forcall.Meaning that,all of us are called by God.As a matter of fact,we are called at different levels,and increasingly all through our lives,we are called into existence,into human self-respect and accountability,and into certain associations,societies and tasks.Most significantly,we are called into an cherished spir

      6、itual union with God that does not come as expected but must be required and refined within the grace,or a particular outreach,of God.The rites of marriage and priesthood are examined from theological, historical and structural point of view.The complementary offices and responsibilities in the house of worship are differentiated and explained. The pastoral ministry of the ordained is viewed in its ecclesiological context and purpose,with concentration given to a suitable understanding of rank.S

      7、pecial concentration is provided to the sacramentality of matrimony,a theology of sexuality,and the association between matrimony and celibacy.2nd partThe Christian perception is that,despite the fact all of the complex human tradition of disputes and competitions,maltreatment and unfairness, chauvinism and eliminations,matrimony in the grace of Christ are redemptive.They are authorized to exceed all the troubles and to make families and relationships all over the community that bring health and

      8、 completeness and pleasure both within their individual family circle and in the wider society.This too is an necessary part of building the church, the society of the believers of Jesus.This also is a sacrament of occupation,of the passion to build up the church that contributes in the work of salvation.The sacraments of priesthood and matrimony are headed towards individual redemption and the building of the People of God.In the early existence of the Church,believers were encouraged to get ma

      9、rried to other believers and bring up their off springs according to the illustration presented by Jesus;the matrimony was celebrated as a public issue and was not ruled by Church sacramental rules.It was not until the 12th century that matrimony was being recognized as a sacrament by Church theologians,although from around four hundred CE Church leaders started their participation in the rite of marriage.In the sacrament of matrimony,viewed by the Church as symbolizing and dividing the secrecy of the harmony and true love between Christ and the Church,Married couples are to develop in the alertness that their calling is one of assisting one another,in Godliness,in their matrimonial life and in the bringing up the children.This is viewed that,the birth of off springs that may lead to marriage of believers,and the baptism of these children,helps the People of God,the Body of Christ,to be enabled throughout t


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