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    • 1、http:/ 留学生论文专业定制代写网站留学生Essay写作自我意识的集体工作反映INTRODUCTION:“Coming together is a beginning Keeping together is progress working together is success.”Henry FordThis report describes the successful application of reflective learning to promote critical self-awareness and improve both individual and team performance,in a group project work assessment for MSc in International Business Management at LJMU.Boyd and Fales(1983)defined reflection as:“The process of internally examining and exploring an issue

      2、of concern, triggered by an experience,which creates and clarifies meaning in terms of self and which results in a changed conceptual perspective.”According to the suggestions of Kolb learning cycle,i.e.Reflective observation(watching)Abstract conceptualization(thinking)Active experimentation(doing)Concrete experience(feeling)The team members engaged themselves in reflective practice of “Assimilating,Organizing,Implementing and Executing”the assessment on Burberry case study.(Jennifer Annoon,200

      3、0)GROUP WORK ANALYSIS:Many professional bodies and educational quality institutions now require that students have proven“experience of working in groups or teams” (Blease,2006 in Kelly 2007).Hence forth we formed a group to invigilate the challenges and issues that the Trafford group was confronting.To compliment this,catholic youth council(1980)also stated thatwhen examining the relative success and failure amongst group works,the selection process may be a key variable in establishing criteri

      4、a for successful group work.1.GROUP FORMATION:For this particular assessment,the group was christened by choice and acceptance i.e.students were given the liberty to select a peer and later on were clubbed with another team to form a clique.A group becomes a team when each member is sure enough of himself and his contribution to praise the skills of the others.Initially group was formed with low level of conflicts and high level of group cohesion.The presentation was due in 3 weeks;the roles wer

      5、e assigned,norms were laid and work was divided as a part of group contract.Scheduled meetings were altered at regular intervals considering team members availability and preferences.The members in the group had 4 attributes namely activist, reflector,pragmatist and theorist.Honey and Mumford linked Kolbs learning cycle with the personal attributes.4 MembersA(reflector)-reviewing and observationB(theorist)-developed thought process and conclusionC(pragmatist)-applied theory in practice with the

      6、existing ideasD(activist)-application through action in a new circumstance with new ideas.2.GROUP DEVELOPMENTEffective teamwork plays a vital role in group development.The key factors which effect the group are conflict management,personality traits, individual performance and time managementShaw and Barrett Power(1998)explained group development and the creation of a productive working/learning with the help of a model showing the effect of diversity and small group processes on performance.The

      7、 model reflects that a successful group work requires open communication, symbiosis,effective conflict management discussion of strategy and the appropriate weighing of individual inputs into decisions.Bruce Tuckman(1965)developed a four stage model of group development.He labeled the stages forming,storming,norming,performing and ten years later added a fifth stage called adjourning.In the first week,our group was in the forming stage.Initially all members were confused and uncertain in assessi

      8、ng the assigned work.We did theBig Five Locater(Kelly)personality test to assess the personality trait clusters of each individual in the team.This helped each member to analyze each other.Group contract helped us to overcome these barriers by defining the goals,establishing rules and getting acquainted to the task in hand. During the first week of discussion,time consensus was a big issue,as couple of members had their vocations.There was constant atoning of the schedule,which had spilled the b

      9、eans for a conflict.However according to Maddux R.B.,(1998)conflict is healthy when it causes the group to explore new ideas,test their standards and beliefs and stretch their imagination. When conflict is dealt constructively,people can be stimulated to great creativity,which will lead to a wider choice of action and better results. Another important aspect was that the group was more into planning than execution(Schon,1983).In the later part of the second week the group progressed well by understanding each other and got settled down as an appeased group.A whole brained approach for development and execution is an essential constituent to stimulated long term productivity(Eales-White,2005).This approach was taken by the group members by applying a variety of different learning abilities towards common objectives which was more focused and integr


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