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    • 1、 http:/ 留学生论文专业定制代写网站留学生Essay写作劳动力中的性别差异The contention that womens roles in having a career results in the creation of a problem with regard to them achieving a balance between their work and lives finds its roots in the rights and equality issues women have faced throughout the ages.The subject is not a contemporary one, although this tends to be the common perception due to scant references to resources dating back centuries as a result of either suppression or the lack of relevant data in boo

      2、ks.In fact,such information is available via research in many journals and letters.The sources of the conception that a womans career somehow takes second precedence to being a wife,mother or homemaker are founded in a number of myths,prejudicial thinking,misguided notions and historical contexts that have fostered them as second class citizens.A large percentage of feminists believe that the status of women being regarded as second-class citizens is a result of patriarchy being the foundation t

      3、hat modern society was built upon and that this fostered thinking,attitudes and conceptions that relegated them to secondary roles instead of being regarded as equals.The foregoing notion(s)shall be examined from a number of standpoints to clarify the unenlightened views held by some in this regard.The examination will not be conducted from a feminist point of view,nor shall it seek to explain prevailing views,it shall instead present the relevant facts which the conclusions shall be drawn from.

      4、The simple truth is that women have been balancing multiple roles through history and the insertion of the role of career can be equated to any number of functions that they have performed and accomplished.Chapter 1Introduction1.1 BackgroundIn order to set the context for the discussion regarding the contention that womens roles in having careers poses a problem in their achieving balance between work and life,the first salient fact that needs tube established is that women constitute 3,209,000,

      5、000 of the worlds total population estimate of 6,477,450,857(Population Reference Bureau,2006). This means that the under utilization of women represents a 50%reduction in the number of available individuals that can make a contribution in professional terms.Chart 1Education VariablesWomen(Population Reference Bureau,2006)Demographic Variable Country DataWomen All Ages,2005 World 3,209,000,000All Educational VariablesLiteracy Women as%of LiterateMen,Ages 15-24,2000-04 World 92Secondary School En

      6、rolment,Female,2000-03(as%of school-age enrolment)World 93As the preceding chart indicates,the slight difference in overall literacy rates does not put women at a disadvantage in terms of educational qualifications,yet their unemployment rate remains considerably higher proportionally.As shown from the following chart,women comprise approximately 40%of todays work force yet their participation rates indicate bias(see Chart 3Male and Female Labour Force Participation Rates and the Gender Gap in E

      7、conomically Active Females per 100 Males, 2003):Chart 2Global Labour Market Indicators/1993 and 2003(International Labour Organization,2004)Female Male Total1993 2003 1993 2003 1993 2003Labour force(millions)1,006 1,208 1,507 1,769 2,513 2,978Employment(millions)948 1,130 1,425 1,661 2,373 2,792Unemployment(millions)58.2 77.8 82.3 108.1 140.5 185.9Labour force participation rate(%)53.5 53.9 80.5 79.4 67.0 66.6Employment-to-population ratio(%)50.4 50.5 76.1 74.5 63.3 62.5Unemployment rate(%)5.8 6

      8、.4 5.5 6.1 5.6 6.2Chart 3Male and Female Labour Force Participation Rates and theGender Gap in Economically Active Females per 100 Males,2003(International Labour Organization,2004)Male LFPR Female LFPR Gender Gap inEconomically ActiveFemales per 100 MalesWorld 79.4 53.9 68Middle East and North Africa 76.8 28.2 36South Asia 81.1 37.4 44Latin America and the Caribbean 80.5 49.2 64Industrialized Economies 70.3 50.5 76Transition Economies 65.7 53.1 91South-East Asia 82.9 60.5 75Sub-Saharan Africa 8

      9、5.3 63.2 77East Asia 85.1 73.1 83When wages are factored into the preceding figures,the picture of bias with respect to employed women takes on additional meaning.Chart 4Percentage Change in Real Wages/Earnings,Men and Women for Selected Occupations.(International Labour Organization,2004)Accountant Computer First-Labourer Professional Welder(in banking)programmer Level in nurse in metalin education construction Manu-insurance teacher factoringF M F M F M F M F M F MBahrain(1993-98)16 1161 near near-7 131 36 24 1n.a.1 1n.a1 1n.a.1 1n.a1Belarus(1996-2000)near near near near 100 35 307 323 near near near nearCyprus(1990-2001)near near 44 60 23 12 49 37 26 9 near nearFinland(1990-1999)67 96 44 66-7-4 1 8-7-6-10-1Jordan(1988-1997)29 20-63-5


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