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    • 1、2012届高考总复习跟踪测评外研版:必修2 Module6Films and TV Programmes. 语音知识从A、B、C、D四个选项中,找出其音标与所给单词的读音相同的选项。1. comedy A. kmdi B. kmidiC. kmdi D. kmdi2. sword A. s:d B. sw:dC. swd D. sd3. occasionally A. keinnli B. keinnliC. keinli D. keinli4. drama A. dra:m B. drmC. drm D. dra:m5. channel A. knnl B. nnlC. knnel D. nel. 单词拼写1. The film was som that her eyes filled with tears.2. When she was fifteen years old, she became a g dancer.3. There has been a great l in the number of births in these past ten years.4. His

      2、books arent particularly well written, but theyre always e .5. They put up (海报) all round the town advertising their new album.6. She wanted to become a(n) (女演员), but her father didnt agree with her.7. I heard that a new (充满刺激的电影) would be shown next week.8. This is the first time that the young actor has appeared in the new (喜剧).9. My little brother wants to study (戏剧) and become an actor.10. It rained (偶尔) but not enough for watering the plant.辨析填空A. direct/directly1. She left after the show.2

      3、. He came and reported it to me.3. They are against our opinion.B. care about/care for1. I dont v what you think; Im certain he is right.2. I wonder whether they will us all to go there.3. The first attempt may fail, but we dont that.C. come out/publish1. The magazine once a month.2. Todays newspaper this news.3. The book was in 1980. 同义句转换1. Helen went to the post office after she finished the letter.Helen to the post office she finished the letter.2. This is the third time that she has visited

      4、 China up to now.She has visited China three times .3. He no longer goes to school.He go to school .4. He came in, with a book in his hand.He came in, .5. Im not a bit hungry.Im hungry .用适当的介词或副词填空1. How many days have astronauts spent in space total?2. He was looking at the moon his telescope when he got a big surprise.3. We congratulated John his getting the first prize the IT contest held last Sunday.4. As a result her absence from school for a month, Linda has fallen others in science.5. Yao

      5、 Ming is Huston Rockets, and is quite popular basketball fans of the world.6. China sent the first manned spacecraft space October 15,2003. 翻译句子1. 健康的习惯将在我们的日常生活中起到重要的作用。(play a part in)2. 令我们吃惊的是,他不肯接受我们的帮助。(to ones surprise)3. 绝大多数人认为卧虎藏龙是李安的一部杰作。(It is generally agreed that .;Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon)4. 每秒内,声音传播的距离没有光传播的远。(as far as)5. 在电影里通常主角能使我们感兴趣。(it is .that .).语法和词汇知识从每小题的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。1. The writer asked several readers for some advice before his new book .A. came

      6、away B. came outC. came across D. came about2. Most travellers were not pleased with the travel agency(旅行社), for the travelling routes they provided could not them.A. match B. fit C. interest D. affect3. My uncle never changes his opinions. So I think it is no use with him.A. to be argued B. arguedC. being argued D. arguing4. The film Hero, by Zhang Yimou, doesnt attract so many audiences as expected.A. directing B. directedC. to be directed D. being directed5. Although Jack is always busy with

      7、his work, he spares some time for a holiday.A. seldom B. neverC. occasionally D. rarely6. He realizes his dream at last. In other words, he gets married to the girl he three years ago.A. is in love with B. has fallen in love withC. was in love with D. fell in love with7. This is most interesting film. Of all the films Ive seen, it is most interesting one.A. a; the B. the; aC. a; / D. /; the8. After class she would sit down by the desk, sometimes for an hour, thinking of studentssituations in cla

      8、ss.A. as long as B. as soon asC. as much as D. as many as9. The journey to America was very important to him because it was that journey changed his attitudes towards English study.A. of which B. to whichC. that D. through which10. He only said hello to me by sending me an e-mail , never mentioning when he would go abroad.A. one by one B. more or lessC. little by little D. now and then. 阅读理解阅读下列短文,从每小题后所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。Camp memories last forever! We make sure they are unforgettable!Shadow Ridge Summer Camps offer so many exciting things for campers to do. Unlike other camp programmes that include horses as a small part of their programme, at Shadow Ridge horses are the programme! We are 100% horse from stable(马厩) management, nature walks, and track rides to bedroom furnishings. Horses help us achieve many of our aims. Girls can learn to develop responsibility, self-confidence and personal connections in their lives while having fun. Usi


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