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    • 1、http:/ 留学生论文专业定制代写网站留学生Essay写作特斯拉的库存管理和运营本篇文章主要介绍的是“特斯拉”制造的分析与运营方面。Executive SummaryThe business model implemented by tesla is that of creating vehicles that are distinction.Examples of the raw materials used by Tesla Inc., include; Bauxite,steel,aluminum,leather,silicon,rubber and so on.The company is now a profit making and a high-volume company after its transformation. Regarding sourcing and quality assurance,the Senior Program Manager has the responsibility to manage quality review and asse

      2、ssment,including documentation and records as well.The company has employed a Quality Surveillance Plan(QSP),which is used to ensure that the products are of the best quality.Tesla uses an agile software development methodology as through this it can focus on smaller areas within a shorter time compared to its competitors.Concerning processes and technology,Tesla has managed to adopt innovative technologies which facilitate the improvement of the processes.For example,some models have been custo

      3、mized to fit some particular market segments such as China and Japan.Model X has also been enhanced to fit the needs of the market.The company focuses on raising the hourly wages in a bid to attract skilled talent to the company.The company has formulated ten strategic decisions for ideal productivity in all the segments of the business,and this constitutes Teslas operation management(OM).The strategies employed help in increasing the productivity by using operational efficiency.The ten strategi

      4、c decision areas revolve around the efficient management of operations,to ensure the increase in productivity and efficiency. Inventory management is a significant challenge that is being faced by many automakers,and Tesla is not an exception to this.The firm markets its products by strategic positioning itself along major highways,and in the locations that people frequently visiting.Another strategy is by using amateur video advertisements,which increase the popularity of the brand.The sales an

      5、d distribution strategies are centered on new ways of conducting sales,rather than traditional techniques.This helps in increasing sales,which translate to revenue after sales.Business ModelThere is a growing market for fully electric vehicles,and the reason behind this is that of new regulation on vehicle emissions and safety, shifting customer needs,technological matters,and expectations.The business model that has been adopted by Tesla is the reason the company has been successful during its

      6、short time it has been in operation (Bohnsack,Pinkse,&Kolk,2017).The companys CEO and founder Elon Musk launched Tesla,the mission behind it was to accelerating the advancement of sustainable transport by bringing electric cars into the automobile industry in the fastest time possible.This mission has been at the core of the business model of the company.The approach that Tesla took to get its first vehicle in the market was unique because it did not focus on building a vehicle that was relative

      7、ly affordable after mass producing it rather it focused on creating a distinction car.Tesla established as a company,therefore,it was impossible for them to mass market its first car because they did not enjoy economies of scale in addition to having one technology(Bohnsack, Pinkse, &Kolk,2017).The first product the company was to manufacture was limted to be expensive all factors considered,and for this reason,they decided to build a sports car as it had a better chance of competing with its al

      8、ternatives that used gasoline.Teslas business model was then reinforced as soon as it established its brand.The company focused on direct sales instead of using franchised dealerships.It has been able to do this by creating an international network of showrooms that are owned only by Tesla and galleries around the globe and mostly in big cities.The company has combined many service centers with sales centers and also has rangers who can service ones vehicle while in the comfort of a persons home

      9、(Gnther,Kannegiesser, &Autenrieb,2015).Tesla has also created supercharger stations where people who own Tesla vehicles can charge their cars for free for around 30 minutes.The reason behind building these stations is to rapidly increase the rate of adoption of electric cars.Tesla aims to add other supercharger stations to the existing network across Europe,Asia,and the United States.Raw MaterialsMassari&Ruberti(2013)defines raw materials as essential items in their semi-processed,modified or natural state,which are utilized as input to the processes of production.This process is conducted for following transformation or modification into finished products.Some of the raw materials include aluminum and steel.For example,Tesla Model 3 chassis and body will be entirely made of steel.Steel is more advantaged as compared to aluminum.Its because steel has lower costs of production equipment,lower costs of repair,reduced employee


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