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雅思小作文 柱图大全

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  • 文档编号:88914627
  • 上传时间:2019-05-13
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    • 1、雅思小作文 柱图,The graphs below show the types of music albums purchased by people in Britain according to sex and age.,The three bar charts describe in the percentage of the music album sales concerning three genres, namely, pop, rock and classical in the UK, and the overall purchases are divided by two categories: age and gender. It is exhibited in the graphs that the pop and rock music CDs are sold more than classical music. Whats more, as shown from the charts that men are the bigger consumers com

      2、pared to their counterpart women when it comes to music. It is also worth mentioning that people ages 16 to 24 and from 35 to 44 are more fond of pop and rock On the contrary, those who are older than 45 are more interested in classical music, and their consumption accounts for 20 %, ranks the first, then the next is 17% consumed by people ages 25 to 34, followed by 3 % and o.5 % purchased by those who are 35 to 44 and 16 to 24, respectively. Finally, it must be pointed out that the biggest buye

      3、r of these three kind of music is the group ages 25 to 34.,To sum up, younger people are keen on pop and rock, while classical enjoys more popularity among those who are older than 45. Nevertheless, people who are from 25 to 34 seem to appreciate all three music types.,The bar chart below shows the three main causes of land damage in four different areas.,The bar chart shows information about the areas of land damaged by human activities in four major continents of the world. The areas of land d

      4、amage in Africa and Asia are similar, totaling approximately 1,200 million hectares for each, while in Australia and Europe the numbers are considerably lower, averaging between 300 and 400 million. Looking at the causes behind land damages, it can seen from the chart that in Africa, Europe and especially Australia, breeding is the leading cause of land loss, damaging approximately 500, 110 and 380 million hectares of land respectively. Next comes tree cutting which takes away slightly larger ar

      5、eas of land than farming in all the three regions.,Asia shows a slightly different picture, where tree-cutting activities have led to the largest amount of land loss (450 million hectares). Breeding and farming account for the remaining damage, (380 and 420 million hectares) respectively. Overall, breeding causes the most pervasive damage to land around the world,The charts below give information about USA marriage and divorce rates between 1970 and 2000 and the marital status of adult Americans

      6、 in two of the years.,这两个柱状图对比了1970年至2000年30年里美国人结婚与离婚的人数以及1970和2000年美国成年人的整体婚姻状况。 married and divorced people in the USA 30 years from 1970 to 2000 and the overall marital status of US adults in 1970 and 2000.,The two bar charts compare the number of,over a span of,从图1可以看出,三十年间,结婚的人数逐步下跌,离婚人数呈现波动。图2显示,2000年美国成年人的婚姻状况较之1970年发生了巨大的变化。 As can be seen from the first chart, 30 years, the number of marriages while the number of divorces, fluctuated. The second chart shows that as compared with the si

      7、tuation in 1970, American adults marital status .,over the designated,experienced a steady fall,underwent dramatic changes,首先,1970和1980年,美国的婚姻数字相同,皆为250万例,离婚数却分别高达100万例和140万例。1990年和2000年结婚数的对比是230万:200万,离婚数对比是110万:100万。我们看到,离婚数最多的年份是1980年,同时还看到,2000年的离婚数与1970年持平。 , in 1970 and 1980, there was equal number of marriages in USA, both being 2.5 million. However, divorces were as high as 1 million and 1.4 million respectively. The numbers of marriages for the year 1990 and 2000 were 2.3 million versu

      8、s 2 million while divorces were 1.1 million versus 1 million. We also find that the year 1980 divorces and meanwhile, the number of divorces in 2000,To begin with,witnessed the greatest number of,drew even with that in 1970.,第二,纵览另一图表所示的美国成年人婚姻状况,我们看到:决意不结婚者和离婚者在2000年的百分比都要高于1970年,两组数据的对比分别是20%:14%,9%:3%。在结婚和丧偶两项上,1970年的数据高于2000年,数据对比是70%:60%,8%:3%。 Secondly, as we look at the other chart, we see that the percentages of those who in a marriage and those who chose to end their marriages by divorc

      9、e in 2000 were both higher than figures in 1970. The two groups of figures are 20%:14% and 9%:3% respectively. the other two categories, , married and widowed, the figures for 1970 were higher than those for 2000 and they are 70%:60% and 8%:3% respectively.,were determined not to be,In terms of,namely,由此,我们了解了过去的几十年里美国人对待婚姻的态度以及他们多方面的婚姻状况。 Thus, we the attitudes of Americans towards marriage and their multifaceted statuses in the past decades of years.,have gained an insight into,The graph below shows the different modes of transport used to travel to and from work in one European city in 1950, 1970, and 1990.,变量:时间 交通工具 第一类:数据变化特点 (bike &foot下降,car上升,bus先升后降) 第二类:数据对比的结果 (1950年最常用交通工具,bike & foot) (1950年最不常用交通工具,car) 1990,The bar chart represents a contrast in terms of bus, car, bike, foot as transport tools used by people to go to and from work i

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