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    • 1、http:/ 留学生论文专业定制代写网站留学生Essay写作为什么游客偏爱巴厘岛2.2 Results and DiscussionsThis section presents the results and discussions of the study,which consists of the results of descriptive data from qualitative approach.It also presents the discussions based on the research findings and relates them with possible reasons based on the secondary data or literature review.The findings are based on data sources from qualitative data conducted by the researcher.The purpose of this section is to answer the objectiv

      2、es of the study,which is to determine the tourist perception towards cultural events in Bali and to explore the motivation of people visiting Bali,especially for its culture.2.2.1 Level of InterestLevel of interest of tourist can be determined as one of the factor that influencing people to choose the particular destination.According to the Rapaports(1975)theory about factor that influencing the customer behaviors which can motivate them to go to the destination.It elaborated through this follow

      3、ing topic. Sources about BaliFrom the in-depth interviews informants conducted,all the informants have ever heard about Bali before.Based on how informants get to know Bali, there are several sources.Most of the informants know Bali from word of mouth from informants family and friends.On the other hand,for Indonesian respondent,they know Bali since they were attend school.Beside that,the remaining publicity is from media,like television,books, magazines,brochures;as well as through inter

      4、net,include travel website. For example informants mentioned that their relativesexperiences and stories about Bali is one of the reasons that make the respondents go to Bali,below are the statements of informants:“I will go there.Because my friend told me that the place is nice and the culture is very unique”(French informant/A.4)“I heard it from my parents,because my parents had their honeymoon there,and they said it was really beautiful island”(Singaporean informant/A.10) Attending Bal

      5、inese Cultural EventTourists;who never been and have been to Bali before;indicated that five informants have high interest in attending cultural events in Bali, otherwise there is three informants said that they might be interested in attending cultural events.And the remaining two informants do not have interest in attending cultural events.According to Morgan(1996),the respondent answers ofmaybecould be a huge potential if these respondents can be converted tointerested respondents.In Morgans

      6、model for decision making,it categorized into 5 main steps,such as:Problem recognition(dont know market)Information search(maybe market)Evaluation of alternativesChoice of purchaseEvaluation of post-purchase experienceAs for the maybe market,marketers can use advertisements to create the need for attending the cultural events by sending mails or using media like distributing materials that have information on the cultural events to create their awareness.Findings from interviews by looking at th

      7、eir age group of traveler indicated that most of the traveler that interested in Balinese cultural events is older traveler,whereas four informants said that attending cultural events is one of their purposes of traveling to Bali and the remaining informantsaid not really interest to attend cultural events.One of the informants thought that people who attended the cultural events will have a better understanding about the Balinese tradition,which can see his/her statements below:“as I told you b

      8、efore I want to learn more about their Balinese tradition through their cultural events”(Indonesian informant/B.6)Other respondents thought that differences of cultural events between their country of origin and Bali makes them interested to attend the cultural event in Bali.“Im quite interested with Balinese culture event,because their event is very different with our Japanese cultural events”.(Japanese informant/B.7)Meanwhile for younger traveler;only one respondent interested in Balinese cult

      9、ural events.Another one informant said that he/she will not attend the cultural events in Bali because he/she does not have any interest in culture.The remaining three informants stated that attending cultural events in Bali is not a main purpose but they might decide to attend when they are in Bali.One of respondent of young traveler stated that she might attend the cultural event because she curious about it.“but Im just a bit curious for their cultural dances.So maybe Ill attend there.(Singaporean informant/A.10)Based on the type of cultural events which respondents have the intention to attend,it indicated that six informants show high interest in their intention to attend a cultural festival rather than cultural dances.They mentioned their interest in cultural festival,such as Nyepi,Ngaben, Temple Festival,and Tooth Filling.Most of them


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