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    • 1、,Welcome to our class!,Ready to have fun learning English?,Top 10 inventions in 20th century,Do you know?,atomic bomb,No. 10,No. 9,space shuttle,No. 8,television,No. 7,artificial satellite,No. 6,aspirin,No. 5,airliner,No. 4,personal computer,No. 3,mobile phone,No. 2,internet,No. 1,cloning,Unit 2 Cloning,warming up & reading,What do you think of?,twins,the same,gene,cloning,Dolly,cure ,movie,Natural clone or,Man-made clone?,Dolly the sheep,A strawberry plant,Growing new plants,Twins,is one that o

      2、ccurs in nature.,A natural clone,is one that is produced through human intervention.,(人类介入),A man-made clone,Dolly the sheep,She was while the others were born . Dolly was a _ sheep.,cloned,How does Dolly differ from other sheep?,cloned,naturally,Skim the following passage and get the main idea of each paragraph.,Para 1 Para 2 Para 3 Para 4 Para 5,Reading,The definition(定义) of cloning,The two major uses of cloning and the procedure,The problems of Dolly,The effect of cloning in society,The attit

      3、udes towards cloning,The passage tells us that animal cloning raised and scientists are not sure about its .,arguments,future,Whats the writing style? Expositive(说明性的) Argumentative(议论性的) Narrative(叙事性的) Descriptive(描写性的),Whats the main idea of the passage?,Cloning happens both in _ and in_. They can be cloned by _ and_.,plants,animals,themselves,humans,Natural clone,Man-made clone,Para 1,The definition of cloning,The word “straightforward” means _. uncomplicated honest frank difficult,Para 2,Th

      4、e major uses and procedures of cloning,The cloning of Dolly the sheep succeeded because_. A. its easier to clone a sheep than other animals B. the scientists were determined and worked hard with patience C. the scientists were rewarded and got lots of money D. many other attempts to clone mammals failed,The determination and patience of the scientists paid off. (L9),Para 2,The lamb is the clone of the cell from sheep B because . A. it provides the egg cell B. it gives birth to the lamb C. it pro

      5、vides the nucleus D. it is a female sheep,Para 2,产出,有核卵细胞,无核卵细胞,体细胞,取出细胞核,用电融合细胞,代孕母羊,细胞分裂形成胚胎,How to produce a sheep (我也来当科学家),At first, the fact that Dolly seemed to developed _ was _. Then, came the news that Dolly became_. Altogether Dolly lived_, half the length of the life of _.,Para 3,The problems of Dolly,normally,encouraging,the original sheep,seriously ill,six and a half years,Remove the difficulties:(难不倒),Then came the disturbing news that Dolly had become seriously ill. (分析句子结构),Para

      6、 3,The problems of Dolly,The sheep that donated the somatic cell most probably lived _years. A. 3 B. 6 C. 9 D. 13,Problems: Cloned animals may develop the_of older animals. Cloned animals may lives _than the original one.,as long as / shorter than / longer than,illnesses,shorter,Para 3,The word “controversial” in paragraph 4 probably means_. A. complicated B. arguable C. important,Para 4,The impact of Dolly,On the other hand, Dollys appearance raised a storm of objections and had a great impact

      7、on the media and public imagination.,Remove the difficulties:(Translation),True or false: 1 People feared that Cloned Hitlers would do harm to the world. 2 All the research into human beings will be forbidden. 3 Some countries to accumulate evidence of the abundant medical aid that cloning could provide.,Para 5,Peoples reaction to cloning,Many governments forbade research into human cloning.,Read for information (Its your turn),Read the passage carefully and raise your questions in groups. One g

      8、roup read one paragraph and raise one or two questions according to the paragraph. (我也来当出题专家),Cloning is a way of _ an exact copy of another animal or plant. Cloning has two _ uses. Firstly, gardeners use it to produce plants. Secondly, it is _ for medical research on animals. Cloning plants is straightforward but the cloning of animals is more_. The procedure is difficult to _. In 1996, scientists succeeded in _Dolly the sheep. Then came the disturbing news that Dolly was ill. _ Dolly lived for

      9、 six years and a half , Dollys appearance raised a storm of _. Government became nervous and many _ research into human cloning. Scientists still _ whether cloning will help or harm us and where it is leading us.,making,major,valuable,complicated,undertake,cloning,Altogether,objections,forbade,wonder,Summary,Animal clones may develop of older animals.,Use it to produce of plants,Animal clones may lived than the donor animals.,Cloning can be valuable for .,leaders may want to clone themselves.,Religious leaders raised .,Cloning can help save endangered animals.,Fill in the chart


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