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    • 1、http:/ 留学生论文专业定制代写网站留学生Essay写作预测专注力的个体差异Predicting Individual differences in Mindfulness:The role of Trait Anxiety,Openness and Parental NurturanceAbstractMindfulness is a way of paying attention,intentionally and without judgement to the present moment.Mindfulness training has shown impressive outcomes in a number of areas such as depression and pain reduction; however,the literature has failed to account for natural,individual differences in levels of mindfulness.This research provides an expl

      2、oration of the variables:Trait Anxiety,Openness to Experience and Parental Nurturance and their ability to predict individual differences in Mindfulness.123 participants each completed four questionnaires:The State-Trait Anxiety Inventory(STAI)was used to assess Trait Anxiety,the NEO-FFI was used to measure Openness to Experience,the Parental Nurturance Inventory was used to measure Parental Nurturance,and Mindfulness was assessed using the Freiburg Mindfulness Inventory (FMI).Partially consiste

      3、nt with the predictions,Trait Anxiety was shown to negatively predict Mindfulness,Openness to Experience and Parental Nurturance where not as strong predictors of Mindfulness.Key Terms:Mindfulness,Trait Anxiety,Openness,Parental Nurturance.IntroductionMindfulness is a way of paying attention,intentionally and without judgement to the present moment.The practice of Mindfulness originated in East India and is at the heart of Buddhist meditation.According to Kabat-Zinn(1994,4)This kind of attention

      4、 nurtures greater awareness, clarity,and acceptance of present-moment reality.A lack of or reduced awareness to the present-moment,however,has the opposite affect which results in fear drivenunconscious and automatic actions and behaviours.Continuing in this pattern of diminished awareness results in erosion to ones confidence and hinders the possibility of a life of satisfaction,health and happiness(Kabat-Zinn,1994).Traditionally,Mindfulness was viewed as a spiritual practice,heavily steeped in

      5、 Buddhism;however,more recently this practice has been widely encouraged in the western society(Baer,2003).According to Baer(2003)there are two main Mindfulness training programmes namely the Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Programme and Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy.Other therapies such as Dialectical Behaviour Therapy,Acceptance and Commitment Therapy and Relapse Prevention incorporate principles of Mindfulness into the programme.Most Mindfulness training programmes run for a serious

      6、of 8-10 weeks,with a one day a week group meeting which is held for approximately 2 hours. Clients are also required to do homework session including 45 minutes per day,6 days a week.Evidence suggests that Mindfulness-based training intervention is effective.Research indicates that Mindfulness-based training is effective in working with borderline personality disorder,mood disorders, pain,generalised anxiety disorder,stress,alcohol and substance abuse, and eating disorders(Baer,2003;Roemer,2002;

      7、Williams,Teasdale, Segal,& Soulsby,2000;Witkiewitz,Marlatt,&Walker,2005;Woodman,Noyes,Black,Schlosser,&Yagia,1999;Zettle&Rains,1989).Without any way of accurately,and objectively measuring levels of Mindfulness,positive findings were attributed to the training alone. Brown and Ryan(2003),however,proposed that individual differences may account for differences in levels of Mindfulness.The introduction of a measure for Mindfulness has made room for researchers to explore this proposal in greater d

      8、epth.The present study attempts to explore a question: to what extent do individual differences influence levels of Mindfulness. The literature highlights three such individual differences that may be of interest:Trait Anxiety,Openness to Experience and Parental Nurturance. The experience of anxiety is one that is familiar to most people;and Kaplan and Sadock(1998)describe the related symptoms as including an uneasy feeling followed by automatic responses such as headaches,perspiring and tightne

      9、ss in the chest.Trait anxiety,as apposed to state anxiety,is a persistent and does not wane in less stressful times.These researchers identify anxiety as having two components,namely awareness to the physiological sensations and awareness to being afraid.These experiences often lead to feelings of embarrassment,and in order to feel justified for the anxiety,people tend to focus on certain,conforming aspects of the environment and overlooking others.As a result of this bias to attention,a person is unable to experience the presence as a whole.Trait Anxiety is therefore expected to have an inverse relationship with Mindfulness.Openness to Experience is one of the five main personality domains and is described by McCrae and John(1992)as encompassing such things as imagination,aesthetic sensitivity,awareness of inner feelings,an inclination towards variety,and intellectual curiosity.Individuals who score high on this sca


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