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    • 1、http:/ 留学生论文专业定制代写网站留学生Essay写作压力对身体的影响Stress:How this effects the human body and can it lead to depression.Abstract:Stress is a natural response reaction that occurs in our bodies every day.We all need an appropriate amount of stress in our lives to perform. When stress levels are controlled,it can be used to our advantage by gaining extra energy and focus,for example,playing a sport or having an interview for a new job.However not everyone has the ability to keep their stress levels under contr

      2、ol.Unable to keep this stress under control and in balance is the problem many people face which often leads to worse difficulties.“The compensatory responses to these stresses are known as stress responses.Based on the type,timing and severity of the applied stimulus,stress can exert various actions on the body ranging from alterations in homeostasis to life-threatening effects and death.”(Yaribeygi,2017)Effects of StressWhen we talk about stress,we all tend to associate this stress happening i

      3、n our minds.However,research shows that your entire body can be affected by stress.When you encounter a perceived threat,or are placed in astressfulsituation,it is your ears and eyes deliver the information they have received to the amygdala(the area of your brain which contributes to emotional processing)which then sends the signal to the hypothalamus(tiny region located at the base of your brain)and HPA (Hypothalamus pituitary adrenal axis)which is various of different interactions between you

      4、r endocrine glands within the brain and on the kidney,which controls and regulates your bodys reaction to stress.When the Hypothalamus and HPA are triggered,it sets off an alarm system within your body(C,Tsigos,and Chrousos GP,2002).Through a combination of nerve and hormonal signals,this system prompts your adrenal glands to release a surge of hormones which includes adrenaline and cortisol.Adrenaline increases your heart rate,elevates your blood pressure and boosts your energy amount.Cortisol,

      5、the primary stress hormone increases blood sugar levels within the bloodstream and also has a number of major effects on the body when too much is secreted within the body.This natural reaction called thestress responseenhances a persons ability to perform well under pressure.“This combination of reactions to stress is also known as the“fight-or-flight”response because it evolved as a survival mechanism,enabling people and other mammals to react quickly to life- threatening situations.”(Harvard

      6、Publishing,2017)Effects of stress on the systems within our body:However,the ability for us humans to keep a constant and appropriate control over our stress can often be misjudged.This misjudgement can cause both short and long-term effects on our bodies.The short-term stress often affects the different systems throughout our body and could possibly lead to more worse problems for a particular system depending on a current or previous fault or problem with that system.For example,the respirator

      7、y system.When an individual is stressed,they will tend breath heavier. Although it is not an issue for most people,those that suffer from asthma or a lung disease such as emphysema,obtaining the oxygen you will need to breathe easier can be very difficult.(American Psychological Association,2017).The most common and least effective short-term effect from stress involves the musculoskeletal system.Muscles tends to tense up immediately when stress is present within the body.“Muscle tension is almo

      8、st a reflex reaction to stressthe bodys way of guarding against injury and pain”(APA,2017).Although these muscle tensions that occur within the body due to stress doesnt have more severe long-term effect,it can still cause more problems if there is a constant occurrence of chronic stress.These problems can include migraine headaches because of tension in the shoulders,neck and head area.Other systems that can possibly be affected by the occurrence of stress includes the cardiovascular, endocrine

      9、,Gastrointestinal,Nervous System,male and female reproductive systems.Both adrenaline and cortisol are the two main hormones produced under stressful conditions and can have a negative effect on the human body if produced in insufficient amounts.As mentioned earlier,adrenaline increase your heart rate and elevates your blood pressure and overtime, this can cause hypertension.Cortisol,along with controlling blood sugar levels,can also cause the endothelium to not function normally. Researchers now have figured out that this could possibly be an early step in activating the process that is called atherosclerosis(cholesterol plaque build-up in your arteries).these changes within your body could increase the chances of a stroke or heart attack(Salam Ranabir,2011).Through the stomachs nervous system,stress can also change the composition and function of the stomachs bacteria which could affect your digestion and entire hea


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