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    • 1、http:/ 留学生论文专业定制代写网站留学生Essay写作戏剧表演理论概述戏剧论文Antonin Artaud and Jerzy Grotowski are two famous artists who presented two different views of humanity within theater.Even though they conceived productions that were religious experiences for the audience and the actors,the nature of the experiences for each artist was different(Albert 73).This is because one of the artists sees man as moral while the other sees man as immoral.Artaud saw performance in theater to be surrounded by cruelty,the meaning of

      2、 cruelty to him was that;there was evil;the act of will was goodness,an effort;to live a good life one was required an act of will,with great effort to offset the inherent evil in the world;hence,it is cruel to live without evil(Bermel 40).Their performances therefore,ended up being similar in several aspects,such as style,artistic goals,and religious experience of theater.In their theatrical style,their performances frequently had the aspect of violence as a major theme.They thought that the pe

      3、rformer should not be separate from their audience during the performance.In the end,both artists had their audiences around and in the action(Chambers 4).Such was seen where they staged their plays in factories,hospitals,schools,airplanes and any real environment.Looking at the aesthetic concept,Artaud and Grotowski both agree that what makes theater to be theater is the relationship between audience and performer(Croyden 20).They also believe that theater performance involves the performer pre

      4、senting the full psychological and emotional essence.According to(Brockett 20)their artistic goals were directed towards the creation of theatrical work that would benefit the whole society.We find that Grotowski theatrical performances were surrounded by the themes of martyrdom,persecution,and suffering of individuals who had debatable worth like that of Christianity.Such themes required and made the audience to think more deeply about their purpose,life and meaning.Conversely,Artauds theatrica

      5、l performance was based on the function of civilian outlet for the performer and the audience of the destructive and negative impulses that are found in every individual(Hayman 13).Jerzy Grotowski is from Poland and was an internationally acclaimed director whose work is mostly found from the Laboratory Theater from1959-1976,which revolutionalised modern theater(Hodge 13).On the other hand,Antonin Artaud was from France,and experimented with various theories within the theater scene in the 30s.H

      6、is work did influence contemporary artists.This paper shall discuss the theater performance theory as it was influenced by Antonin Artaud and Jerzy Grotowski,who were the chief influencers of theater since World War II.Artaud experience in theater saw him go through his profession as an actor,director,avant-gardists,and playwright.He was able to exert posthumous influence on contemporary theater trough his work which was mostly in writing(Oscar&Robert 748).We find that he proclaimed theater to b

      7、e thetheater of crueltythat is based on the development of sensory and gesture actors responses on an extreme level.He required the actors to present an aggressive nature during the development of each stage performance.The purpose of this aggressive development in the actor was to produce the desired audience,through communication on a psychological level through the selected words.This therefore means that Grotowski made use the psychological effect that selected words have in order to realize

      8、 the desired audience for each playwright he staged(Theodore 81).Therefore his performance theory for theater is based on the use of gesture to produce a psychological effect in the audience.His work and ideals only achieved international recognition in the 60s when the production of Royal Shakespeare and Peter Brook Company show cased.These were mostly seen in productions likeThe Persecution and Assassination of Jean-Paul Maratwhich was performed by the Inmates of the Asylum of Charenton(Auslan

      9、der 3).This was under the Direction of the Marquis de Sade.The reason why this piece of art was considered the thwarter of cruelty was the emotional hysteria that was in the performance.Artaud influenced theater performance through his opinion that it was not more of psychological domain but rather it was more of a physical,plastic domain(Kegley&Robert 125).Within such a domain the actor was an athlete of the heart where feelings,actions,emotion was appropriate to the theme.Artaud simply was telling directors and actors that in as much as there was truth in the inner message;this truth to the audience was what they could see from feelings and believing.The desired effect in his performance theory was realized through the use of psychological effects of gestures,words and feelings on the audience.Therefore,this presents the biggest similarity between Artaud and Grotowski in performance theory of theater.Within this con


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