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    • 1、http:/ 留学生论文专业定制代写网站留学生Essay写作研究问卷的编制Construction of appropriate questionnaire itemsSection 2,Question 3Describe what is involved in testing and validating a research questionnaire.(The answer to question 3 should be no fewer than 6 pages,including references)The following criteria will be used in assessing question 3:l Construction of appropriate questionnaire itemsl Sophistication of understanding of crucial design issuesl Plan for use of appropriate sampling method and samplel Plan to address

      2、 validity and reliability in a manner appropriate to methodologyIn order to construct an appropriate research questionnaire,it is imperative to first have a clear understanding of the scope of the research project.It would be most beneficial to solidify these research goals in written form,and then focus the direction of the study to address the research questions.After developing the research questions,the researcher would further read the related literature regarding the research topic,specifi

      3、cally searching for ideas and theories based on the analysis of the construct(s)to be measured.Constructs are essentially“mathematical descriptions or theories of how our test behavior is either likely to change following or during certain situations”(Kubiszyn&Borich,2007,p.311).It is important to know what the literature says about these construct(s)and the most accurate,concise ways to measure them.Constructs are psychological in nature and are not tangible,concrete variables because they cann

      4、ot be observed directly(Gay&Airasian,2003).Hopkins(1998)explains that“psychological constructs are unobservable,postulated variables that have evolved either informally or from psychological theory”(p.99).Hopkins also maintains that when developing the items to measure the construct(s),it is imperative to ask multiple items per construct to ensure they are being adequately measured.Another important aspect in developing items for a questionnaire is to find an appropriate scale for all the items

      5、to be measured(Gay&Airasian,2003).Again,this requires researching survey instruments similar to the one being developed for the current study and also determining what the literature says about how to best measure these constructs.The next step in designing the research questionnaire is to validate it-to ensure it is measuring what it is intended to measure.In this case,the researcher would first establish construct validity evidence,which is ensuring that the research questionnaire is measuring

      6、 the ideas and theories related to the research project.An instrument has construct validity evidence if“its relationship to other information corresponds well with some theory”(Kubiszyn&Borich,2007,p.309).Another reason to go through the validation process is to minimize factors that can weaken the validity of a research instrument,including unclear test directions,confusing and/or ambiguous test items,and vocabulary and sentence structures too difficult for test takers(Gay&Airasian,2003).After

      7、 developing a rough draft of the questionnaire,including the items that measure the construct(s)for this study,the researcher should then gather a small focus group that is representative of the population to be studied(Johnson,2007).The purpose of this focus group is to discuss the research topic,to gain additional perspectives about the study,and to consider new ideas about how to improve the research questionnaire so it is measuring the constructs accurately.This focus group provides the rese

      8、archer with insight on what questions to revise and what questions should be added or deleted,if any.The focus group can also provide important information as to what type of language and vocabulary is appropriate for the group to be studied and how to best approach them(Krueger&Casey,2009).All of this groups feedback would be recorded and used to make changes,edits,and revisions to the research questionnaire.Another step in the validation process is to let a panel of experts(fellow researchers,

      9、professors,those who have expertise in the field of study)read and review the survey instrument,checking it for grammatical errors,wording issues,unclear items(loaded questions,biased questions),and offer their feedback.Also,their input regarding the validity of the items is vital.As with the other focus group,any feedback should be recorded and used to make changes,edits,and revisions to the research questionnaire(Johnson,2007).The next step entails referring to the feedback received from the focus group and panel of experts.Any issues detected by the groups must be addressed so the research questionnaire can serve its purpose(Johnson,2007) .Next,the researcher should revise the questions and research questionnaire,considering all the input obtained and make any other changes that would improve the instrument.Any feedback obtained regarding the wording of items must be carefully considered,because the part


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