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    • 1、http:/ 留学生论文专业定制代写网站留学生Essay写作Uber应该在伦敦被禁吗?On September 22nd,2017,the city of London,England declared that it will not re-issue Uber Technologies Inc.s(“Uber”or the“Company”)private-car hiring license that was set to expire on September 30th,2017.The months following led to an appeal to Transport for London(“TFL”)by Uber,which become a stalled and slow process that ultimately could take years to move forward.While the appeal could take up to a year to fully process,the commissioner of TFL,Mike B

      2、rown,and Uber were able to converse in early November over potential resolutions prior to Ubers hearing in December(Smith,2017).Although talks between the Company and TFL ultimately have not become deciding factors in the appeal,they are important in creating a professional dialogue between the two bodies.As the Company has tried its best to develop a relationship with the city of London,two Uber employees came into the public eye.Yaseen Aslam and James Farrar,two Uber drivers based in London wo

      3、n a legal dispute on behalf of a group of nineteen Uber drivers in early November.The dispute,which involved the category in which Uber drivers were to be placed,ended with upholding regulation to deem all drivers as workers for Uber rather than self-employed.This regulation enforces the Company to pay all of its workers a minimum wage,allow time off,and holiday pay(Rao,2017).Another defeat in UKs court system has not only damaged Ubers reputation in the island nation even more but made the comp

      4、anys London division increasingly susceptible to an unfavorable outcome in its upcoming December hearing.Financially,Uber has done very well,especially in the United Kingdom.Boasting over 3.5 Million users in London alone(Cummins),the giantride-shareservice company keeps over 40,000 people employed in the city(Rao,2017).Simply put,Ubers status as a licensed taxi orride-shareservice is very important to the economy of London and its people.Stakeholders in the companys continued operation in the B

      5、ritish capital include local users as well as far-reaching shareholders spanning the globe.It is because of Ubers large role that we need to pose the question,“Should Uber be allowed to operate in London with less restrictive regulation than other taxi services?”.Stakeholder(s)StakesTransport for London,governmental organization: TFLs stake is the well-being and protection of its citizens from malpractices and the legality of business operations dealing in transportation.Due to their power as th

      6、e decision maker in renewing Ubers license in London,they are considered one of the most powerful stakeholders.Uber drivers :Drivers of Uber are one of the most urgent and legitimate stakeholders because of the direct impact the decision would make on their jobs and careers.Uber drivers outside of London :While not directly impacted by the outcome,Ubers international drivers are affected by the possibility of other cities following in Londons footsteps of barring Uber.Uber clients in London :Ube

      7、r is fairly popular in London,with 40%of the population having used Uber at one point.Their clients would have to find an alternative,such as using Black Cabs,which are generally more expensive.They are directly impacted by the outcome and therefore can be considered an urgent stakeholder as well as a legitimate one.Uber Shareholders/Investors :As 5%of all of Ubers revenue stream,Londons consumer base for Uber is a considerable market.Losing this market could dissuade potential and current inves

      8、tors and shareholders through lost faith in the company.These investors and shareholders are responsible for Ubers existence as a company which makes them a very powerful,urgent,and legitimate group of stakeholders.New Car sales companies: Since most Uber drivers use their own cars for transportation,and some Uber drivers buy and lease cars specifically so they can get potential discounts,the outcome of this decision will materially impact car sales.London Public Transit Commuters: If Uber loses

      9、 its license,there is a good chance that previous Uber clients will opt for public transportation which is a cheap alternative,causing a large influx of commuters and crowding the already crowded public transportation options.London police :Uber is well known to use anti-law enforcement business tactics.There is the distinct potential that if Ubers right to operate is revoked,they may still operate under-the-radar causing more work for Londons police to make sure Uber is compliant with their laws.Londons air quality :London is notorious for having one of the worst air qualities in the EU,and reducing the number of people driving will help improve the air quality situation.This affects all Londoners and tourists.Gas stations :Uber contributes to a decent amount of various gas stations revenues,as their business is to drive all day which consumes gasoline.Reducing the amount and frequency of


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