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    • 1、http:/ 留学生论文专业定制代写网站留学生Essay写作道德伦理提供了正确的解释吗?This essay shall discuss whether or not virtue ethics offers a convincing account of what it is to be morally right.It shall focus on Hursthouses version of virtue ethics,which shall be outlined first,and the positives of this argument:that it allows for different actions in different situations,and does not justify mass atrocities as a result.Four criticisms shall then be put against virtue ethics:that it is not action guiding;it does not explain cult

      2、ural difference;it offers no guidance for virtue conflict;and that it relies on either a circularity or,at best,the argument being superfluous.With only one of these criticisms being answerable,it shall then be ultimately concluded that virtue ethics does not offer a convincing account of what it is to be right.Hursthouses argument of virtue ethics is an updated version of Aristotles original work.She claims that an action is right“iff it is what a virtuous agent would characteristically do in t

      3、he circumstances”(Hursthouse,1996:646).Virtue ethics,then,makes an essential reference to the virtuous person,which Hursthouse claims is a person who“acts virtuouslyone who has and exercises the virtues”(Hursthouse,1996:647).It is a trivial truth that a virtuous person does what is right,according to all moral theories.However,virtue ethics differs from other arguments in that it claims that an action is right in virtue of it being what the virtuous person would do.The concept of what is a virtu

      4、e,then,must be established.In this,Hursthouse makes her claim to Aristotle,arguing that a virtue is“a character trait a human being needs for eudaimonia,to flourish or live well”(Hursthouse,1996:647).This links to Aristotles work The Nicomachean Ethics,in which he claims eudaimonia is living a flourishing,happy life,which he views as the ultimate end and goal of a persons life(Aristotle,340bc).A virtue is any trait which will make an addition to this flourishing life,arguably termed the“positive

      5、 traits”,such as kindness or charity.Here,virtue ethics demonstrates a shift from the deontic concepts of deontology and consequentialism;not claiming that an action“ought”or“ought not”to be done.Instead,there is a justification of actions in terms of areteic concepts;claiming that an action is“kind”or“callous”,for example.It can now be summarised what makes an action right according to virtue ethics.An action will be right iff it is what a virtuous agent would characteristically do in the circu

      6、mstances.The virtuous agent would characteristically do the action in the circumstances iff the trait which leads to the action is a virtue.Finally,the trait which leads to the action will be a virtue iff it would increase the eudaimonia of the agent.There are positive things to be said of Hursthouses argument for virtue ethics.Firstly,by stating an action is right“iff it is what a virtuous agent would characteristically do in the circumstances”,there is an allowance for variation in action depe

      7、ndent on the situation,which is more in line with our pragmatic moral practice.This escapes the rigidity and often counter-intuitive rules of deontology.Secondly,whilst it allows for variation in moral practice,it doesnt allow for the atrocities which consequentialism justifies as a consequence of its situational variation.This is because virtue ethicsargument depends on what the virtuous person would do and,arguably,it would be said that the virtuous agent would not act in the way consequential

      8、ism argues for,by allowing mass murder or torture under certain extreme circumstances,for example.However,there are decisive criticisms against virtue ethics.The first criticism is that it does little to tell us exactly how to act;it is not action guiding.Virtue ethics states that we should act as the virtuous person would.This gives no other instruction than“act virtuously”,which perhaps can be further developed into“act kindly”or“do not act callously”.However,there is no further instruction th

      9、an this,and nothing to say whether an action will be kind or just;a person is left to rely on their pre-understanding and belief.Hursthouses response to this criticism seems to be that this is all the instruction that we need.She argues:“We can now see thatvirtue ethicscomes up with a large numberof ruleseach virtue generatesa prescriptionact honestly,charitably,justly.”(Hursthouse,1996:648).When acting,we need only ask ourselves“is this act just?”or“is this act kind?”,and the response to the question,being either“yes”or“no”,will dictate whether or not an act should be done or not.This response to the objection does little to answer the original concern,and leads to the second criticism.Hursthouse claims that in order to determine whether an act is just,or kind,or deceitful,a person should seek out those who they consider to be their moral and virtuous superior,and ask their advice(Hursthouse,1996:647-648)


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