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    • 1、http:/ 留学生论文专业定制代写网站留学生Essay写作CSA的符号框架方法Children Support Agency Case StudyIntroductionThe use and potential benefit to system developers is examined by use of the Semiotic Framework method in the case study information supplied regarding the Children Support Agency(CSA).Analysis of Semiotic FrameworkThe framework as described by Kangassalo et al(1995)(1)refers to the work of Stamper(1987)(2)as it applies to information systems,and distinguishes the four levels of properties as empirics,syntactic

      2、,semantics,and pragmatics.This is likened to a semiotic ladder running from the physical world to the social(business)world.The semiotic framework consists of two main components,these being the human information functions and the IT platform considerations.These are both split to three sub-components.Social World,developer actives would be:To determine how best to match the negative responses of some staff to new technology with the high expectations of others,by designing a system which takes

      3、account of both To ensure the legal aspects such as compliance with the Data Protection Act(DPA)(2)are addressed.To ensure contractual information is protected in transmission.To meet the cultural standards held by those who work in an organisation whose purpose is to support disadvantaged young people.Issues are:Lack of computer literacy among some CSA staff,its status as a charity will probably restrict funding available for the system,feelings of protection for financial data versus lack of(a

      4、pparent)concern voiced about personal data of vulnerable young people.The wish to accommodate training in IT for young people,without concern that this may lead to opportunities for any who have anti-social tendencies to affect the overall operation of the system by having access.The lack of realisation that todays young people in the age range 12 to 24,whether from a deprived or difficult family background may be conversant with the use of computers._1.Kangassalo et al,(1995),p 358.2.Stamper et

      5、 al,(1987),p 43-78.3.Data Protection Act 1998.Pragmatics,developer activities would be:To attempt resolution between conflicting attitudes in conversation which were expressed about the value of the system,and consider capital and revenue funding for the new system.Issues are:To determine how the system would be supported,and responsibility for the support.Semantics,developer activities would be:To attempt to model the syntactic structures,which are by nature,the technical concerns,to the semant

      6、ic which concern the world are matched,in a machine-independent manner.Issues are:Security concerns,which are people-related,with system issues,which are software dependent.Syntactics,developer activities would be:The formalisation of documentation of the system specification,and outline the programming requirements.This is the bridge between the conceptual and the formal rules governing system development.Issues are:The documentation may only be understood by the IT people who create the system

      7、Empirics,developer activities would be:To estimate the number of data fields required,their volume,the speed with which they require to be transmitted,and the overall performance as perceived by the user.Issues are:Limited information available,combined with inability of potential users to express these attributes.Physical World developer activities would be:To analyse of existing systems,networks,hardware and software.Estimation of storage and retention of data requirements,physical condition o

      8、f room housing system equipment and communications,power supply,entrance restrictions to sensitive areas,policy on removal of media from buildings,printout handling,access by young people to IT equipment.Issues are:Replacement of existing communication links,introduction of encrypted traffic,offsite storage of backups,disaster recovery,software licences,fire detection and suppression,volumes of data transmitted and stored.To separate young peoples IT equipment.System requirements specificationHa

      9、ss et al(2007)(4)explains requirements analysis and specification as the activities involved in assessing information gathered from the organisation involved regarding the business need and scope of the desired solution.The specification is the representation of the requirements in the form of diagrams and structured text documents.Tan(2005)(5)describes the use of a rich picture asa structuralas opposed to apictorialdescription.It allows the practitioners to use any form of familiar symbols to depict activities and events,plus taking into consideration,conflicting views.The definition of a use case(Seffah et al 1999)(6)is a simplified,abstract,generalised use case that captures the intentions of a user in a technology and implementation independent manner.Use case modelling is today one of


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