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高一(上)必修一 Unit 3 Workbook

  • 卖家[上传人]:ths****59
  • 文档编号:72357265
  • 上传时间:2019-01-22
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    • 1、Unit 3 Travel journal Workbook,必修一,Listening,1 Discuss what you know about Laos and go over the exercises below before listening.,Laos Tibet Vientiane,Vietnam plains border,Village candles lights,truck ducks chickens,2 Listen and tick the words you hear on the tape.,1. Which border of Laos is made by the Mekong River?,The western border of Laos.,2. What did Wang Kun and his sister see when they cycled across the plains?,They saw low mountains covered in trees.,3 Listen again and answer these que

      2、stions in pairs.,3. Which is the best season to travel to Laos? Why?,Autumn is the best season to travel in Laos because it is cool and dry.,4. What did the river sound like?,The river sounded like a man singing in a low voice.,5. How did they go to Vientiane(万象) after lunch?,After lunch they went to Vientiane by bus.,Listening Text,The next day we crossed the border into Laos. We were interested to learn that most of the western border of Loas is formed by the Mekong River. The country also has

      3、 the smallest number of people in Southeast Asia, so there is plenty of space for villages and fields.,As we cycled across the plains, we could see many low mountains covered in trees. Autumn is the best time to travel here. The weather was so cool and dry that it was pleasant to ride alongside the river. On our third night we slept in a small village on little pieces of wood. The village had no lights.,In a few houses, however, we could see candles. It was very quiet. On the small road near the

      4、 village, we heard only one truck all night. However, the river sounded like a man singing in a low voice. The next morning we made an early start and travelled quite far before lunch.,Along the way, strange buses called tuc-tuks passed us. For lunch we ate a special noodle soup. After lunch we were tired so we put our bikes on a bus going to Vientiane-the capital of Laos. A cage of chickens sang to us all the way!,view bend flow transport forecast pace,Look at the sentences below and find the c

      5、orrect word to fill in the blanks. Then decide whether each word is being used as a verb or a noun.,Using Structures,1 Some words can be used as a noun and a verb, for example.,Picking up something heavy, you should_ your knees. A_ in the river makes the water slow its speed. 2.I love this house with its wonderful_ across this valley. It is too late to_ this house today. Lets go tomorrow.,bend (v),bend (n),view (n),view (v),3.The Mekong River_ into the South China Sea. Many people like to see th

      6、e_ of ice near the Antarctic.,4.You can_ goods to other countries by sea or by air. The quickest method of_ in London is by Underground.,flows (v),flow (n),transport (v),transport (n),It is difficult to be correct when you_ the future. The weather_ is not always accurate either. 6.The tortoise moves at a very slow_ . If you_ yourself, you will be able to work efficiently.,forecast (v),forecast (n),pace (n),pace (v),as usual graduate parcel forecast schedule insurance attitude,Ever since I _ from

      7、 university, Ive regretted that I didnt work harder. I seldom followed my own work _.,graduated,schedule,2 Use the following words or expressions in the correct form to fill in the passage. Then try to translate it into Chinese.,My_ then was not serious enough even though my father_ trouble for me. _ he was right. I tried to get a job in an_ company, but I failed. Now I work in a post office checking_ every day. Although I still smile, I am not that happy.,attitude,forecast,As usual,insurance,pa

      8、rcels,3 Translate the following sentences into English, using the words in brackets.,1.当我们发现山洞时已是深夜. (midnight; cave) 2.在那座山上有一座海拔高达3,000米的一座庙宇. (temple; altitude),It was midnight when we found the cave.,On that mountain lies a temple at an altitude of more than 3,000 metres above sea level.,3. 明亮的火焰熊熊地燃烧,水壶里的水开始沸腾. (flame; boil) 4. 这家店卖质量很好的羊毛枕头和被子. (wool; pillow; quilt),The flame of the fire burnt brightly and the kettle began to boil.,The shop spells good wool pillows and quilts.,5. 每年成千上万的蝴蝶

      9、会从各个地方来到泉边. (butterfly) 6. 他看起来像个善良又可靠的人,课实际上他只在乎自己的钱. (reliable),Every year thousands of butterflies fly to the spring from all places around it / everywhere.,He looks like a nice and reliable man, but in fact the only thing he cares about is money.,7. 孩子们在蓝蓝的天空下建起了沙滩城堡. (castle; beneath),The children are building sand castles beneath a blue sky.,1 Complete each dialogue with the verbs given, using the present continuous tense and other tenses as necessary.,HARRY: _ Sarah_ (come) on the trip tomorrow? CINDY: Yes. She_ (leave) tomorrow morning. HARRY: Do you know what time?,Is,coming,is leaving,Using Structures,CINDY: She _ (leave) the house at seven oclock and will catch the train at eight.,is leaving,MATTHEW: How_ you_

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