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    • 1、国际技术与服务贸易课程论文 我国服务贸易对服务业就业影响研究广西科技大学国际技术与服务贸易课程论文课题名称 学 院 财经学院 专 业 国际经济与贸易 2017 年 12月 18 日目 录摘 要2ABSTRACT4一、绪 论7研究背景7研究意义8二、我国服务贸易与就业现状分析9(一)我国服务贸易的总体发展现状 91.服务进出口占对外贸易比重持续提升92.服务贸易逆差进一步扩大103.服务贸易结构继续优化114.服务外包业务发展迅速11(二)我国服务贸易发展中存在的问题12(三)我国服务业就业情况分析131.服务业就业人数增长132. 2016年我国服务业成为吸纳就业的主体143.产业结构优化也带动了就业的增长14三、服务贸易对服务业就业影响的理论分析15(一)经典理论回顾15(二)国内对服务贸易对服务业就业影响提出的理论16四、服务贸易影响服务业就业的机理分析17(一)直接效应17(二)间接效应17五、对于服务贸易与服务业关系的建议19参考文献21摘 要随着全球服务业的迅速发展,服务贸易对经济的影响日益凸现.而就业问题已经成为中国经济发展过程中的首要问题,由于中国国情的特殊性,解决就业问


      3、提高劳动者技能水平;增加对现代服务业资本要素的投入;产业政策应重视对最终服务消费需求的刺激;推动服务贸易自由化;提高服务业劳动生产率,促进服务部门实际工资水平的提高。关键词:服务业,服务贸易,服务业就业ABSTRACTAlong with the rapid development of international services industries, the impact of services trade on economy is increasingly obvious. Employment has become the primary problem of developing process of China economy. Due to specially of national conditions of China, solving problem of employment cant solely depend on domestic consumption and investment, but should adopt various methods.

      4、According to trade multiplier theory, services trade will have impact on domestic employment including services employment by improving national economy. This paper aims at analyzing the effection of services trade on employment from the angle of the theoretical in China. First,based on the traditional theory of international trade and Production Functions, the article has analysis the employment effects of Chinas service trade from theoretical aspect. On this basis, the article has a simple con

      5、duction mechanism analysis of the employment effects of trade in services. The results showed that, trade in services exports is conducive to the expansion of service sector employment, the employment effects of services imports need further demonstrated because it is uncertain and services trade has not only direct effects but also indirect effrects on service sector employment.Second, the description of the status quo of Chinas service trade and service sector employment showed that trade in s

      6、ervices and Chinas 3service sector employment both are basically in a steady growth trend, the growth rate of the service sector employment is much lower than that of trade in servces. There is a certain similarity in industry distribution of services trade and service sector employment, both of them focused in the traditional labor-intensive service industries, and modern service industries increased gradually. The major proportion of service trade and service sector employment are concentrated

      7、 in the castern region and trade services had greater regional differences.Finally, according to the conclusions of the former analysis, the article put forward the following suggestions. That is to promote the liberalization of trade in services , increase the level of total trade in services , accelerate the development of modern service industry and the upgrading of traditional service sectors , promote the export trade of services , increase the investment of human capital , improve the skil

      8、l level of the workers , increase investment in the capital elements of modern service industries , and the industrial policy should pay attention to the stimulus to the end - service consumption demand, promote the liberalization of service trade , increase the labor productivity of the service industry and promote the improvement of the actual wage level of the service sector .KEY WORDS: Service industry;Trade in services; Service sector employment5一、绪 论研究背景服务业目前已成为越来越多国家社会经济发展的主阵地,其发展水平正成为衡量一



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