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    • 1、Translation. (P 91-120)1. 我们应该和同学们友好相处,而不是把自己孤立起来。(isolate from )2. 课间,走廊里挤满了学生。(be jammed with)3. 别嫉妒别人的成就。(jealous)4. 时间虽然很晚了,老师们依然坚持工作直到完成阅卷任务为止。(keep to sth.)5. 要搞科学研究,首先要跟上科学的最新发展。(keep up with)6. 驾驶员应该不喝酒。(keep away from)7. 他一拳就把对手击倒了。(knock down)8. 这样一种错误可能导致灾难性的后果。(lead)9. 我们不大会需要外界的什么帮助。(unlikely) 10. 会议可能继续开下去,开到很晚。(likely)11. 坐落在市中心,这个购物中心很受顾客的欢迎。 (locate)12. 我们的最后一次谈话使我期盼着和你再次相见。 (look forward)13. 教师应该尽量让所有学生参与课堂教学活动。(involve)14. 整个故事完全是虚构出来的。 (make)15. 医疗队由十二名医生组成。(make)16. 什么也不能补偿他

      2、们所受的痛苦。(make)17. 大部分的人似乎都喜欢看比赛,而不喜欢参加比赛。(majority)18. 即使你生气了,你也应该保持耐心和礼貌,这是很得体的。 (manners)19. 最重要的是每天的生活都能充满乐趣。 (matter)20. 既然你得到了这次机会,你何不充分的利用它。 (might as well)21. 为来访的总统举行了宴会。(in honor of)22. 我们买不起汽车,没有车库的事就更不必说了。(not to mention)23. 他被误认为是首相。 (mistaken)24. 这只是个误会。(no more than)25. 由车站走到这里最多十分钟的路程。(not more than)26. 他向我反复强调这工作的重要性。(impress)27. 印度是在四十年代脱离英国而独立的。(independent)28. 他被指控酒后驾车。(influence)29. 他经常去爷爷家问候他。(inquire)30. 这部电影是专供孩子们观看的。(intend)Keys (P 91-120):1. We should get along well with

      3、our classmate rather than isolate ourselves from others.2. The corridor is jammed with students between classes.3. Dont be jealous of other peoples achievements.4. Although it was late, all the teachers still kept to their task until they finished going over all the papers.5. We must keep up with the latest development in science, if we want to make scientific research.6. A driver must keep away from liquor. 7. He knocked his opponent down with one blow.8. Such a mistake would perhaps lead to di

      4、sastrous consequences.9. Were unlikely to need any outside help. 10. Its quite likely that the meeting will go on until late.11. Located in the downtown area, the shopping mall is popular with customers. 12. Our last conversation made me look forward to meeting you again.13. A teacher should try his best to involve all the students in class activities.14. The whole story is made up.15. The medical team was made up of twelve doctors.16. Nothing can make up for what they have suffered. 17. A major

      5、ity of people seem to prefer watching games to playing games.18. It is good manners that even if you get angry, you should be patient and polite.19. What matters most is that daily life is full of pleasure.20. Now that you have got the chance, you might as well make full use of it. 21. A banquet was given in honor of the visiting President.22. We cant afford a car, not to mention the fact that we have no garage.23. He was mistaken for the Prime Minister. 24. Its no more than a misunderstanding. 25. It is not more than ten minutes walk from the station.26. He impressed me over and over again with the importance of the work.27. India became independent of Britain in the forties.28. He was charged with driving under the influence of the liquor.29. He often calls at his grandpas to inquire after his health.30. The movie is intended for children.


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