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    • 1、Vocabulary Review III (P61-90)Group 1 A. emphasize B. endurance C. enthusiastic D. entitle E. evolutionF. excursion G. exploit H. extraordinary I. fantastic J. fascinate1. We watched a(n) _ play yesterday evening.2. I must _ the fact that they are only children.3. We went on an _ to the city.4. You must _ all the time to learn English.5. Her _ of pain was incredible.6. Darwins theory of _ is of great importance in human history.7. He is _ about helping others.8. I am very interested in fairy tal

      2、es; they _ me.9. This ticket does not _ you to travel first class.10. She was a truly _ woman.Group 2A. fertilizer B. financial C. flexible D. fluent E. forgetfulnessF. fountain G. funeral H. garbage I. genius J. glorious1. The children played in the _ in the park.2. We are lacking in money and experiencing _ difficulties.3. Working hours should be _.4. Please get some more _ for the garden.5. The soldiers won the _ victory.6. _ pollutes our rivers and streams.7. Einstein is a mathematics _.8. S

      3、he is _ in five languages.9. I am really angry about your _.10. Hundreds of people attended his _ to say goodbye to him.Group 3A. graceful B. greedy C. grocery D. hatred E. historicF. helicopter G. highlight H. hostage I. identification J. illustration1. Her performance looks so relaxed and _.2. He proposed travelling by _.3. May I see your _?4. Are there any places of _ interest that we can visit?5. I can see Beijing is the _ of the world now.6. He looked at the shop window with _ eyes.7. The d

      4、octor gave an _ of the dangers of smoking.8. The _ was empty of vegetables.9. Have you read the article about the rescue of the _?10. _ is blind as well as love.Phrases (P61-90)I. Complete the sentences.1. _ _ _ (某种程度上), Im not _ _ _ (赞成) the plan.2. I was deeply _ _ (吸引) the _ _ (科幻小说).3. It is no good _ money _ power. (用A交换B)4. The animals which _ _ (以为食) grass fail to find the food that hasnt been polluted.5. I hold _ _ _ (坚信) that everyone can learn English well as long as he is much _ _ (暴露

      5、接触) the language.6. To be frank, it is the experiences in the primary school that has laid _ _ _ (为打下基础) his success.7. _ _ (一般而言/通常) lack of communication will give rise to misunderstanding.8. He is very _ _ (熟悉) every tree in this botanic garden.9. He is found to have a _ _ (对有天份) maths.10. The monument was erected _ _ _ (为了纪念) the soldiers who died for the country.11. _ _ (毫不犹豫), I got involved in this adventure. 12. We are still woefully _ _ (对无知) the causes of this disease.13. I shall _ _ (

      6、报名参加) the singing competition.14. Both parents and teenagers must try to bridge the _ _ (代沟) between them.15. The novel is cast _ _ _ _ (以形式) a diary.16. I found it hard to _ _ (认同) any of the characters in the film.17. The worker get medical service _ _ _ (免费).Translation1. 他决定报名参加跳高比赛。(enter)2. 我欠他100英镑,这相当于一周的薪水。(equal)3. 我拿这些货换现金。(exchange)4. 他因病可以不参加这次活动。(excuse)5. 她在战争中经历过许多危险。(expose)6. 在某种程度上我同意你所说的。(extent)7. 你看上去好像很面熟。(familiar)8. 考试结果远远不能令人满意。(far from)9. 你支持这个新项目吗?(favor)10. 她坚信她儿子会成

      7、为一个有用的人。(hold belief)11. 他没有发言,怕说的话得罪别人。(for fear of, offend)12. 我们必须把注意力集中在紧急问题上。(focus)13. 不仅我,汤姆和玛丽也都喜欢游泳。(fond)14. 这篇文章是以信的形式写的。(form)15. Smith先生喜欢住在远离噪声的村子里。(free of)16. 一般说来,老年人每天必须有足够的营养和休息。(generally speaking)17. 塑料燃烧时会放出一种很毒的气体。(give)18. 他装作是英国人,但他的外国口音使他露了陷。(give away)19. 电脑坏了,所以他决定叫人来修。(go)20. 这场音乐会将会给我们看一眼这位超级明星的好机会。(cast a glance)21. 他很小就染上了吸烟的坏习惯。我们一定要设法让他戒掉这一习惯。 (habit)22. 约翰七十岁时把生意交给自己的儿子。(hand over)23. 我希望他没出事。 (happen to sb.)24. 别对他太苟刻,他还小呢。(be hard on sb.)25. 我买这房时,姐姐借给我一笔钱救了急。 (help sb. out with sth.)26. 这两件衣服究竟选那一件,他迟疑了很久。(hesitate over sth.)27. 每个人都应该养成良好的习惯。(cultivate a hobby)28. 这些水很快就会用完。(hold out)29. 看到这么精美的艺术品,大家都钦佩的屏住了呼吸。(hold ones breath)30. 看到那小偷想带着偷来的东西溜走,他一把抓住了小偷的脖子。(catch hold of)31. 在杭州自行车是按小时付费租用的。(by the hour)32. 你知道,我对这些事一无所知。(be ignorant of)Adverbial Clause (状语从句)I.Adverbial Clause of Time (时间状语从句)Exercise 1: Read the following sentences and put them into Chinese.1. When I


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