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    • 1、The InfinitiveI. 不定式的时态和语态(以write 为例)主动语态被动语态一般式to writeto be written进行式to be writing/完成式to have writtento have been written不定式的否定形式是 “not+ 不定式”Exercise 1: Translate the following sentences into Chinese:1. Thomas was heard to be quarrelling loudly with his wife last night.2. Two scientists claimed to have cloned a human baby. 3. Paul pretended to have seen the wide-screen film. 4. I was fortunate to have been given so much help.5. The young director didnt expect her film to be so well received.6

      2、. I am not to blame.7. He made up his mind to sell the house.8. I happened to be standing next to him when he collapsed. 9. It is a great satisfaction to have revisited the city.10. We have many difficulties to overcome.11. I was to have met her at the station, but I forgot. ( be, wish, hope, intend, want, would like + 不定式完成式)12. There are some problems to solve/ to be solved.*13. The boy is said to have been playing the piano since he was three years old. Practice 1 1. The policemen asked their

      3、 identities(身份) _ (keep) secret.2. When he attended the conference earlier this week, Mr. Green was observed _(suffer) from a bad cold.3. As a lot of questions remain _ (solve), they wont be able to finish before the deadline. 4. The old temple is said _ (destroy) in a fire one hundred years ago. 5. We would like _ (go) to the football match, but the tickets were all sold.6. Ben is the only person in his town _ (see) the UFO.7. Revision should not be regarded as something _ (undertake) just befo

      4、re the exam. 8. The theory of earth-centered universe seemed _ (work) well for almost 2,000 years until a new idea was proposed by Copernicus.9. The visitors are requested _ _(not, touch) the exhibits.10. Moments after the Titanic sank, the passengers in the lifeboats realized how fortunate they were _ (survive) the tragedy. II. 不定式在句子中可做的成分Exercise 2 将下列句子翻成中文(注意下列各组划线词组在句中担任的成分)1. To be a good nurse requires patience. 2. It takes a long time and a lot of money to develop a modern farm. 3. It i

      5、s important for us to use our time wisely.4. It was kind of you to help me with my studies. (clever, considerate, brave, honest, wise, thoughtful, silly, etc)5. The important thing is to have a great aim and the determination to attain it. 6. The duties of a postman are to deliver letters and newspapers. 7. The customs officer demanded to search our luggage.8. Please arrange for a taxi to pick us up at 6:00.( afford, agree, attempt, decide, deserve, expect, hope, hesitate, intend, long , manage,

      6、 promise, pretend, refuse, undertake, etc)9. She felt it challenging to join a male profession.10. We believe Andrew to have the best collection of stamps in our town. 11. Clives parents want him to study medicine so as to carry on the family career.(advise, allow, cause, enable, encourage, expect, inform, invite, remind, require, feel, find, wait for, depend on, listen to, etc) 12. Theres no need to bother him with such trifles(小事). 13. We need to create an ideal environment in which to live an

      7、d work.14. Have you got anything to declare?15. This is the third case of murder to occur in this town. 16. I dont think he is the best person to do the job.17. The smell tells the bees what kind of flowers to look for. ( ability, ambition, anything, attempt, effort, failure, intention, need, nothing, opportunity, person, place, plan, promise, time, wish, etc)18. To survive, most birds must eat at least half their own weight in food every day. 19. Adam left his home ten years ago, never to retur

      8、n.20. He went home from his holiday only to find that his house had been stolen. 21. The children laughed to see the clown.22. Judy lived away from her children so as to get some peace.23. I am only too pleased to accept your kind invitation.24. She spoke so quickly as to make us not understand what she expressed.25. He cant have done such a terrible thing as to keep you waiting for so long. 26. He asked how to get to the railway station.27. Do you know when to hand in our homework assignment?28. Our difficulty is where to get enough food.29. What to do next remains undecided.Practice 2 Translate the Chinese in brackets into English, using the infinitive.1. It is inappropriate _. (给公交车司机小费)2. She was considered _(是专家) on animal behavior.3. _(去哪里度假) is not decided.4. The main purpose of the sky lab was (探索人类如何生活和工作) in the space for long periods.5. George attempted unsuccessfully to persuade his secretary _. (别辞职)6. Man differs m


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