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份冀教版英语九年级unit 2同步教学课件 共80张

  • 卖家[上传人]:bin****86
  • 文档编号:57574911
  • 上传时间:2018-10-23
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  • 常见问题
    • 1、“是什么意思?”的几种表达方式,Lesson 7:What Is the Meaning of Life?,life是什么意思? Whats the life? What life ? What you mean life?,meaning,of,does,mean,do,by,关于success的词形变换,1.He is a man. 2.Danny finished the hard work . 3.Her is the result of working hard. 4.Mo Yan in writing. 5.There is no doubt that Mo Yan is a great (succeed) with Nobel Prize. (2014鄂州),successful,successfully,success,succeeded,success,关于“动词+副词”短语,1.请把你们的名字写在这张纸上。Please on this piece of paper. Please on this piece of paper. 2.These words are v

      2、ery important,you must . A.write down it B.write it downC.write them down D.write down them,write,down,your,names,write,your,names,down,agree的用法,1.你同意我的看法吗?Do you me? 2.Does your father a with you,Jeff? Yes.He thinks to be a volunteer in Childrens Hospital is a good job.(2014荆州),agree,with,gree,一、根据首字母或汉语提示写单词 1.What is the m of the word? 2.Please read the (对话)carefully. 3.Well (做调查) our classmates about health. 4.My (邻居)are all good to me. 5.I believe you will (成功) if you dont give up.(2014米泉),

      3、eaning,dialogue,survey,neighbours,succeed,二、单项选择 ( )6.Whats the of “success”? A.mean B.meaning C.means D.meaned ( )7.I wonder my mother and father will say. A.that B.what C.who D.which ( )8.I dont understand the question.Please . A.write down it B.write it downC.put down it D.all the above ( )9.The song sounds ,and we all like it. A.well B.good C.badly D.bad ( )10.He said he would come to see us the next afternoon. A.sometime B.some time C.sometimes D.some times,B,B,A,B,B,( )11.Do we need ? Yes,

      4、we do.A.happy B.be happy C.to be happy D.being happy ( )12.He was sitting there without any words.He seemed to be deep thought. A.in B.for C.at D.over ( )13. do you guess will be the first 10 top students in English in your school next term? A.Who B.Whom C.Which D.What ( )14.The teachers agree to the park. A.with B.go C.to go D.going ( )15.If you put your heart into studying English,you will bein the future.(2014安顺改编) A.success B.succeedC.successful D.successfully,C,A,C,A,C,三、句型转换 16.Liu Xiang i

      5、s a good player.Do you think so?(改为含有宾语从句的复合句)Do you think Liu Xiang a good player? 17.His life is successful.(对画线部分提问)you think of his life? 18.Life means to be successful and famous. (对画线部分提问)does life ? 19.What does the word mean?(改为同义句)What is the the word? What you mean the word? 20.I cant decide which sweater I should buy.(改为简单句)I cant decide which sweater .,that,is,What,do,What,mean,meaning,of,do,by,to,buy,四、任务型阅读,Thomas Edison was a famous American scientist.He was born in 1847.When he w

      6、as a child,he liked to find out how things worked.He was in school for only three months.He asked his teacher a lot of strange questions.Most of them had nothing to do with his lessons.The teacher thought the boy was not bright and was not worth (值) teaching.When he told this to Edisons mother,she took her son out of school.As she had been a teacher,she taught him herself.The boy read a lot.Soon he became very interested in science.At the age of ten,Edison had already built a chemistry lab for h

      7、imself.Ever since then,he never stopped searching for new and better ways to do things.,21.When was Edison born?22.What did Edison do while he was in school?. 23.Who did Edison learned more from, his mother or his teacher?24.What subject was young Edison interested in?25.From what time did he never stop searching for new and better ways to do things?.,He was born in 1847.,He asked his teacher a lot of strange questions while he was in,school.,His mother,Science.,Ever since ten years old,he never

      8、 stopped searching for new and,better ways to do things.,谢谢观赏!,“之一”的表达方式,Lesson 8:A Universe of Thought,1.He is one of the best (play) in China. 2.This is one of (interesting) books I have ever read.,players,the most interesting,定语从句,1.任何一个从来没有犯过错误的人也从来不会尝试任何新的事物。Anyone has never made a mistake has never tried anything new. 2.Hi,Kimmy.Do you know Jam Hsiao?Sure.He is a popular singer comes from Taiwan. (2014厦门) A.who B.whichC.whom,who,不定代词的用法,1.We dont want to tell you . A.funny something B.some

      9、thing funnyC.funny anything D.anything funny 2.没有什么重要的人要来。There will be to come. 3.Mum,Ive got important to tell you. Whats up? (2014赤峰)A.nothing B.anythingC.something D.everything,nobody,important,mind的用法,1.Would you mind (关上) the lights when you leave? 2.Zhou Wei has the strongest (大脑). 3.I wouldnt mind a roommate.We can help each other and save money as well.(2014上海) A.having B.to haveC.have D.had,closing,mind,一、用所给词的适当形式填空 1.Mo Yan is one of the (famous) writers in the world. 2.This time is my (hundred) time to try. 3.My father has given up (smoke). 4.I am trying my best (study) physics. 5.My father asked me (go) home on time.,

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