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高中英语 UnitCanada-“The True North” Period Two Integrating Skills课件 新人教版必修

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    • 1、Period Two ,Learning about Language & Using Language,课前预习 基础落实,课堂讲义 核心突破,当堂达标 检测巩固,栏目索引,.单词检测 1. n. 话题 2. vt.& vi. 混合;调配n. 混合(物);混合状态 3. vt. 证实;证明;批准 4. adj. 富有的n. 财富 5. n. 距离;远方,答案,词语识记,课前预习 基础落实,topic,mix,mixture,confirm,wealthy,wealth,distance,答案,6. n. 薄雾adj. 有薄雾的;模糊的 7. adv. 接近;大约 8. n. 黎明;拂晓;破晓 9. adj. 宽阔的;广泛的 10. adv. 在附近adj. 附近的;邻近的,mist,misty,approximately,dawn,broad,nearby,答案,11. n.传统;风俗 12. vt.恐吓;使恐怖,使害怕adj.恐惧的;受惊吓的 13. adj.欣喜的,高兴的 14. vt.使印象深刻;使铭记adj.给人深刻印象的;感人的,tradition,terrify,terr

      2、ified,pleased,impress,impressive,答案,.短语检测 1.in of 负责 2.have an of 占地 3. the distance 在远处 4.as far 远至 5. Dawn 在黎明 6.go 去市区 7.look 检查,charge,area,in,as,at,downtown,over,.阅读课文,判断正(T)误(F) 1.The colourful maple trees and frost on the ground confirmed that autumn had fallen in Canada.( ) 2.Lin Fei,one of schoolmates of Li Daiyus mother,had settled in Canada earlier.( ) 3.Not all people in Montreal spoke French.( ),课文预读,答案,T,T,T,答案,.课文阅读理解 1.What is the main idea of this part? A.What they have done and

      3、 seen during the trip in Toronto and Montreal. B.The cousins feelings about Canada. C.The delicious food and beautiful sights in Toronto and Montreal. 答案 A,1,2,3,答案,2.What did the cousins not see in Toronto? A.The tall CN Tower. B.The misty cloud that rose from the great Niagara Falls. C.The broad St Lawrence River. 答案 C,1,2,3,3.If you want to enjoy Cantonese food,which city will you prefer? A.Toronto. B.Montreal. C.Vancouver. 答案 A,1,2,3,答案,返回,terrify,语境感悟,课堂讲义 核心突破,重点单词,(1)(教材P37)The idea that

      4、there will be an earthquake terrifies many people. 将会有地震的说法吓坏了很多人。 (2)He was terrified of being killed in a gun fight.他很害怕死于枪战。 (3)He terrified her into doing what he wanted. 他恐吓她,使她不得不按他的要求做。,归纳拓展,(1)terrify vt.使恐怖;恐吓 terrify sb.into doing sth.恐吓某人做某事 (2)terrified adj.惊恐的,受惊吓的 be terrified of.对感到惊恐 be terrified at/by被吓了一跳 be terrified that.害怕,图解助记,(1)用terrify的正确形式填空 The stories terribly the girl,which made her mother . (2)单句改错 Many people were all terrified by the terrified scene caused by the

      5、car accident.,答案,即时跟踪,terrifying/terrible,terrified,terrified,terrifying,mix,语境感悟,(1)(教材P37)The families who have lived in Canada for a long time are usually all mixed up. 在加拿大长期居住的家庭通常都被同化。 (2)He never mixes business with his private feelings. 他从不在工作中掺入他的私人感情。 (3)He read the letter with a mixture of relief and joy. 他怀着安心和欢喜的复杂心情读了这封信。,归纳拓展,(1)mix vt.& vi.混合;调配;交往 mix up弄乱,弄错;使充分混合 mix.with.把与混合起来 be/get mixed up with.与交往;与厮混 (2)mixed adj.混合的 (3)mixture n.混合(物);混合状态 a mixture of.的混合物,答案,即时跟踪,(1)

      6、单句语法填空 They look so alike that its easy to mix them . As is known to us,oil cant mix water. I listened to his adventure with a (mix) of amusement and disbelief. (2)单句改错 A mixing society includes people of different classes,tastes,etc.,up,with,mixture,mixed,confirm,语境感悟,(1)(教材P38)The next morning the bushes and maple trees outside their windows were red,gold and orange,and there was frost on the ground,confirming that fall had arrived in Canada. 第二天早上,在她们的车窗外到处是灌木丛和枫树,挂满朱红、赤金和橘黄色的叶子,地面上覆盖了一层薄霜,表明

      7、秋天已经来到了加拿大。 (2)His words confirmed that the election would take place on June 20th. 他的话证实选举将在6月20日举行。 (3)It has been confirmed that it is the most effective treatment. 已证实这是最有效的治疗方法。,归纳拓展,(1)confirm vt.证实;证明;批准;确认 confirm sth./that./wh-clause证实;进一步确定 confirm sb.as.任命某人为 It has been confirmed that.已经确定 (2)confirmation n.证实;确定;批准;确认,答案,完成句子 (1)已证实水对我们十分重要了。that water is fundamental to us. (2)在这个赛季剩余的一段时间内,他被任命担任队长。 He captain for the rest of the season.,即时跟踪,It has been confirmed,was confirmed as,

      8、tradition,语境感悟,(1)(教材P38)Most of us speak both English and French,but the city has French culture and traditions. 我们大多数人都说英语和法语,但是这座城市具有法国文化和传统。 (2)It is a tradition that women get married in red in most places of China. 女人结婚时穿红色衣服是中国大部分地方的风俗。 (3)By tradition,children can get money in red paper in the Spring Festival. 根据习俗,孩子们在春节可以得到压岁钱。,归纳拓展,(1)tradition n.传统;风俗 It is a tradition to do sth./that.做某事是个传统 by tradition按照传统 (2)traditional adj.传统的;惯例的 (3)traditionally adv.传统上;习惯上;传说上,易混辨析,tradition,

      9、habit,custom,(1)tradition指一个民族所共同拥有的某种品质或做法,意为“传统”。 (2)habit指个人长期形成的“习惯”或动物的“习性”。 (3)custom指一个地区的人们共同遵循的“风俗;习俗”。,答案,(1)用tradition的正确形式填空 ,college students hold a graduation ceremony to encourage themselves before they set off on their life journey. May Day is a day for celebrations.(2015福建),即时跟踪,Traditionally,traditional,答案,(2)选词填空,Social vary greatly from country to country. He has fallen out of the of drinking. Sharing bread or other foods is a common human that can promote unity and trust.(2015安徽),customs,habit,tradition,impress,语境感悟,(1)(教材P39)What impressed you? 什么给你深刻印象? (2)My father impressed on me the importance of hard working. 我父亲要我牢记努力工作的重要性。 (3)He unfortunately passed away last year due to his cancer,but he left a deep impression on me.(2015江苏) 不幸的是,由于患癌症他于去年去世了,但是他给我留下了很深的印象。,

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