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    • 1、AustraliaAustraliaQuizQ1: Whats the capital of Australia?Q3: In which city were the 2000th Olympic Games held?CanberraEnglishSydneyQ2: Whats the official language?Go into Australia!The national emblem of AusThe national flag of AustraliaKangaroo and Emu 1 Union Jack (the flag of United Kingdom )2 Southern Cross constellationThe HistoryThe HistoryThe GovernmentThe GovernmentThe EconomyThe EconomyAttractionsAttractionsTheThe LandLandTabooTaboos s and Social Etiquette and Social EtiquetteMajor Citi

      2、es Major Cities AustraliaAustralial Amazing 叹为观止 l Unexpected 超乎想象 l Stylish 时尚之巅 l Tempting 诱人魅力 l Relaxing 悠然一刻 l Adventurous 体验极限 l Liberating 自由自在 l Inspiring 灵感无限 l Attractive 梦萦魂牵The name Australia derived from the Latin austral which means “southern“. Geographically isolated?Its the smallest continent in the world and its the biggest island in the world.Western Western AustraliaAustraliaNorthern Northern TerritoryTerritorySouthSouth AustraliaAustraliaNew SouthNew South WalesWalesQueenslan

      3、dQueenslandVictoriaVictoriaTasmaniaTasmaniaAustralia Australia CapitalCapitalThe Landl Land area: approximately 7,750,000 sq km l Climate: generally arid to semiarid; temperate in south and east; tropical in north l Terrain: mostly low plateau with deserts; fertile plain in southeast History of AustraliaThe PeoplelPopulation: 21,700,000 (March 2009) lPopulation growth rate: 0.87% lEthnic groups: Caucasian92%, Asian 7%, aboriginal and other 1% (2001) lLanguages: English 79.1%, Chinese 2.1%, Itali

      4、an 1.9%, other 11.1%, unspecified 5.8% (2009)The Governmentl Conventional name: Commonwealth of Australia l Capital: Canberra l Government type: democratic, federal-state system recognizing the British monarch as sovereign constitutional monarch l Administrative divisions: 6 states (South Australia, New South Wales, Queensland, Victoria, Tasmania and Western Australia) and 2 territories (Northern Territory and the Australian Capital Territory)The GovernmentlIndependence: 1 January 1901 (federati

      5、on of UK colonies) lNational holiday: Australia Day, 26 January lSuffrage: 18 years of age; universal and compulsory lLegal system: based on English common law; accepts compulsory ICJ jurisdiction The EconomylGDP (PPP): $773 billion (2007) lGDP per capita: $37,300 (2007) lAgricultural products: wheat, barley, sugarcane, fruits; cattle, sheep, poultry lIndustries: mining, industrial and transportation equipment, food processing, chemicals, steelThe worlds three largest iron ore producers - Rio Ti

      6、nto, BHP Billiton, and ValeCanberralPopulation 327,000 l1908 site chosen for Australias capitallFamous Landmarks Federal Parliament House, The National Library, The High Court, The Australian War Memorial, The National Art GalleryNational Museum Parliament HouseSydneyl Population 4.2m l Largest and oldest city in Australia l Hosted 2000 Olympics l Famous landmarks The Sydney Harbour Bridge, The Sydney Opera House, Bondi Beach Not the capital but the biggest city in AustraliaBeaches in SydneyIn S

      7、ydney there are thirty beautiful beachesIf you are in Sydney, you must visit one of the longest bridges in the world- the Sydney Harbour BridgeThe Opera HouseMelbournel Population 3.6m l Established 1835 just before Victorian gold rush l Site of Australias first federal government l Landmarks Yarra River, MCG, Phillip Island penguin colonyAustralian Open Tennis ChampionshipsMelbourneAustralian Melbourne Albert Park Melbourne Cup Melbourne Cricket Ground (MCG) Melbourne is the centerof fashion an

      8、d art.And it is a famoustraveling resort. Currency1 AUD= 6.2435 CNYCurrency - notesSnow boots derive from Autralia with the original name of Ugly boots. Later, it has been spread wildly and prevails in Australia as well as many other countries. And now, snow boots have become a kind of fashion all over the world. kangarooemuplatypuswallabykoalaUnusual animals in AustraliaBeautiful beachesUluru /Ayers RockUndersea worldThe Great Barrier ReefAttractive places in AustraliaSportCricket(板球)Field hock

      9、ey(陆 上曲棍球)Netball (无板篮球)Rugby(英式 橄榄球) Cycling Rowing Sport SwimmingLan Thorpe “鱼雷”Taboos l1.Extending the middle finger is rude. l2.Do not speak the name of someone who has died or even look at images (photographs) of people who has died. l3.People cannot share their unpleasant experience with their mates. (broke a leg, got hurt in a car accident) l4.Faith is belief without reason which cannot be debated. l5.Sexist or racist language is also highly disdained. Social Etiquette lGreetingsWhen greeting an Australian, it is best to take a simple approach. Simply shake someones hand firmly and say hello. With a group of people, shake the hands of everyone in the room, and if given the chance, allow women to offer you their hands first. You may ask a simple question, such as, “Hows it going?“


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