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    • 1、1PRISCAPRISCA 大学英语应试辅导大学英语应试辅导英语写作模拟与参考范文英语写作模拟与参考范文(适用于大学英语四六级,英语专四专八,考研,以及雅思作文考(适用于大学英语四六级,英语专四专八,考研,以及雅思作文考试)试)所给作文题目模拟英语四六级考试,英语专业四级和八级考试,考研英语 以及雅思考试英语的作文写作,所提供范文中划线的词块部分可以模仿背诵, 活学活用在相关话题的作文考试写作中。所提供的范文皆为原创,已经正式出 版发行,收录于由上海外语教育出版社出版发行的大学比较英语教程1-4 册 中,转载请务必联系作者,版权所有,侵权必究。 作文题目(作文题目(1) Write a composition on the topic My First Month in University. You should write no less than 200 words. 参考范文:参考范文: My First Month in the Central University of Finance and EconomicsMy first month in the universit

      2、y is a bit hard but really wonderful. I was amazed when I found the place where I would spend four years or more was really small and a little old, but then I soon found I made my choices for the right reasons. It is so superb that students excel in their subjects. A month has just passed, and I am already addicted to the university life with lots of experienced professors and various extracurricular activities. I enjoy all wonderful knowledge of all branches of economics and finance, although m

      3、y texts for the first term are not so easy. I also develop specific interests with particular vigor in humanities majors. I think they are interesting but I am afraid they may be increasingly difficult for me because they are all taught in English and the texts are also in English. My other subjects are filled with English words, too and I am sure they can push me to excel in my major.Study is just part of my wonderful life here; I have attended skill-specific camps. I like wandering around and

      4、making friends with others. Learning something new and knowing someone new is a never-ending process. I am happy that my life becomes a busy and meaningful one and Id like to open myself to the possibilities in the university. (226 words) 作文题目(作文题目(2)Write a composition on the topic My Views on Examinations. .You should write no less than 150 words You should base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below: 1.大学都用考试来衡量学生的成绩2.考试可能带来的积极或消极的作用 3.我对考试的看法 参考范文:参考范文: My Views on Examinat

      5、ions2In most colleges and universities the examination is used as a chief means of deciding whether a student succeeds or fails in mastering a particular subject. However, the examination is a poor indicator of students potential performance. Its side effects are also enormous. To begin with, standardized tests cant give teachers the true value of a student academically. Some students can receive straight As easily only if they get to know exam techniques. Whats worse, since teachers are often j

      6、udged by examination results, they struggle to fit in training their students in exam techniques. Academic involvement is not encouraged since students spend their time taking examinations.In addition, the most undesirable effect is that examinations encourage bad study habits. As the examination score is the only criterion for his school performance, a student is driven to memorize mechanically rather than to think creatively if he wants to graduate with honors. In fact, few of us admit that ex

      7、aminations can contribute anything really important to the students academic curriculum based on knowledge. If that is the case, why cannot we make a change and devise a new system which makes more sense than examinations? (193 words) 作文题目(作文题目(3) Some of the worlds languages are dying out. Give possible reasons and your recommendations. Write a composition on the topic My Views on Dying Languages. You should write no less than 250 words. 参考范文参考范文 My Views on Dying Languages Nowadays, internatio

      8、nal communication has become more and more important, and many Chinese can speak flawless English and some people from English-speaking countries can speak Mandarin fluently. But some of the worlds languages are dying out. There are some reasons for it. Firstly, as the technology improves, people around the world are relying more and more on electronic devices to communicate with each other. International communication is available to anyone with a computer. However, people prefer to communicate

      9、 in English online than in any other minor languages. Secondly, some of the worlds languages are not being acquired widely by children or used in daily life. In some boarding schools, children were punished for speaking their parents languages. Some of the worlds languages that are dying out have the weight of history and tradition behind them. People have already realized this and are trying to solve it. For one solution, what will start with is to record the languages on computers, making sure our descendants can download it if they want to learn or use them in the future.The second solution is to encourage better language learners to teach those who need willingness to experiment and need desire to communicate in those languages without the fear of ridicule. Governments can make some policies, like encouragement for people to learn and teach the languages facing extinction, no matter whether the language is used i


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