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Uncle Fish 英文教室英语数学逻辑训练

  • 卖家[上传人]:小美****ca
  • 文档编号:49637306
  • 上传时间:2018-08-01
  • 文档格式:DOC
  • 文档大小:200KB
  • / 15 举报 版权申诉 马上下载
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    • 1、1Uncle Fish 英文教室英文教室模拟外国语入学测试英语数学逻辑训练模拟外国语入学测试英语数学逻辑训练1. Starting in the bottom left corner and moving either up or right, adding up the numbers along the way, what is the largest sum which can be made? 2. After the recent BrainBashers snail racing contest, the four contestants were congratulating each other. Only one snail wore the same number as the position it finished in. Alfreds snail wasnt painted yellow nor blue, and the snail who wore 3, which was painted red, beat the snail who came in

      2、third. Arthurs snail beat Annes snail, whereas Alices snail beat the snail who wore 21. The snail painted green, Alices, came second and the snail painted blue wore number 4. Annes snail wore number 1. Can you work out whos snail finished where, its number and the colour it was painted?3. At the local nursery school, I was chatting to my daughters friends and noticed a number of things. Jessica has mousey coloured hair and the girl with black hair was wearing a green dress. Lucy is not blonde an

      3、d Lauren does not have brown hair, Chloe was wearing a blue dress. The blonde girl was not wearing red and Lauren was not wearing green. I cant remember which girl was wearing a yellow dress. Can you determine the colours of the girls dresses and their hair?4.During a crazy weekend of paintball, four friends were having great fun. The paint came in blue, green, yellow and red. Coincidentally, the four friends had T-shirts in those same colours. Brenda used blue paint balls. The person in the gre

      4、en T-shirt used yellow paint balls. James was not wearing a red T-shirt. Diane used green paint balls and wore a blue T-shirt. Simon was the only person who used paint which was the same colour as his T-shirt. Can you tell which colour paint they each used and the colour of their respective T-shirts?5.Five girls took part in a race. Alison finished before Bunty but behind Clare. Debby finished before Emma but behind Bunty. What was the finishing order?6. 3A trouts tail weighs eight pounds. Its h

      5、ead weighs as much as the tail and one-half of the body combined, and the body weighs as much as the head and tail combined. What does the whole trout weigh?7. Using a tap, a nine gallon container and a four gallon container, can you measure exactly 6 gallons?8. Can you find a five digit number which has no zeros no digit is repeated, where: The first digit is a prime number.The second digit is the fifth digit minus the first digit.The third digit is twice the first digit.The fourth digit is the

      6、 third digit plus three.The fifth digit is the difference between the first digit and the fourth digit. 9. Name an ancient invention, which is still used in some parts of the world today, that allows people to see through walls. What can this be?10.Which of the five black shapes is identical to the first one? There may be more than one which is exactly the same. 411.Which of the four black shapes is identical to the first one? There may be more than one which is exactly the same. 12. Which of th

      7、e seven black shapes is identical to the first one? There may be more than one which is exactly the same. 513. Which of the six black shapes is identical to the firstone? There may be more than one which is exactly the same. 14. Are the horizontal lines parallel?15. Are these true squares?616. Are these lines straight?17. Are these lines straight?718. Which dot is in the centre of the circle?19. Is the dot half way down the triangle?20. Read this out aloud - are there any mistakes?821. Are the l

      8、ines horizontal and vertical?22. Is this a level balance? 923. Which of the four sections is part of the same line?24. Are the middle circles both the same size?1025. Old lady or young lady? From a 1888 German postcard.1126. Which line is longer?27. A-B or B-C, which is longer?1228. Is the top of the lamp the same width as the top of the base?29. Three lines make a.?30. If cat and a half can catch a mouse and a half in a day and a half how many mice can 3 cats catch in 3 days?31. What four relat

      9、ed words are merged here: 13SWAS PURI UINM NTTU MGER MNER 32. What common word has 4 vowels, one after the other?33. Which of the following statements is true? (1.) One of these statements is true.(2.) Two of these statements are true.(3.)Three of these statements are true.(4.) Four of these statements are true.(5.) Five of these statements are true.(6.) Six of these statements are true. 34. Once upon a time, and old lady went to sell her vast quantity of eggs at the local market.When asked how many she had, she replied:Son, I cant count past 100 but I know that.If you divide the number of eggs by 2 there will be one egg left.If you divide the number of eggs by 3 there will be one egg left.If you divide the number of eggs by 4 there will be one egg left.If you divide the number of eggs by 5 there will be one egg left.If you divide the number of eggs by 6 there will be one egg left.If you divide the number of eggs by 7 there will be one egg left.If you divide the number of

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