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安卓APP | ios版本


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  • 上传时间:2018-06-19
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    • 1、供热英语术语知识介绍供热英语术语知识介绍供热介质及其参数供热介质及其参数供热介质 heating medium 高温水 high-temperature hot water 低温水 low-temperature hot water 供水 supply water 回水 return water 生活热水 domestic hot-water 饱和蒸汽 saturated steam 过热蒸汽 superheated steam 二次蒸汽 flash steam 凝结水 condensate 沿途凝结水 condensate in steam pipeline 补给水 make-up water 供热介质参数 parameters of heating medium 设计供水温度 design temperature of supply water 设计回水温度 design temperature of return water 实际供热温度 actual temperature of supply water 实际回水温度 actual temperature of return

      2、water 最佳供水温度 optimal temperature of supply water 最佳回水温度 optimal temperature of return water 设计供回水温差 design temperature difference between supply water and return water 实际供回水温差 actual temperature difference between supply water and return water 最佳供回水温差 optimal temperature difference between supply water and return water 供水压力 pressure of supply water 回水压力 pressure of return water 供汽温度 temperature of supply steam 供汽压力 pressure of supply steam供热供热供热 heat-supply 供热工程 heat-supply engineering 集中供热 cent

      3、ralized heat-supply 联片供热 group heating 区域供热 regional heating 城市供热 municipal heat-supply 城际供热 interurban heat-supply 分散供热 decentralized heat-supply 热化 heat-supply based upon heat and power cogeneration 热化系数 share of cogenerated heat in maximum heating load 热化发电率 cogeneration level 热电联产 heat and power cogeneration 热电分产 separate generation of heat and power 供热规划 development program of municipal heat-supply 供热能力 heating capacity供热半径 range of heat-supply service 供热面积 area of heat-supply service 集中供热普

      4、及率 coverage factor of centralized heat-supply 供热可靠性 reliability of heat-supply system 供热备用性能 reservation characteristic of heat-supply system 双向供热 two-way heat-supply 供热经济性 economical effect of heat-supply 供热成本 cost of heat-supply 供热标煤耗量 specific fuel consumption chargeable to heat output 发电标煤耗量 specific fuel consumption chargeable to power generation 供电标煤耗量 specific fuel consumption chargeable to power output 热价 heat rates 年节吨标煤净投资 net investment for saving of one ton standard coal annually供热系统

      5、供热系统供热系统 heat-supply system 热电厂供热系统 heat-supply system based upon heat-power cogeneration plant 区域锅炉房供热系统 heat-supply system based upon heating plant 工业余热供热系统 heat-supply system based upon industrial waste heat 地热供热系统 heat-supply system based upon geothermal energy 垃圾焚化厂供热系统 heat-supply system based upon garbage incineration plant 低温核供热系统 heat-supply system based upon low temperature nuclear reactor 热水供热系统 hot-water heat-supply system 低温水供热系统 low-temperature hot water heat-supply system 高温水供热系统

      6、high-temperature hot water heat-supply system 闭式热水供热系统 closed-type hot-water heat-supply system 开式热水供热系统 open-type hot-water heat-supply system 蒸汽供热系统 steam heat-supply system 凝结水回收系统 condensate return system 开式凝结水回收系统 open-type condensate return system 闭式凝结水回收系统 closed-type condensate return system 余压凝结水回收系统 back-pressure condensate return system 重力凝结水回收系统 gravity condensate return system 加压凝结水回收系统 forced condensate return system 混合式凝结水回收系统 combined condensate return system热负荷及耗热量热负荷及耗热量热负荷热负荷

      7、热负荷 heating load 设计热负荷 design heating load 最大热负荷 maximum heating load 实际热负荷 actual heating load 基本热负荷 base heating load 尖峰热负荷 peak heating load 季节性热负荷 seasonal heating load 供暖热负荷 space-heating load供暖设计热负荷 design space-heating load 供暖期供暖平均热负荷 average space-heating load during heating period 通风、空调热负荷 heating load for ventilation and air-conditioning 通风设计热负荷 design heating load for ventilation 供暖期通风平均热负荷 average heating load for ventilation during heating period 空调设计热负荷 design heating load for air-

      8、conditioning 供暖期空调平均热负荷 average heating load for air-conditioning during heating period 常年性热负荷 year-round heating load 生产工艺热负荷 process-heating load 热水供应热负荷 hot-water heating load 热水供应最大热负荷 maximum hot-water heating load 热水供应平均热负荷 average hot-water heating load 平均热负荷系数 heat-supply load factor 最大热负荷利用小时数 number of working hours based on maximum load 热负荷小时变化系数 hourly variation factor of heating load 同时使用系数 diversity factor热指标和耗热量热指标和耗热量 热指标 heating load data for load estimation 供暖面积热指标 space-heatin

      9、g load date per unit floor area 供暖体积热指标 space-heating load data per unit building volume 通风体积热指标 space-heating load data per unit building volume 热水供应热指标 heating load data per unit of hot-water usage 耗热量 heat consumption 年耗热量 annual heat consumption 供暖年耗热量 annual heat consumption on space-heating 通风、空调年耗热量 annual heat consumption on ventilation and air-conditioning 生产工艺年耗热量 annual heat consumption on process heating 热水供应年耗热量 annual heat consumption on hot-water supply 耗热定额 heat consumption quota 单位产品耗热定额 heat consumption quota per unit of product 平均小时耗汽量 average hourly steam consumption 最大小时耗汽量 maximum hourly steam consumption 热水供应小时用热量 hourly heat consumption on hot-water supply 热水供应设计小时耗水量 design hourly demand of hot-water负荷图和热负荷延续时间图负荷图和热负荷延续时间图 热负荷图 heating load diagram 日负荷图 hourly variation graph of heat consumption in one day 月负荷图 daily variation graph of heat consumption in one month 年负荷图 monthly variation graph of heat consumption in one year 热水供应昼夜耗水量图 hourly variation g


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