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    • 1、南京航空航天大学硕士学位论文用于智能复合材料自修复的光固化材料的制备及性能研究姓名:洪小芹申请学位级别:硕士专业:光学工程指导教师:赵志敏20090101南京航空航天大学硕士学位论文 i 摘 要 复合材料是由两种或多种性质不同的材料通过物理和化学复合,组成具有两个或两个以上相态结构的材料。该类材料不仅性能优于组成中的任意一个单独的材料,而且还可具有组分单独不具有的独特性能。目前,复合材料以其重量轻、强度高、加工成型方便、弹性优良、耐化学腐蚀和耐候性好等优点而广泛应用于航空航天、汽车、电子电气、建筑、健身器材等领域,尤其是航空航天领域。智能复合材料是指即具有智能特性又具有复合材料的特征的先进材料。本文结合光固化技术,提出一种用于智能复合材料自修复的方法。在航空航天用复合材料中埋入光纤和光固化材料构成智能复合材料,光纤作为传感元件感知外界应力的变化,当复合材料内部出现裂纹时, 光固化材料可以渗入裂纹并固化填充裂纹, 从而实现智能复合材料的自修复。将光固化材料作为智能复合材料自修复的修复剂是一全新的思想,国内相关报道很少,是本文的创新点之一。能否实现智能复合材料裂纹的自修复,很大程度上取决于

      2、光固化材料的性能,因此,围绕用于智能复合材料自修复的光固化材料的制备及其性能研究,本文主要研究内容如下: 1)光固化材料的研制。光固化材料的组分及其配比都会影响光固化材料的性能。 2)光固化材料的性能研究。首先,要求光固化材料的黏度越低越好,当复合材料出现裂纹时,光固化材料要能够很好地渗入裂纹;其次,要求光固化材料在特定光源的辐射下能够快速固化,从而保证智能复合材料裂纹的快速修复;光固化材料可固化深度及固化后的硬度、与复合材料的附着力等都是实现智能复合材料裂纹自修复应考虑的问题。 3)光固化材料的应用研究。主要是指将光固化材料应用于航空航天用复合材料体系,实现复合材料裂纹损伤的验证。主要研究如何将光固化材料埋入复合材料、如何修复及修复后的效果等。 本文的研究成果为智能复合材料的自修复提出了采用光固化技术的新的方法和思路,为光纤智能结构的自修复技术的进一步深入研究提供了有价值的参考。 关键词关键词:光固化材料,智能复合材料,复合材料,自修复,黏度,固化 用于智能复合材料自修复的光固化材料的制备及性能研究 ii ABSTRACT Composite materials are compos

      3、ed of matrix material and reinforcement material. The two kinds of combined components can learn from ones strong points to offset anothers weakness on the performance, which makes the general performances of the composite materials more excellent than that of the originally combined materials. So the different composite materials can satisfy different kinds of applied requirements. At present, because of the advantages of light weight, high intensity, convenient process of molding, good elastic

      4、ity, chemical cautery resistance, climate resistance and so on, the composite materials are widely used in the fields of aeronautics and astronautics, auto, electron, architecture, equipments of body mechanics, and especially in the fields of aeronautics and astronautics. An intelligent composite material is a kind of advance material with the intelligent characteristic and the character of composite materials. Combined with light curing technology, a new method and thought used in the self repa

      5、ir of the intelligent composite materials was put forward. The light curing material and the fiber are embedded in the composite materials used in the field of aeronautics, which constituted the intelligent composite material. The fiber, as sense organ, can reflect the change of the outside stress. When the intelligent composite material was pressed heavily and the crack appeared inside, the light curing material infiltrated through the interstice and cured. Accordingly, the self repair of the i

      6、ntelligent composite material came true. The idea that the light curing material is used as the repairing liquid for the self repair of intelligent composite material is one of the innovative points. Whether the interstice self repair of the intelligent composite material can come true, it depends on the performance of the light curing material to a great extent. Therefore, the contents as follow are mostly researched. 1) Manufacture of the light curing material. The constituent components of th

      7、e light curing material and the proportion of the each component have great effect on the performance of the light curing material. 2) Performance research of the light curing material. First, it requires that the viscosity is lower and better. When there are cracks inside the composite material, the interior light curing material can infiltrate through the cracks because of the low viscosity. Second, it requires that the light curing material can cure quickly in the radiation of curing lamp. Co

      8、nsequently, it ensures the crack repairing of the intelligent composite material. Third, the largest curing depths, rigidity after curing and felted force with the composite material are 南京航空航天大学硕士学位论文 iii all the considerable problems. 3) Applied research of the light curing material. The light curing material that we processed is applied to the system of composite material used in the field of aeronautics, so we can validate the cracks repairing of composite material. It mostly researched on t

      9、he way of embedding in the composite material, the way of repairing and the effect after repairing. The fruits in the paper have provided a new method and thought based on light curing technology for the self repair of the intelligent composite material, and also have provided valuable reference for the deep research on the repairing technology of optical intelligent structure. Keyword: light curing material, intelligent composite material, composite material, self repair, viscosity, curing 用于智能复合材料自修复的光固化材料的制备及性能研究 vi 图、表清单 图 2.1 是波音 787 的选材.7 图 2.2 4 种可能的电子跃迁.8 图 3.1 制备预聚物反应实验装置.16 图 3.2 直落式黏度测量装置.


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