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  • 上传时间:2018-05-20
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    • 1、南京邮电大学硕士研究生学位论文中 文 摘 要I中 文 摘 要中 文 摘 要近年来,随着网络的普及和发展,计算机网络已经渗入到生活中的各个方面,而随之出现的日益严峻的网络安全,尤其是网络入侵问题,严重影响了网络的正常使用,所以网络入侵检测的研究,成为了当前研究的热点。针对当前网络入侵中的问题,本文提出了一种基于佩特里网(Petri)的网络入侵检测系统,通过将粒子滤波技术应用到网络入侵检测中,来达到过滤攻击行为的目的,并针对网络入侵的两个具体的入侵行为(入侵攻击和木马控制)进行了建模和仿真。建模采用了有色 Petri 网,有色 Petri 网是从基本的 Petri 网演变而来的,增加了托肯(token)的具体含义,并增加了层次化建模的功能,使得有色 Petri网在构建复杂的模型方面有着很大的优势。本文着重介绍了利用有色 Petri 网进行建模的过程, 分别针对网络入侵攻击和木马控制两种入侵行为设计了网络入侵检测系统, 并利用有色 Petri 网分别对系统进行了建模。在论文中,我们分别将两个网络入侵检测系统模型分为三个模块,并介绍了三个模块的模型、作用以及连接方式。在有色 Petri 网模型

      2、的介绍中,详细展示和介绍了建模以后的 Petri 网模型中各库所、 托肯颜色集、 模型中变迁的含义, 以及变迁发生的条件。 本文利用 GPenSIM(General Purpose Petri Net Simulator,通用佩特里网仿真器)仿真工具进行了编程仿真。最后,介绍了编程仿真的过程和解决的问题,并对仿真结果进行了必要的分析。关键词:有色佩特里网,GPenSIM 工具,网络入侵检测系统,粒子滤波南京邮电大学硕士研究生学位论文ABSTRACTIIABSTRACTABSTRACTABSTRACTABSTRACTIn recent years, network has penetrated into every aspectofour lifewithitsrapidgrowth and popularization. More and more serious network security problems have occurredtogether with this process, especially network intrusion problem.Ithasser

      3、iously affected thenormal use of network, so researchofnetwork intrusion detection has become one of thehottest research areas. This thesis proposed a network intrusion detection system based onPetri net to solve the network intrusion problems.Itcan filter the intrusion behavior by usingparticle filter technique into network intrusion detection. This thesis also models andsimulates against two specific intrusion behaviors (intrusion and Trojan). The tool used formodelingiscolored Petri net which

      4、isbuilt up on basic Petri net. Colored Petri net can modelcomplex object by adding specific meaning of tokens aswellas structured modeling.This thesis emphasized on the process of modeling with colored Petri net.Itdesignsnetwork intrusion detection system against intrusion and Trojan behaviors and models withcolored Petri net. Both of the two models for network intrusion detection system are dividedinto three modules. The models,functions and connecting methods of these modules arepresented in t

      5、he thesis. The meaning of the places and color sets of tokens in the model arepresented in detail. The meaningsofthe transitions and requirements for them to fire are alsointroduced. At last, this thesis programs with GPenSIM(General Purpose Petri Net Simulator)toolbox whichisa simulation tool and introduces the process of solving some problems. Theresult of the simulationisalso presented and analyzed.KeyKeyKeyKeyWords:Words:Words:Words:Colored Petri Net, GPenSIM Toolbox, Network Intrusion Detection System,Particle Filter南京邮电大学硕士研究生学位论文目录III目目录录中 文 摘 要.I ABSTRACT.II 第一章 引 言. 1 1.1 课题背景. 1 1.2 课题来源及本文所做的工作. 3 1.3 论文组织. 3 第二章 Petri网技术概述. 5 2.1 Petri网中的元素. 5 2.2 有色 Petri 网概述. 8 2.3 本章小结.12 第三章 GPenSIM仿真工具简介.15 3.1 GPenSIM工具的结构.15 3.2 利用 GPenSIM工具创建 Petri网模型.18 3.3 本章小结.20 第四章 网络入侵检测及粒子滤波技术概述.21 4.1 网络入侵检测技术概述.21 4.2 粒子滤波技术概述.24 4.3 本章小结.25 第五章 建模和仿真过程.


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