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    • 1、电气工程 专业英语姓名:吕海龙 学号:20080345班级:08 电气 专业:电气工程及其自动化Electric Devices and SystemsAlthough transformers have no moving parts , they are essential to electromechanical energy conversion . They make it possible to increase or decrease the voltage lever that results in low costs ,and can be distributed and used safely . In addition , they can provide matching of impedances , and regulate the flow of power in a network. When we see a transformer on a utility pole all we is a cylinder with a few wires stic

      2、king out. These wires enter the transformer through bushings that provide isolation between the wires and the tank. Inside the tank these is an iron core linking coils, most probably made with copper, and insulated. The system of insulation is also associated with that of cooling the core/coil assembly. Often the insulation is paper, and the whole assembly may be immersed in insulating oil, used to both increase the dielectric strength of the paper and to transfer beat from the core-coil assembl

      3、y to the outer walls of the tank to air. Figure shows the cutout of a typical distribution transformer. Few ideal versions of human constructions exist, and the transformer offers no exception. An ideal transformer is based on very simple concepts, and a large number of assumptions. This is the transformer one learns about in high school. Let us take an iron core with infinite permeability and two coils wound around it, one with N1 and the other with N2 turns, as shown in figure. All the magneti

      4、c flux is to remain in the iron. We assign sots at one terminal of each coil in the following fashion: if the flux in the core changes, inducing a voltage in the coils, and the dotted terminal of one coil is positive with respect its other terminal, so is the dotted terminal of the other coil. Or, the corollary to this, current into dotted terminals produces flux in the same direction, Assume that somehow a time varying flux is established in the iron. Then the flux linkages in each coil will be

      5、. Voltages will be induced in these two coil. On the other hand, currents flowing in the coils are related to the field intensity H. if currents flowing in the direction shown, i1 into the dotted terminal of coil 1, and i2 out of the dotted terminal of coil 2. we recognize that this is practically impossible, but so is the existence of an ideal transformer. Equations describe this ideal transformer, a two port network. The symbol of a network that is defined by these two equations is in the figu

      6、re. An ideal transformer has an interesting characteristic. A two-port network that contains it and impedances can be replaced by an equivalent other, as discussed below. Consider the circuit in figure. Seen as a two port network. Generally a circuit on a side 1 can be transferred to side 2 by multiplying its component impedances , the voltage sources and the current sources, while keeping the topology the same. To develop the equivalent for a transformer well gradually relax the assumptions tha

      7、t we had first imposed. First well relax the assumption that the permeability of the iron is infinite. In that case equation does not revert to, but rather it becomes where is the reluctance of the path around the core of the transformer and the flux on this path. To preserve the ideal transformer equations as part of our new transformer, we can split i1 to two components: one i1, will satisfy the ideal transformer equation, and the other, i1 will just balance the right hand side. The figure sho

      8、ws this. We can replace the current source, i1 , with something simpler if we remember that the rate of change of flux is related to the induced voltage. Since the current i1 flows through something , where the voltage across it Is proportional to its derivative, we can consider that this something could be an inductance. This idea gives rise to the equivalent circuit in figure,. Let us now relax the assumption that all the flux has to remain in the iron as shown in figure. Let us call the flux

      9、in the iron, magnetizing flux, the flux that leaks out of the core and links only coil 1. since links only coil 1, then it should be related only to the current there, and the same should be true for the second leakage flux. Again for a given frequency, the power losses in the core increase with the voltage. These losses cannot be allowed to exceed limit, beyond which the temperature of the hottest spot in the transformer will rise above the point that will decrease dramatically the life of the insulation. Limits therefore are put to E1 and E2, and these limits are the voltage limits of the transformer. Similarly, winding Joule losses have to be limited, resulting in limits to the currents I1 and I2. Typically a transformer is described by its rated voltages, that give both the limits and turns radio. The ratio of the rated currents is the inverse of the ratio of the voltages if we neglect the magnetizing current. Instead of the transformer


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