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安卓APP | ios版本


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    • 1、1.We note a highly desirable feature of hydropower plants: the speed with which they be started up, brought up to speed, connected to the power network, and “loaded” up. This can be done in under 5 minutes, in contrast to many hours in the case of thermal plants.我们注意到水电厂高度可取的特点:速度与它们开始,提出了速度,连接到电 力网络, “加载”最多。这是可以做到在 5 分钟内,在对比度到许多小时的情况下的热 植物。 2.The total cost of operation includes fuel, labor, and maintenance costs, but for simplicity the only variable costs usually considered are fuel costs.总运营成

      2、本包括燃 料,劳动力,成本和维护成本,但为了简单起见,通常被认为是唯一的可变成本,燃 料成本。 3.Most people can formulate a mental picture of a computer, but computers do so many things and come in such a variety of shapes and sizes that it might seem difficult to distill their common characteristics into an all-purpose definition.大多数人都 可以制定一个精神的图片一台电脑,但电脑做这么多事情,有各种形状和大小,它可 能似乎很难提炼他们的共同特点为一个通用的定义. 4.For large AC motors and particularly for high-voltage motors, 2300V and above, form-wound coils are used. These coils are constructed from rect

      3、angular wire, which is bent into shape around forms and then taped.对于大型交流电机,特别是对高压电 机, 2300V 及以上的,的形式缠绕的线圈的使用。这些线圈构造从矩形线材,弯成周 围形式的形状,然后录音。 5.电气工程及其自动化专业英语涉及发变电、输电,基本电力电子技术、计算机与控制 等内容。Electrical Engineering and Automation Professional English substation, transmission , power electronics technology , computer and control involving hair . 6.理想避雷器的伏安特性曲线是水平的,但实际上是缓慢向上的。所用的材料如锌氧化 物,是非线性电阻。Ideal arrester voltammetry characteristic curve is horizontal, but in fact is a slow upward . The materials used

      4、, such as zinc oxide, is a non - linear resistor . 7计算机系统由电源、微处理器、主板、存储设备(硬盘等) 、鼠标、键盘、显示设备、 DVD 驱动器、声卡、发声器,以及打印机等外围设备组成。 Computer system by the power supply , microprocessor , motherboard , storage devices (hard disk ) , mouse, keyboard , display equipment , DVD drive , sound card , sounder , as well as printers and other peripherals composition1. 电气工程及其自动化专业英语涉及发变电、输电,基本电力电子技术、计算机与控制等 内容。Electrical Engineering and Automation Professional English substation, transmission , power electronics tech

      5、nology , computer and control involving hair . 2. 感应电机的基本运行原理可用简图 3-2 所示的铜盘-磁铁实验来展示,并且相对运动、 磁场和感应电流三个方向之间的关系遵守右手规则。The basic operating principles of the induction motor can be used the thumbs of 3-2 Tongpan - magnet test to show, and the relative movement , the relationship between the three directions of the magnetic field and induced current compliance with the right-hand rule . 3. 计算机系统由电源、微处理器、主板、存储设备(如硬盘等) 、鼠标、键盘、显示设备、 DVD 驱动器、声卡、发声器,以及打印机等外围设备组成。Computer system power supply , microprocesso

      6、r , motherboard , storage devices ( such as a hard disk ) , mouse, keyboard , display equipment , DVD drive , sound card , sounder , as well as printers and other peripherals .4. Most people can formulate a mental picture of a computer, but computers do so many things and come in such a variety of shapes and sizes that it might seem difficult to distill their common characteristics into an all-purpose definition.大多数人都可以制定一个精神 的图片一台电脑,但电脑做这么多事情,在这样一个不同的形状和大小,它可能似乎很难 提炼他们的共同特点为一个通用的定义。 5. The tota

      7、l cost of operation includes fuel, labor, and maintenance costs, but for simplicity the only variable costs usually considered are fuel costs.总运营成本包括燃料, 劳动力,成本和维护成本,但为了简单起见,通常被认为是唯一的可变成本,燃料成本。 6. We note a highly desirable feature of hydropower plants: the speed with which they be started up, brought up to speed, connected to the power network, and “loaded” up. This can be done in under 5 minutes, in contrast to many hours in the case of thermal plants. 我们注意到水电厂高度可取的特点:速度与它们开始,提出了速度,连接到电力网络, “加载

      8、”最多。这是可以做到在 5 分钟内,在对比度到许多小时的情况下的热植物。1. 按照方程(1-2)对电流的定义,电流并不需要是一个恒定的值,而是可以随时间有几 种变化方式。Definition of a current in accordance with the equation (1-2 ) , the current does not need to be a constant value , but may be several variations with time . 2. 感应电机的基本运行原理可用简图 3-7 所示的实验来展示,并且相对运动、磁场和感应 电流三个方向之间的关系遵守右手规则。The basic operating principles of the induction motor can be used to show the schematic view of the 3-7 experiments , and relative movement , and the relationship between the three directions of

      9、 the magnetic field and induced current compliance with the right-hand rule . 3. 计算机系统由电源、微处理器、主板、存储设备、鼠标、键盘、显示设备、DVD 驱动 器、声卡、发声器以及打印机等外围设备组成。Computer system by the power supply , microprocessor , motherboard , storage devices , mouse , keyboard , display equipment , DVD drive , sound card , sound , and printers and other peripherals . 4. 与热发电厂不同,水电厂的能量来源于下落的水流,其输出功率与水流速度和水头有直 接关系。And thermal power plants , hydropower plant s energy comes from the whereabouts of water , the output power and the rate of water flow and head directly . IVTranslate (English to Chinese): 1In small and medium horsepower sizes, rotors are made by casting aluminum into their core. In the large sizes of AC motors, bronzes or other metal are used to replace copper in making the cage.在中小型马力大小,转子是由压铸铝到他们的核心。在交流电 机的大尺寸的,青铜或其它金属被用于在作出笼来代替铜。2 Most people can formulate a mental picture of a computer, but computers do so many things and come in such a variety of shapes and siz


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