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2021年高考英语复习学与练:必修5 Unit1 Great Scientists(过关试题)(学生版)

  • 卖家[上传人]:瑶***
  • 文档编号:148048971
  • 上传时间:2020-10-15
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    • 1、高考复习高考复习|学与练学与练 汇总归纳汇总归纳备战高考备战高考 高考复习学与练 精品资源备战高考2 高考复习学与练 精品资源备战高考3 必修必修 5 Unit1 Great Scientists 基础练基础练 .单词拼写 1.【2019 浙江卷】Experts say that the quality of praise is more important than the quantity. 2.Zhang Daqian was one of the most famous painters in China and left us lots of excellent works. 3.She is a careful person and never draws a conclusion before carrying out research. 4.Seeing that nobody was very enthusiastic about the trip, they decided to cancel it. 5.Keller is cautious about makin

      2、g predictions about the success of the programme, because it is of importance. 6.Blamed for the breakdown of the school computer network, Alice was in low spirits. 7.None of us have the ability to foresee the future or predict the hurdles which lie ahead of us. 8.The Womens Volleyball Team defeated its opponent and won another World Champion last year. 9.The problem of plastic pollution is very serious, but we havent found effective ways to solve it yet. 10. The man, suspected of having stolen t

      3、he jewels of the shop, was missing last night. 11. At the end of their meeting, it was announced (宣布) that an agreement had been reached. 12. If you cant handle (处理) the job, I will get someone else to do it. 13. The rural environment has a positive (积极的) effect on the childrens health. 14. I want to challenge (向挑战) him to a game of basketball. 高考复习学与练 精品资源备战高考4 15. The patients are well attend (照顾) in the hospital and some of them are getting better. 16. There is a small but growing movement (运

      4、动) in America about reducing waste to zero. .单句填空 1.Yet Copernicus theory is now the base where all our ideas of the universe are built. 2.This river is so polluted (pollute) that its unsafe for swimming and fishing. 3.Absorbed (absorb) in his writing, the writer forgot to flick the ash from his cigar. 4.Always read the instructions (instruct) on the bottle carefully and take the right amount of medicine. 5.With these discoveries, he was able to announce with certainty that polluted (pollute) wa

      5、ter carried the disease. 6.The workers are constructing the bridge damaged by the flood at present, and the bridge under construction connects the road with the town. (construct) 7.The famous star has contributed a lot of money to the school and has made a great contribution to the building of the school. (contribute) 8.Mr. Green stood up in defence of the 16-year-old boy, saying that he was not the one to blame (blame). 9.He only had his ideas published (publish) as he lay dying (die) in 1543.

      6、10. Children exposed (expose) to difficult situations are better at handling those challenging (challenge) tasks. 11. The smile on his face suggested that he was (be) satisfied with the result of the match. 12. Suspecting (suspect) the traveler of carrying drugs, the Customs official stopped him and went through his suitcase. 高考复习学与练 精品资源备战高考5 13. In addition to his scientific (science) achievements, the man has published several collections of poems. 14. John was having lunch when he heard the

      7、announcement (announce) that he had won the first prize in the speech contest. 15. 【2019 天津卷书面表达】So it would be better if you could tell us something about their painting (paint) styles and skills. 16. I was bored with my job and felt I needed a new challenge. Last week I got a new job in a big firm, and I found it very challenging. (challenge) .短语检测 1. He is feeling down today because the suggestion he put forward (提出) has been turned down. 2. As a matter of fact, it was his carelessness as wel

      8、l as laziness that contributed to/led to/resulted in (导致) his failure. 3. 【2018 天津卷书面表达】The training schedule, apart from (除之外) regular training, includes joining in a variety of activities, such as participating in some national competitions. 4. At present, the team is looking into (调查) the cause of the forest fire, which caused more than 30 deaths. 5. 5.I dont think it makes sense (有意义) to focus only on providing basic services. 6. It is not the child but his parents who are to blame (应受责备) fo

      9、r this. 7. 【2017 全国卷书面表达】 Knowing the history of the Tang Dynasty will contribute to (对做出贡献) your understanding of the poems. 8. My father is strict with (对要求严格) me, hoping that I can do something extraordinary in the future. 高考复习学与练 精品资源备战高考6 9. The more one is exposed to (接触) the English-speaking environment, the better he or she will learn the language. 10. Doctor Snow suspected that the polluted water was linked to (与有关) the disease, but he didnt find enough evidence. .重点句型 1. I suggested to him that we (should) handle (handle) the problem in another way. 2. Neither my wife nor I myself am (be) able to persuade my daughter to change her mind. 3. Every time/ Each time (每次) I went to see her, she was absorbed in reading. 4. So difficult is (be) the article that I can hardly make any sense of it. 5. They bought a truckload of food and had it delivered (让人将它送到) to the churchs parking lot. 6. Only if people live in harmony with eac

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