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八年级《百分闯关》英语课件:Unit 7《Will people have robots》Section B(2a-2e)(人教新目标版上册)

  • 卖家[上传人]:我****
  • 文档编号:144479345
  • 上传时间:2020-09-09
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    • 1、Section B(2a2e),一、根据句意及汉语提示写单词。 1The teacher was _(已经) in the room when I arrived. 2The cloud appeared in the _ (形状) of an elephant. 3My brother works in a big car _ (工厂) 4Will robots think like _ (人类) in the future? 5You should not always think of things on your own _ (一方),already,shape,factory,humans,side,二、根据句意及首字母提示写单词。 1Its _ for a kid to play by the river. 2Thats not true.I dont _ it! 3They had to move _ the house when it started to rain outside. 4I still have lots of work to do now.Its _f

      2、or me to be there before 8:00 pm. 5Its _ colder today than yesterday.,dangerous,believe,into,impossible,even,三、根据汉语意思完成下列句子。 1你正在找什么,托尼? What are you _ _,Tony? 2由于这场大雨,很多房子倒塌了。 Many houses _ _ because of the heavy rain. 3他反复地思考了这些事情。 He thought about these things _ _ _ _ 4成百上千的人正站在图书馆前面。 _ _ people are standing in front of the library.,looking for,fell down,over and over again,Hundreds of,5我当时不同意她的意见。 I _ _ her at that time. 6超人可以飞过天空。 The superman _ _ _ _ across the sky.,disagreed with,is able

      3、to fly,四、单项选择。,1.I dont think I can win the competition. Nothing is _ if you try your best. AableBimpossible Cnice Dsuccessful 2Do you know the actor Du Chun? Yes,I do.He is popular and he is _ more famous than his father. Aeven Blittle Cpretty Dquite,3Why didnt Jim come to school yesterday? Because his sister was lost and he had to _ her with his parents. Alook for Blook up Clook at Dlook to 4Why do you look unhappy,Tim? Because Peter and I _ with each other on future plans and we had a fight.

      4、Apassed Btook Cdisagreed Dsent 5In fact,we _ have two robots to help us cook and clean rooms. Aever Beven Calready Dnever,6At first I was interested in the movie but later I _ bored. Atook Bmade Cgot Dlost 7The 2014 World Cup was interesting and exciting.It was fun _. Awatching Bto watch Clooking Dto look 8How many birds can you see in the trees? I can see _ birds there. Ahundreds of Bfive hundreds Chundred of Dfive hundreds of,9Tony,please be careful,or you may _ on the wet ground. OK.Thank you

      5、. Afeel like Bfall down Ccare about Dfind out 10I _ you can be better this term. Thank you.I hope so. Awonder Bdecide Cbelieve Ddiscuss,五、从方框中选择合适的选项补全对话。,A:Sam,what will the future be like? B:1._ A:I agree.There are already too many people now. B:2._ A:Why?I think they will be busier. B:3._ So they will have more time to travel around the world. A:That sounds interesting.4._ B:Yes,they will have better food and physical health. A:Will students go to school? B:No,they wont.5._ A:Its possible.,AW

      6、ill people live longer in the future? BThey will have robots to do the work for them. CThere will be more trees. DBut people will have more vacations. EThey will study at home. FWe should try to save the earth. GThere will be more people.,六、阅读理解。,Our life will be different from now with robots appearing in our home.So what will the future be like?Here are some students ideas. I expect to live in a more beautiful and cleaner city.The street will be cleaned by the robots once a day. Ben There will

      7、 be more kinds of food to choose from and the food will be more delicious.The robots can make the food for us. Karen,We do not have to spend much time on heavy work because robots will take most of our work,for example,washing the clothes.So we will have more vacations.We can take a vacation on the moon.We will not live on the earth but on the moon or other planets. Mark I expect that most families will have their own planes made by their robots.And travel will become more convenientThe plane is

      8、 faster than any other transportation. Sue I expect robots can make the clothes for us.The clothes could change their size and color by themselves. Sam,1There will be _ for us in the future. Afewer vacations Bmore money Cmore types of food Dmore work 2Robots will NOT help us to _. Aclean the city Bwash clothes Ccook Ddrive a plane 3Which is NOT true according to the passage? AWe can travel to the moon. BThere may be no person on the earth. CWe can spend little time on housework. DThe train will be the fastest transportation.,4The underlined word “convenient” means “_” Aeasy Bcrowded Cboring Dquiet 5What is the best title for the passage? ARobots in the Future BCities in the Future CTransportation in the Future DFuture Life with Robots,

      《八年级《百分闯关》英语课件:Unit 7《Will people have robots》Section B(2a-2e)(人教新目标版上册)》由会员我****分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《八年级《百分闯关》英语课件:Unit 7《Will people have robots》Section B(2a-2e)(人教新目标版上册)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

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