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  • 卖家[上传人]:飞****9
  • 文档编号:144233539
  • 上传时间:2020-09-06
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    • 1、U校园 新视野大学英语4 读写译答案 (本人正好在U校园上做大学英语4的,写了就制成文档上传,一直在更新中。需要的话就自行取阅。本人热爱学习的大学生一枚,会继续在道客巴巴上传一些有用的东西,欢迎小伙伴们光临。辛苦整理上传不容易,有能力的下载下,支持我一两yuan, 就可以在电脑上就可以随意复制粘贴直接答题了。在线阅读的也请五星好评呦。非常感谢 。 这是我道客巴巴主页的链接 https:/ 1Section A1-2 Pre-readingactivities-1BAABB ACCPre-readingactivities-21.Reasoningskillsdealwiththeprocessofgettingfromaproblemtoasolutionoraconclusion.Byimprovingyourreasoningskills,youcanimproveyoursuccessindoingthings.Specifically,strongreasoningskillscanhelpyouto:improvethequalityandvalidityofyourowna


      3、el,andsoon.Inreallife,youneedtofacedecisionsthataremuchmoredifficultthanchoosingwhattowear.So,itisreallyimportanttohavestrongreasoningskills. 2.Thefactorsbelowareusuallyimportantforalogicalconclusion:criticalthinkingskills;facts;evidence;soundreasoningprocess,etc.Readingcomprehension-11. The deal between them is that the narrator gives Rob his leather jacket, and Rob, in exchange, gives the narrator his girlfriend. They make the deal because they want to get something from each other: Rob is cra

      4、zy about fashion, and he wants to own the narrators fashionable leather jacket; the narrator longs to have a beautiful girlfriend, and Robs girlfriend is beautiful.2. He thinks a beautiful and well-spoken girlfriend will assist him to land a job and achieve success in an elite law company.3. The narrator feels this way because he cant stop thinking that his purpose of dating Polly is not for romance but for improving her intelligence, and he cant let Polly know his plan.4. The narrator decides t

      5、o teach Polly logic because he believes logic is essential to clear thinking. By teaching Polly logic, he can make her intelligent.5. When the narrator teaches her logic, Polly responds either shortly with Cool, Great, I like that idea, or simply with nodding or blinking without saying anything. These responses give us an impression that Polly is a nice but rather simple-minded girl.6. Yes. He is only too successful in teaching Polly logic because in the end when he asks Polly to be his girlfrie

      6、nd, Polly refuses his request by applying all the logical fallacies he has taught her.7. Because he wants to make one more attempt to win Polly as his girlfriend by asking her to forget what he has taught her.8. The end of the story is ironic because Polly turns out to be smarter than the narrator. First, she is able to refute all his arguments as logical fallacies. Then, she discloses that she and Rob have played a trick on him. The narrator has been too smart for his own good.Readingcomprehens

      7、ion-21. In my opinion, all the three characters are complex. The following are my descriptions about them.The narrator: Smart: He is an excellent law student and knows a lot about logic. Sophisticated: He believes a beautiful and intelligent girlfriend will benefit him in his future career. Arrogant and self-conceited: He thinks highly of himself but badly of his roommate. Over-confident: He thinks the girl will surely choose him rather than Rob. Stupid and simple-minded: He knows nothing about

      8、what can happen in real life.Rob: Fashionable and cool: He loves fashion and cares a lot about his appearance. Dishonest: He plays a trick on the narrator to get his leather jacket. Clever: He is able to get what he wants without losing anything.Polly: Beautiful and nice: She is pretty and easy to be with. Shallow: She chooses Rob simply because he is fashionable. Smart: She learns quickly and is full of wit when refusing to be the narrators girlfriend.2. The story itself includes the fallacy Di

      9、cto Simpliciter. The narrator assumes that all girls would be happy to date a boy whose future is somewhat guaranteed. Therefore, Polly, a beautiful and wealthy young girl, would certainly fall in love with him an ingenious student and a man with an assured future, rather than Rob a muscular idiot. However, to the narrators surprise and disappointment, Polly chooses Rob in the end because Rob is fashionable and cool.3. Love is blind. It is ridiculous to use logic to deal with love. Smart people sometimes can make wrong judgments. Smart people are sometimes too arrogant and confident. Sm


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