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    • 1、International SettlementFinal Revision,College Of International Business Shenyang Normal University,By SR,Date: June 2011,范围,包括教材第16章内容,包括国际保理与福费廷的含义,主要以信用证为重点,平时:50% 1. Class Participation/Presentation: 10% 2. Mid-semester exam: 20% 3. Homework: 20% 期末: Final Examination 50% 切记要理解知识而非记背答案!,Chapter One,国际结算导论,1.11国际结算的含义国际结算(International settlement)是指国际间由于政治、经济、文化、外交、军事等方面的交往或联系而发生的以货币表示的债权债务的清偿行为或资金转移行为。,美洲,欧洲,非洲,亚洲,大洋洲,1.12 Types of IS,International settlements originate from transactions in

      2、the world trade. And it can be divided into the following two types :,The establishment of a correspondent banking relationship,1. Test keys,2.Authorized/Specimen signatures,3. Schedule of terms and conditions,3. Control Documents,Correspondents,3、双方银行确认控制文件。 为了使代理业务真实、准确、快捷、保密,代理行之间要相互发送控制文件(Control Documents),并在确定无误后,遵照执行。此类控制文件有:,Correspondents, 密押(Test Key)。 它是银行之间事先约定的,在发送电报时,由发电行在电文中加注密码,以证实电报的真实性。 印鉴(签字)样本(Specimen Signature or Booklet of Authorized Signatures)。 印鉴是银行有权签字人的签字式样。银行之间的信函、凭证

      3、、票据等,经有权签字人签字后,寄至收件银行,由收件银行将单证上的签名与所留印鉴核对,核对相符即证明此函件的真实性。,Correspondents, 费率表(Schedule of Terms and Conditions)。 是银行在办理代理业务时收费的标准。费率表应定得适当、合理,过高会削弱竞争力,过低则影响经济效益。,Chapter 2 Negotiable Instruments of International Settlements,Section 1 Overview of Negotiable InstrumentsSection 2 Bill of ExchangeSection 3 Promissory Notes and Checks Section 4 Acts of Negotiable Instruments,What is negotiable instruments?,Board meaning of Document,Commercial Document,Financial Document,Narrow meaning of Document,rep

      4、resents the title of goods,Refer to negotiable instrument made for the purpose of making or collecting payments,Bill of Exchange Promissory Note Check,Document of Title, evidence that gives rise to a legal right of possession or control of commodities or money.,Characteristics,设权性 (right to be paid) 要式性 (requisite in form) 无因性 (non-causative nature) 流通性(negotiability) 可追索性(Recoursement),Example:汇票绝对必要记载项目Absolutely necessary items :,1) “汇票”字样 ; 2)无条件支付命令; 3)一定金额; 4)付款人/受票人 ; 5)收款人/ 抬头人; 6)出票日期;

      5、7)出票人签字,要式性(requisite in form),Bill of Exchange Definition:,英国1882年票据法: A bill of exchange is an unconditional order in writing addressed by one person to another, signed by the person giving it, requiring the person to whom it is addressed to pay on demand or at a fixed or determinable future time a sum certain in money to or to the order of a specified person, or to bearer.,(1) (3) (6) ACCEPTED Exchange for GBP 600.00 Shanghai,5th,April,2002 12/04,2002 (2) (5) Payable at At 60 days after sight

      6、 pay to B CO.Or order Midland Bank. (3) London the sum of six hundred pounds For (4) Bank of Europe, To Bank of Europe, London (7) signature London For A Company, Shanghai (7) signature,汇 票,汇票格式及必要项目,NO.(汇票号码) Exchange for (小写金额)Export - City, Export Country, (出票地点、出票日期) At (汇票期限)sight of this FIRST of Exchange (Second of exchange being unpaid )Pay to the order of(收款人) the sum of(大写金额) Drawn under (开证行名称) L/C No(信用证号码)dated(信用证开证日期) value received (数量、包装、品名) To(受票人) (出票人名称与签字),(1) 按日计算应遵循的准则:算尾不

      7、算头。 即起算日不包括在内,而最后一天则是付款到期日。,注意!关于汇票付款到期日计算,例:出票后30天付款的汇票于3月31日出票,则起算日 即出票日不计入,应从4月1日计算,到期日为4月30日。,同理,见票后定期汇票中的见票日、特定事件后定期汇票的事件发生日不应计入。,(2)节假日顺延。 通过上述计算确定之到期日,若恰逢节假日等银行正常的非营业日,则顺延至其后的第一个营业日。,(4)先算整月,后算半月,半月以15天计。,(3)月为日历月。 以月计算的不考虑每月的具体天数,一律以相应月份中的同一日期为到期日,若无同一日期,则为该月最后一天。,例:l月31日承兑的见票后一个月付款,应于2月28日 (若闰年则为29日)到期。,例:8月31日交单的汇票规定交单后一个半月付款,则 先算整月至9月30日,再算半月15天于10月15日到期。,Acts on an instrument,1) Issue(出票) 2) Endorsement(背书) 3) Presentation(提示) 4) Acceptance(承兑) 5) Payment(付款) 6) Dishonor(拒付或退票 ) 7) R

      8、ecourse(追索) 8) Notice of Dishonor (拒付通知) 9) Protest(拒绝证书) 10) Acceptance for Sbs Honor (参加承兑) 11) Payment for Sbs Honor and Payor for Bbs Honor(参加付款和参加付款人) 12) Guarantee(保证),Methods of payment (1),Chapter 3 Remittance,College Of International Business Shenyang Normal University,1.1 Modes of payments: 1. by remittance: i) by T/T ii) by M/T iii) by D/D 2. by collection: i) by D/P at sight ii) by D/P after sight iii) by D/A 3. by L/C 4. others: factoring, Forfeiting, L/G, etc. 哪些属于商业信用?银行信用?,1.3 De

      9、finition of Remittance,A bank, at the request of its customer, transfers funds to its overseas branch or correspondent bank, instructing them to pay to a named person or company.,汇款人 (进口商),收款人 (出口商),汇出行 (进口方银行),汇入行 (出口方银行),Parties in the international bank remittance,Remitter = payer =buyer =importer,Remitting bank = remitters bank in buying country,Beneficiary = seller = exporter = payee,Paying bank = beneficiarys bank in exporting country,Relationships?,2.1 Types of Remittance,Based on the means of transferring funds, a remittance usually falls into one of the three types: 1. Telegraphic Transfer, T/T (电汇) -(T/T, SWIFT, etc.), fast and expensive 2. Mail Transfer, M/T (信汇) -slow and cheap 3. Remittance by Bankers Demand Draft, D/D (票汇)-slow and easy to be negotia


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