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初中英语七年级下册 期末测试01含答案

  • 卖家[上传人]:侗****源
  • 文档编号:135610649
  • 上传时间:2020-06-17
  • 文档格式:PDF
  • 文档大小:209.92KB
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    • 1、初中英语七年级上册 1 9 人教版七年级英语下册人教版七年级英语下册 期末测试期末测试01 听力部分 听力部分 20分 分 一 听小对话 选择正确答案 一 听小对话 选择正确答案 5分 分 1 What can Tom play A The guitar B The violin C The piano 2 What does Tony want to see first in the zoo A Monkeys B Pandas C Elephants 3 What color is David s hair A Blonde B Black C Brown 4 How was Eric s school trip A Great B Interesting C Terrible 5 Where is Linda now A In the supermarket B At school C At home 二 听长对话 回答问题 二 听长对话 回答问题 5分 分 听下面一段对话 回答第1 2两小题 1 Where are they talking A At the bus stati

      2、on B At Jenny s home C On the phone 2 How will they go to Lisa s house A By bus B By bike C On foot 听下面一段对话 回答第3 5三小题 3 When did the boy call Gina A Yesterday morning B Yesterday afternoon C Yesterday evening 4 What does Mary look like A She is tall and a little heavy B She is tall and thin C She is short and a little heavy 5 What animals didn t Gina and Mary sec A Tigers B Lions C Giraffes 三 听独白 选择正确答案 三 听独白 选择正确答案 10分 分 1 How long did lily and Lucy play chess 初中英语七年级上册 2 9 A One hour B Two hou

      3、rs C Three hours 2 What did Lily have for lunch A Rice B Noodles C Dumplings 3 How was the weather in the afternoon A Rainy B Sunny C Windy 4 How much was the skirt A 20dollars B 30 dollars C 90 dollars 5 When did they go to the movies A In the morning B In the afternoon C In the evening 笔试部分笔试部分 80分分 四 完形填空四 完形填空 10分分 Dorothy lived in a small house in Kansas with her uncle aunt and a little black1 called Toto Sometimes there was a cyclone 飓风 in Kansas It could blow everything away 2usually ther

      4、e were cellars 地窖 under all the houses People went into their cellars when a cyclone came One day a cyclone was coming So they3went into the cellar but the dog Toto was so4that he ran under the bed Dorothy had to pick5up But6she got to the cellar door with Toto the cyclone arrived and the house was moving It went slowly up into the sky Dorothy was afraid But we7do anything about it she said to Toto So let s wait and sec Soon they went to sleep When Dorothy8 the house was on the ground She opened

      5、 the door and found she was in a new place Then she saw three short men and a little old woman9a white dress The woman walked up to Dorothy and said Thank you You killed the Witch 巫婆 of the East and you10us Dorothy was really surprised 1 A catB dogC mouseD bird 2 A SoB ButC ThenD And 3 A slowlyB strictlyC quicklyD usually 4 A luckyB afraidC sadD happy 5 A herB themC himD you 6 A beforeB afterC thenD soon 7 A won tB needn tC can tD mustn t 8 A woke upB listened toC slept upD went along 9 A buying

      6、B wearingC gettingD putting 初中英语七年级上册 3 9 10 A savedB killedC lovedD got 五 阅读理解五 阅读理解 30分分 A Want Ads 1 WANTED Are you hard working Do you like to meet people If your answer is Yes then we have a job for you as a waiter Call AL Hotel at 556779 2 SUMMER JOB Do you like to talk with people Do you like stories If you want to work for our magazine as a reporter please call Jack at 558366 3 HELP WANTED Do you like babies Can you look after one baby for two days If you are sure to take good care of it

      7、 call us at 766588 80 or more 4 CLEANER WANTED Can you make a large house clean and tidy If you hope to get the job paid at 20 once call us this evening 18 00 20 00 Tel 633800 1 The above 上面的 job ads are probably 大概 from A a newspaperB a story bookC a science bookD a guide book 2 If the owner of the large house asks a cleaner to tidy his house twice a week how much will the cleaner get in a month A 120B 160C 200D 240 3 are needed in AL Hotel A CleanersB Baby sittersC ReportersD Waiters B I m a p

      8、olice officer My work is very exciting It can be dangerous but I like it Sometimes I work around the city and sometimes I work in the police station I m an actor I work in a theatre 剧场 and I work late every night When there s too much work I can t relax on weekends It s a difficult job but it has lots of fun I m a newspaper reporter I m always very busy I interview 采访 people on the street and then I go back to the office to write the story My job is never boring I am a bank clerk I work with lot

      9、s of money in a bank but I m not rich I meet many people every day They give me their money or get their money from me Sometimes I feel it boring 4 Where does an actor work A In the police station B In a theatre 初中英语七年级上册 4 9 C On the street D In a bank 5 What do reporters often do A They meet people on the street and ask them questions B They work late in a theatre C They work with lots of money D They work both around the city and the police station 6 How does a bank clerk think of his job A I

      10、t has a lot of fun B It s boring C It s difficult D It s very exciting 7 Which of the following is TRUE A A police officer always works in the police station B An actor can relax many hours every day C A reporter often goes back to the office to write stories D A bank clerk is rich because there are lots of money in a bank C Monday oh I don t like Monday because I ll have to go back to school again after the weekend Tuesday is not so bad I usually play tennis with my friends after school On Wedn

      《初中英语七年级下册 期末测试01含答案》由会员侗****源分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《初中英语七年级下册 期末测试01含答案》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

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