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北交《大学英语下》在线作业(1) 参考资料

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    • 1、北交大学英语下在线作业二 1 单选题 1 He _the Communist Party_2002.A has joined, inB has joined, sinceC joined, onD joined, in2 Woul dnt you rather your child _ to bed early?A goB wentC would goD goes3 Parks and open spaces are essential to the quality of life in dense ( ) areas such as New York City.A agriculturalB ruralC suburbanD urban4 Sometimes I wish I _ in a different time and a different place.A be livingB were livingC would li veD would have lived5 She cooked the meat for a long time so as to make it _

      2、enough to eat.A mildB slightC lightD tender6 They seem( ) in that film.A interestingB interestedC to int erestD to be interested7 _ the matter with the teacher, we had a better understanding about it.A To discussB DiscussedC Being di scussedD Having discussed8 A:You shoul d have thanked her before you left. B: I meant_, but when I was leaving I couldnt find her anywhere.A to doB toC doingD doing so9 _ she realized it was too late to go home.A No sooner it grew dark thanB Hardly di d it grow dark

      3、 thatC Scarcely had it grown dark thanD It was not until dark that10 If you_quiet, Ill tell you what happened.A will beB are to beC areD be11 Id _ his reputation with other farmers and business people in the community, and then make a decision about whether or not to approve a loan.A take into accountB account forC account forD make out12 The problem of poverty is particularly ( ) in rural areas where one in three adults is unemployed.A offensiveB significantC acuteD frail13 Three people went ki

      4、lled in the bomb explosion, but police have not yet identified the ( ) .A representativesB statisticsC victimsD circumstances14 The meeting _next week is sure to be a great success.A to take placeB to be taken placeC to have taken placeD being taken place15 In the last few years, the Internet and the World Wide Web have become ( ) words; al most everyone has heard of them.A familyB homeC houseD household16 Im afraid I cant finish the work _to help me.A unless you will comeB unless you comeC unti

      5、l you will comeD until you shall come17 In social dancing, the participants dance for their own pleasure rather than for the ( ) of an audience.A appreciationB entertainmentC leisureD temptation18 The ( ) of older persons is relatively low in developi ng countries, but it is growing much faster than that in the West.A additionB maj orityC percentageD statistic19 He was ashamed. That feeling ( ) , and he was never comfortable in church after that.A lingeredB stalkedC saturatedD flourished20 Altho

      6、ugh Anne is happy wit h her success she wonders _ will happen to her private life.A thatB whatC itD this21 I am sorry_ written you a letter at the time.A to have notB to not haveC not to haveD not having22 We often hold fairs here. There are a lot of things ( ) .A to choose fromB to chooseC to be chosenD for choosing23 Space exploration has been made ( ) with the development of modern science and technology.A it possibleB it was possibleC that possibleD possible24 ( )wonderful birthday I am having!A WhatB What aC HowD How much25 ( )of them knew anything about it, because it was confidential.A SomeB AnyC No oneD None

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