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2011高考英语一轮复习 BookII Unit13教学案 人教大纲版.doc

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    • 1、Unit 13-Unit 14提纲挈领单元考查重点及热点Unit 13单词cube sailor benefit transport range unique atom oxygen relative solid freezing pure gramme relationship mass kilogramme float decrease substance centigrade absorb thus stable sensitive steady trust nursery recreation gallon短语benefit from all the way take advantage of give off call in a variety of句型1.sth.happen to2.比较级+than any other.Unit 14单词freedom civil murder youth prison revolution slavery runaway soul chorus arrest separation race marriage forbid vote po

      2、litical demand boycott lawyerracial act bill politics religion independence unconditional abolish prejudice regardless chapter ridiculous短语put.in prison join hands set an example to from then on start with regardless ofat first sight句型what引导的名词性从句Unit 13理解:要点诠释单词1.benefit讲:n. 优势;益处;成效vt. 对(某人)有用;使受益 (宾语为受益者)vi.(from/by sth.)得益于;受益于(主语为受益者)例:Ive had the benefit of a good education. A good education has benefited me. I have benefited from a good education. 我得益于良好的教育。链接提示 (1)for the benefit of为了的利益

      3、;为帮助某人I have typed out some lecture notes for the benefit of those who were absent last week. 我帮上星期缺课的人打印了些上课的笔记。(2)of benefit to对有益处(该短语既可以作表语,也可以作定语) The new regulations will be of benefit to everyone concerned. 新章程将使所有有关人员受益。 (3)benefit from/by从受益练:(1)A large sum of money has been raised for the_ of the poorlyeducated children in the mountainous districts.A.profit B.favorC.advantage D.benefit提示:profit利润;favor恩惠;帮助;advantage优点;优势;benefit益处;好处。依据词义和搭配for the benefit of,选D项。答案:D(2)Doing morning

      4、exercises_ our health and we_ it.A.benefits to;benefit B.benefits;benefit fromC.benefits from;benefit D.benefits;are benefited from答案:B2.absorb讲:vt.(drink in,take in)吸收(水、热、光等);使并入;同化;理解;掌握;吸引注意力;使全神贯注例:We must absorb whatever experience is useful to us. 我们必须吸收对我们有用的一切经验。 Its a lot of information to absorb all at once. 要一下子消化这些资料,真是很多。 The cream is easily absorbed into the skin. 这种乳霜皮肤易吸收。链接提示 absorb作“使全神贯注,使专心”讲时,常用于被动语态。(1)be/get absorbed in 全神贯注;专心致志 She was completely absorbed in her work. 她

      5、的心思完全集中在工作上。 The little girl was absorbed in reading a tale. 小女孩正在全神贯注地阅读一篇故事。 (2)be absorbed in thought=be lost in thought陷入沉思练:(1)Danis is_ writing a new novel and has no eye for his wife and children.A.occupied to B.busied for C.absorbed in D.engaged with提示:A、B、D项搭配错误,应该分别用be occupied in,be busy (in)或be engaged in,它们都可以表示“忙于”,be absorbed in的意思是“全神贯注干某事”。答案:C(2)Because of the drought,the ground quickly_ the little rain that fell last night.A.absorbed B.tookC.floated D.wasted答案:A3.range 讲:n. &v

      6、.幅度;范围;范围涉及 构成短语:range from.to.范围从到 within range of在范围之内 beyond range of在范围之外例:The student has a very wide range of interests. 那个学生的兴趣非常广泛。 The prices of the dolls range from $5 to $100. 那些布娃娃的价格从5美元到100美元不等。 The discussion ranged over various problems. 那次讨论涉及到种种问题。链接提示 range还可以用作及物动词,表示“排列;归类”。 They ranged the books on the shelf. 他们把书架上的书排列整齐。练:Whats your cost of your shirts here,sir? It depends on which fashion you want to buy,and the prices_ from $100 to $300.A.reach B.separateC.range D.diffe

      7、r提示:从句子的意思分析,此处用range和from $100 to $300连用,表示“从100美元到300美元不同的价位”。而separate.from的意思为“把和分开”;differ from“和不同”均不符合语境要求。答案:C短语1.all the way讲:该词组的义项有“一路上;自始至终;完全地;无保留地”。例:She didnt speak a word to me all the way back home. 在回家的路上,她没对我说过一句话。 You can feel that the audience is with her all the way. 你可以感觉到听众完全支持她。链接拓展 含有way的短语: (1)in this way用这种方式 (2)by the way顺便说 (3)in a way在某种程度上 (4)in no way决不 (5)in the way妨碍某人 (6)lose ones way迷路 (7)on the/ones way在路上 (8)make ones way前进练:(1)Life in the oceans ranges fro

      8、m the tiniest plankton(浮游生物)_ to giants like sharks and whales.A.all the way B.in the wayC.by the way D.on the way提示:all the way一路上,一直。答案:A(2)Have you heard todays weather forecast? Yes.Better weather is_ .We can expect an outing.A.in the way B.by the wayC.in this way D.on the way提示:从后面一句话所提供的暗示分析,这里应该表示天气正在好转,所以使用介词短语on the way“在路上;就要”的意思。答案:D2.take advantage of讲:该词组的义项有“利用;利用的机会;欺骗;占的便宜”。例:She took advantage of the childrens absence to tidy their rooms. 她趁孩子不在时收拾他们的房间。 We took full advantage of the hotel facilities. 我们充分利用了旅馆设施。链接提示 含有advantage的短语:

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