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    • 1、TOPIC: ISSUE152 - The only responsibility of corporate executives, provided they stay within the law, is to make as much money as possible for their companies.WORDS: 598 TIME: 00:45:00 DATE: 2010-03-22 17:08:51 Generally I can identify with the speakers perspective that corporate executives should shoulder the responsibility to make as much money as they can for their companies on condition that their conducts are legal. Nonetheless, so complicated is the issue concerning the duty of corporate e

      2、xecutives that other viewpoints could be equally tenable from different angles. As far as I think, corporate executives ought to take a wide range of responsibilities, not just making money. In most cases, making profits for the companies remain the single most important objective for corporate executives provided that their conducts stay within the law. After all, having a strong and healthy cash flow is generally a guarantee for companies to pursue further development and thus increase their m

      3、arket shares. A corporate executive is authorized, by major shareholders, as the chief manager in a company to run business for the benefits of shareholders, namely make more money for shareholders. Therefore, as long as their conduct is within the law, it is natural that making money certainly seems the ultimate goal for them. For example, there are a large number of business magnets, such as Warrant Buffet, Steve Jobs, Donald Trump, to name a few, prospering their own business in the global ma

      4、rket, and yet not a single one of them doesnt include making money in their chief responsibilities. Nevertheless, to be an effective and responsible manager, he/she needs to take into account more than just making money. Usually the executive also needs to take on the responsibility for analyzing the risks involved in the money-oriented policy which may not always be beneficial for the companys long-term development, especially when the economy is enjoying a boom. Due to the opportunities provid

      5、ed by the booming economy, business may seek to expand blindly. If corporate executives are merely money-oriented, they may overlook the potential hazards in making money. For example they may seek to increase more liabilities and upgrade their market shares due to the positive picture the economy gives to them, hoping to make as much money as possible- a dangerous and reckless approach which could results in overvaluing the companies strength and once the market crashes, bankruptcy may be doome

      6、d to come. The 2008 financial crisis may prove a good example. Before the economic downturn, everything seems just too good: interest rate is stable, theres no sign of inflation and commerce is prospering. Blinded by the retina of the economy, executives only shoulder the responsibility of making money, resulting in countless business going bankrupt once the markets bubble is burst, despite the fact that those approaches by them are within the law. Moreover, company executives are also responsib

      7、le for strengthening morale and creating a positive social image for the corporation. Companies are supposed to provide social returns because they accumulate wealth from society. Once too much wealth is mounted in one company without it contributing a single penny to society, ordinary people may feel that the company is not being responsible and will choose not to purchase products or services from such “cheapskate”. And beyond that, company executives should also carefully consider the exact a

      8、mount of labor costs. A trade-off between profits and labor costs could be tricky, but if the executive merely wants profits, which roughly equal the difference between income and all kinds of cost, including labor costs, those generally provided as wages or salaries for employees, he/she is likely to reduce the labor costs, thus contracting the benefits the employees should get. This in turn, in all likely hoods, will cause discontentedness among employees and decrease in morale, leading to les

      9、s competitive productivity. In a nutshell, despite the strong justification in the speakers conclusion that corporate executives are supposed earn as much money as possible for their own companies, provided they obey the law, therere other responsibilities that need shouldering and once theyre overlooked, it is hard to maintain the market strength of the companies. TOPIC: ARGUMENT103 - Blue City Highway had always been notorious for its tight curves and poor roadway visibility, and the accident rate there was generally very high. Last year the highway was redesigned to broaden the curves and improve roadway visibility. Drivers report that they now feel much safer driving on the highway and that the redesign has been a big improvement. But the number of accidents on the highway has not been significantly lower in the six months since t


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