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旧词新意 熟词生义

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    • 1、熟词生义 A 1. absent (熟义义:adj. 不在的, 缺席的) He listened to me with an absent expression on his face. adj. 心不在焉的 2. absorb (熟义义:vt. 吸收) (2015高考天津卷)Absorbed in painting, John didnt notice evening approaching. vt.专专心于 I havent really had time to absorb everything that he said. vt. 理解, 掌握 3. abuse (熟义义:v.滥滥用;谩骂谩骂 ) She is quite a successful career woman, but actually she has much abuse at home. n.恶习恶习 4. accommodate (熟义义:vt.住宿, 留宿) This hotel can accommodate more than 500 guests. vt.容纳纳 5. accompany (熟义义:v

      2、t.陪伴, 伴随) The well known singer was accompanied at the piano by Mr. Moore. vt.为为伴奏或伴唱 6. account (熟义义:n.账账目) It is said that body language accounts for 55 per cent of a first impression while what you say just 7 per cent. vi. (在数量、比例方面)占 There are several accounts of the story in the newspaper. n. 报报道, 叙述 7. act (熟义义:v. that should cover all your expenses. v. 够够付(费费用) By sunset we had covered thirty miles. v. 走完(一段路) He is carrying out a research that covers a wild field. v. 涉及 He was sent to co

      3、ver the event. v. 报导报导 D 1. dash (熟义义:v.猛冲) The flower adds a dash of colour to the room. n. 少许许 2. dawn (熟义义:n. 拂晓晓;vi. 破晓晓, 天亮) The truth began to dawn on him. vi. 开始明白, 被领领悟 3. deliver (熟义义:v. 递递送;接生小孩) (2015高考天津卷)The robot doesnt just deliver general answers to questions; it responds based on what it learns about each individual in the household. vt. 宣布,讲讲述 The president delivered the opening speech. vt. 发发言, 讲话讲话 4. desperate (熟义义:adj.不顾顾一切的) Ben is desperate to get the job. adj. 极想的 5. dep

      4、osit (熟义义:v.把钱钱等存入银银行) He deposited the book on the desk. vt. 放下;放置 6. desert (熟义义:n.沙漠) He deserted his wife and children and went abroad. vt. 抛弃 7. develop (熟义义:v.发发展;开发发;研制) Did you have the films developed? vt. 冲印 8. devotion (熟义义:n.奉献) She has always shown her devotion to her children. n. 深爱爱, 挚爱挚爱 9. digest (熟义义:v.消化;n.文摘) I struggle to digest the news. v. 理解, 领领悟 10. drive (熟义义:v.驾驶驾驶 ) Im an ambitious writer, and when I started going through chemo (化疗疗), even though Im a very positive pe

      5、rson, I lost my drive to write. n. 动动力 Players on a sports team may feel driven to play harder in order to help the team win. driven adj. 受到驱驱使的, 被动动的 11. draw (熟义义:v.画;拖;拉) but in many instances we also draw inferences about who we are. v. 推断出 Ladies and gentlemen, may I draw your attention to me? v. 吸引 What conclusions did you draw from the study? v.获获取,汲取 E 1. easy (熟义义:adj.容易的;安逸的) Make yourself easy about the matter. adj. 安心的 Take it easy. adv. 慢慢地, 悠闲闲地 2. edge (熟义义:n. 边缘边缘 ) The boy is pl

      6、aying with a knife with a sharp edge. n. 刀刃 Kate edged her chair to me. v. 徐徐移动动 3. employ (熟义义:v.雇用) The police employed force to open the door. v. 利用, 使用 4. engage (熟义义:adj.使订订婚) I cant get through, for her line is engaged. adj. 电话电话 占线线的 5. enter (熟义义:v.进进入) He entered his name for an English contest. v. 报报名参加 6. equal (熟义义:adj. 相等的;平等的) He is equal to the task. adj. 胜胜任的 7. express (熟义义:v.表达) The TWU Express is a shuttle (班车车) service. n. 快车车 It was in that express way that the traffic accid

      7、ent happened. adj. 高速的, 快速的 8. enterprise (熟义义:n.公司;企业单业单 位;事业单业单 位) He got the job because he showed the spirit of enterprise. n. 事业业心;进进取心 9. exit (熟义义:v.出去;离去;n.出口) At the end of the third scene the actress exits. v. 退场场 10. explode (熟义义:v.爆炸;爆裂) Im about to explode!He broke my violin. v. 勃然大怒;大发发雷霆 11. exploit (熟义义:v. 开发发;开采;剥削) You must exploit every opportunity to learn new things. v. 利用 12. escape (熟义义:v. 逃走) His name escaped me for the moment. v. 被忘记记 13. even (熟义义:adv. 甚至) A billiardtable(台球桌) must be perfectly even. adj. 平坦的 That is an even game. adj. 不相上下的,均衡的

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