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    • 1、专八翻译练习 你是否觉得劳生草草,身心两乏?我劝你工余之暇,常到小巷里走走,那是最的将息, 会使你消除疲劳,紧张的心弦得到调整 。你如果有时情绪烦躁,心境悒郁,我劝你到小巷里负手行吟一阵,你一定会豁然开朗 ,怡然自得 ,物我两忘。 【你有爱人吗?我建议不要带她去什么名园胜境 ,还是利用晨昏时节 ,到深巷中散散步。在那里,你们俩可以随意谈天 ,心贴得更,在街上那种贪婪的睨视,恶意的斜觑,巷里是没有的;偶然呀的一声,墙门口显现出一个人影, 又往往是深居简出的姑娘,看见你们 ,会娇羞地返身回避了。巷 ,是人海汹汹 中的一道避风塘,给人带来安全感;是城市喧嚣扰攘 中的一带洞天幽境,胜似皇家的阁道 ,便于平常百姓徘徊徜徉 。】爱逐臭争利,锱铢必较的,请到长街闹市去 ;爱轻嘴薄舌,争是论非的,请到茶馆酒楼去;爱锣鼓钲镗 ,管弦嗷嘈的,请到歌台剧院去;爱宁静淡泊,沉思默想的,深深的小巷在欢迎你 ! 背景介绍 巷是柯灵(1909 2000 )写于1930年秋的一篇著名小品散文。作者以沉挚细腻的笔调描述了江南小城市中的小巷,向往那里悠闲宁静的情调,流露出对大都市喧闹纷争生活的厌恶。本文语言流畅,玲珑剔透

      2、,一气呵成,翻译时,应尽量再现原文的韵味。 难点解析1. 你是否觉得劳生草草: “劳生”作“辛劳的生活”解 ; “草草”作“忧虑”解 。全句可译为“Aren t you weighed down with cares in this life of hard toil.”。weigh sb. down: depress; make tired, troubled, etc. (使闷闷不乐 ;使某人困乏、担心、忧虑等)。例如 ,weighed down with sorrow / anxieties(因忧伤/焦虑而闷闷不乐 )。2. 身心两乏:意为“身体上和心理上都感到困乏”。故可译为“exhausted physically and mentally”或“exhausted both in body and mind”。3. 工余之暇:意为“不上班的休息时间”,故译为“in your off-duty hours”。4. 会使你消除疲劳,紧张的心弦得到调整 :后半句作“放松紧张的心弦”解 。译为“It will dissipate your fatigue and relieve yo

      3、ur nervous tension”。5. 负手行吟一阵:意为“将手放在背后,或 吟诗,或作诗” 。可译为 “reciting or composing poems with your hands crossed behind your back”。6. 豁然开朗,怡然自得,物我两忘:英文习惯用doing的形式 ,表示伴随状态,“物我两忘”可以这样处理。另外,“物我两忘”指 “忘记自己和外面的世界”。故译为“suddenly fall into a bright mood and enj oy inner peace, forgetting both yourself and the external world”。7. 心贴得更近:译为“with even deeper affection”,介词短语修饰chat ,作状语。 8. 在街上那种贪婪的睨视 ,恶意的斜觑 ,巷里是没有的:可以归化为英语句型来表达 “巷里是没有的”,即“巷是远离 的” ,译为“free from .”。整句话可译成“free from greedy sidelong glances or maliciou

      4、s squints such as you often meet with in busy streets”。9. 呀的一声:指 “门吱呀一声开了” ,故译为“at a creaking sound”。10. 深居简出:可译为“secluded” ,现译为“unsophisticated” ,是按“不懂世故”之意作灵活处理 。11. 会娇羞地返身回避了: “返身回避”作“退回屋里”解,故译为“withdraw coyly into the house”。12. 人海汹汹 :译为“the turbulent sea of humans”。13. 避风塘:指“避风的港湾”,故译为“a safe haven”。14. 给人带来安全感 :用to do不定式来翻译 ,故译为“to enjoy a sense of security”。15. 洞天幽境 : “洞天”本指“上天群仙居住之处”,现按“超凡的住所”译为“heavenly abode”。16. 阁道:指古代皇家楼阁之间以木架空的通道,现 以释义法把它译为“the erstwhile plank-paved path used exclus

      5、ively by the imperial family for their vehicles to move smoothly”。17. 爱逐臭争利 ,锱铢必较的 :中文的排比修辞法可以在英文中再现,这里可以使用 “Those who.”的句型。 “爱逐臭争利 ,锱铢必较 的”可译为 “Those who strive for fame and gain, and haggle over every penny”。Haggle over: argue, dispute, esp. the price of sth. or the terms of the bargain(争论 ;讨价还价 )。18. 爱轻嘴薄舌,争是论非的:译为“Those who are sharp-tongued and quarrelsome”。19. 爱锣鼓钲镗,管弦嗷嘈的:“钲”指古代行军时用的打击乐器 ,有柄 ,形状像钟 ,但比钟狭而长,用铜制成。“镗”象声词 ,形容打钟 、敲锣 、放枪一类 的声音。“嗷 嘈”指声音吵闹。只要译文可以体现一番热闹的场景即可,故译为“Those who love deafe

      6、ning gongs and drums as well as noisy wind and string instruments”。20. 爱宁静淡泊,沉思默想的:译为“Those who are given to profound meditation and a quiet life without worldly desires”。be given to 表示“习惯于 ;沉溺于”。参考译文Arent you weighed down with cares in this life of hard toil and exhausted physically and mentally? I would like to advise you often to take a walk in the lane in your off-duty hours.That is the best way to take a rest. It will dissipate your fatigue and relieve your nervous tension. When you are ?dg

      7、ety or depressed, go to the lane and wander around reciting or composing poems with your hands crossed behind your back. You will then suddenly fall into a bright mood and enj oy inner peace, forgetting both yourself and the external world. 【 Dont you have a sweetheart? Let me suggest that, instead of accompanying her on a visit to a famous park or scenic spot, you take her with you for a stroll in the lane at dawn or dusk. Over there, you two can chat freely and with even deeper affection, free

      8、 from greedy sidelong glances or malicious squints such as you often meet with in busy streets. Suddenly, at a creaking sound, there may appear a ?gure by a door usually an unsophisticated young girl. She will, at the sight of you, withdraw coyly into the house.The lane is a safe haven for those struggling in the turbulent sea of humans to enj oy a sense of security. It is a heavenly abode in the midst of confusion. Unlike the erstwhile plank-paved path used exclusively by the imperial family fo

      9、r their vehicles to move on smoothly, the lane is a place for the common people to roam about leisurely.】Those who strive after fame and gain, and haggle over every penny, please go to the downtown area! Those who are sharp-tongued and quarrelsome, please go to the teahouse or restaurant! Those who love deafening gongs and drums as well as noisy wind and string instruments, please go to the opera house or theatre! Those who are given to profound meditation and a quiet life without worldly desires, welcome to the lane!


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