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    • 1、银行考试英语资料练习二银行考试英语一般根据具体银行所涉及的主要业务方向和业务岗位需求进行。岗位要求是四、六级或托业的水平。英语考试题型是阅读理解、选择,完形填空,英汉互译、改错等。下面是小编为您收集整理的银行考试英语资料练习二,供大家参考!银行考试英语资料练习二October 8Book Review of Anne NarazakisNew Century, New BusinessReviewed by John GilliamAnne Narazaki s recent book, New Century, New Business, seeks to examine the new technologies that are critical for global business and how they affect today corporate transactions. Ms. Narazaki argues that while economic transactions of one kind or another have taken place for tho

      2、usands of years, the impact of changing technology on business has become obvious only recently. In fact, as new technologies have grown more prevalent, Ms. Narazaki observes, international businesses have increased in size and number. At the same time, the time required to conduct each business transaction has decreased.Mr. Narazaki illustrates her observations with detailed examples of recent business transactions. Citing the merger of Poynter Technologies and Carce Company, which created the

      3、largest financial services company in the world, Ms. Narazaki explains the effect technology has on the valuation of a company, on communication between the managements of different companies, and on stock and funds trading.Those of us who take an interest in the interaction between business andtechnology will find Ms. Narazaki s ideas persuasive. The view that business cannotsurvive without keeping up with new technology has become today s corporatereality.1. In the article, t he word “critical

      4、 ” in paragraph 1, line 4 is closest in meaning to A. growingB. sensitiveC. disapproving D. important2. According to the article, why is the merger of Poynter Technologies and Carce Company mentioned in the book?A. To point out the legal issues raised by new technologiesB. To show how the worlds largest computer technology firm was createdC. To indicate that large companies have advantages in the marketplaceD. To illustrate the impact technology has on transactions3. What can be inferred about J

      5、ohn Gilliam from his review? A. He specializes in articles focusing on history.B. He agrees with the ideas presented in the bookC. He hopes technology will become less important to business D. He is training to work in corporate mergers.4. Why did Ms. Oguro write an e-mail to Ms. Narazaki?A. To offer her a jobB. To compliment her on her new bookC. To invite her to visit SydneyD. To request advice on writing books5. What does Ms. Oguro indicate about New Century, New Business?A. It is Anne Naraza

      6、kis first book.B. It is published by Rotaro incorporatedC. John Gilliam helped write a section of itD. Anne Narazaki wrote it at Poynter Technologies6. What is the purpose of the e-mail? A. To change a policyB. To inquire about a problem C. To give instructionsD. To correct an error7. In the e- mail, the word“address ” in paragraph 3, line 1, is closest in meaningtoA. give attention toB. write toC. look forward toD. call by name8. What will the technical support team NOT do? A. Record speakersB.

      7、 Videotape presentationsC, Check sound equipmentD. Adjust lighting9. What problem does Hanna Sanchez mention?A. The technicians do not have enough time between sessionsB. One of the rooms is not fully equipped for the presentationsC. One of the presentations will need to be rescheduledD. The lighting in room 106 does not work properly10. Who will need to move a laptop computer? A. Adam NaraoznyB. Maria Faustini C. Jim Dawkins D. Hanna Sanchez答案:1. 【答案】 D. 解析: “critical一 ”出 在 “ examine the new te

      8、chnologiesthat are critical for global business 句 ”中, 合整句加以理解,是 :新的科技技 全球商 的重要性。所以, 的正确答案 D。2. 【答案】 D. 解析:由原文第二段相关内容:“ Ms. Narazaki explains theeffect technology has on the valuation of a company, on communication可以得出正确答案。 A、B、C 在原文中均未提到。3. 【答案】 B. 解析:由原文的最后一段: Ms. Narazaki s ideas persuasive. The view that business cannot survive without keeping up with new technology has become today s corporate reality可.以推断出, John Gilliam 对该 Reviews 中提及的 点是表示 同的。所以本 的正确答案 B。4. 【答案】 B. 解析: 件的第一段中: but I m writ

      9、ing to congratulate you on the publication of your first book. 句 就可以得出此 答案。5. 【答案】 A. 解析: to congratulate you on the publication of your firstbook. 就表明: New Century, New Business 本 是 Anne Narazaki的第一本 。 B、D 两 不能从原文中得到,C ,因 John Gilliam 只是 本 写了Reviews 。所以本 答案 A。6. 【答案】 C. 解析: 件的第一段首句: This message is to finalize theorganizational details for就表明, 份 件是 了完善有关于即将 行的研 会的相关事宜而提出的相关要求和指 意 。所以,本 的正确答案 C。7. 【答案】 A. 解析: 合句意分析, A 的意思与 “Address一” 在 句中的意思最 近,其它 都不能。8. 【答案】 B. 解析:由原文中第三段的第二句:Speakers will not be videotaped可以得出正确答案。9. 【答案】 B. 解析:由最后一段: room 106 does not have a computer on-site,but the


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