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    • 1、剑桥二级下册教案Unit 1 Going to different places教学目的和要求 Teaching aims and demandsl 通过学习学生能了解我们周边美丽的风景l 熟悉和掌握相关的词汇和句型l 能用英语简单询问对方的活动交际用语 Expressions in communicationl Where would you like to go in the holiday?l Id like to go to the countryside.l Where did you go on the holidays?l Did you go to Huang Mountain?l What other places did you go to?l Im sure you had a good time.l Thats great! l He couldnt use the pen now, so he had to use a pencil.重点朗读词汇 Key words and expressions jungle, forest, lake, plant, is

      2、land, countryside, field, village, river, waterfall, mountain, cinema, bank, zoo, supermarket, hospital, library, park, India, nun, surprised, poor, homeless, people, famous所需教具 Materials for teachingl 风景名信片或用过的风景挂历l 有关地点的单词卡片l 动词的过去式形式l 短语词组卡片教学步骤 Teaching proceduresWarm up教师首先简单总结上册重点内容,可问些问题或带领学生说唱大家印象比较深刻的chant, 并鼓励学生继续学好下册课程。Presentation 上课时,教师首先给学生提出几个问题:“Have you ever been to Shanghai? Did you go to Shanghai before? What other places have you been to?”问了几个学生之后,教师便拿出风景图片问学生:“Did you go to

      3、visit the Huang Mountain? Did you go to visit the jungle? Did you go to visit the waterfall?”教师要根据自己手中有的风景图片进行提问。提问时,教师应注意把句型及其肯定回答和否定回答写在黑板上以便让学生了解要学习的句型。a ) 引出话题后,教师便拿出许多单词卡片或风景图片对大家说:“Now lets look at the pictures and say the words.”教师边拿图片给大家看边带着大家熟悉这些单词。b ) 在反复熟悉单词的基础上,教师教给学生句型:“Where did you go last Saturday?”“I went to visit the jungle.”让大家熟悉这两个句型后,教师让学生两人一组做问答练习。问答的时候,教师要让学生依次对每张图提问。c ) 在学生练习的基础上,教师问学生:“Where do you often go at school? I often go to the classroom and the library.”等等(类似的词还

      4、有swimming pool, Art Centre, P.E. Centre, garden, school lab, reading room, Sports Centre等).d ) 教师示范后再让大家两人一组进行问答训练,并将单词放在句型中进一步熟悉。Practice单元教学活动2 Read and answer. 第二部分是谈论Fred的假期。首先教师要让学生会说这些地点的名称。特别是要带着动词的过去式形式一起说,让学生记住英语的动词短语、名词短语或介词短语。在学生熟悉的基础上,教师介绍说:“Fred came back to school from a long holiday. Do you know which holiday is longer? The summer holiday or the winter holiday?”问完之后,教师接着说:“Fred came back from a long holiday. He went to many places and took many pictures. Please look at the picture

      5、s and say something about his holiday. You can say, Fred played in the park. He climbed the Great Wall. He went to the zoo, etc.”教师让两人一组进行陈述。最后,教师可以向全体学生提问:“Where did Fred go last summer holiday?”学生依次回答教师所提的问题。单元教学活动3 Listen, read and act.第三部分是对话练习。教师可以先让学生听一听录音,在听录音的基础上,两人一组进行练习,并能达到大家都说的目的,如果学生记得快并且记得比较好,教师应给学生奖励。单元教学活动4 Listen, read and retell. 第四部分是一篇短文,介绍的是一名非常出色的修女。教师可以给学生一些有关Mother Teresa的生平事迹介绍(见知识扩展)。同时,教师要引导学生看文章时划出不明白的地方,教师适当做一些解释。最后,教师让学生在大量朗读的基础上进行复述和看图说话。活动的形式可以是个人或小组。单元教学活动5 Liste

      6、n, read and write.第五部分是阅读部分,该短文是某学生的一篇日记。教师首先需提问学生:“Have you ever been to Wutai Mountain? Would you like to go there in the future? Have you ever climbed a mountain? Is it very tall? Do you think its easy to climb a mountain.”学生回答了这些问题后,教师说:“Now please read the passage on Page 4Climbing Wutai Mountain. Read carefully and try to fill in the missing words. After youve finished, you can also underline the sentences which you are not so sure of.”教师让学生先自己阅读并填空。学生基本完成后,教师带着学生一起完成该任务。填空完成后,教师需带领学生读几遍该短

      7、文。待学生有些语感之后,教师问学生是否明白该短文的意思,也可以让学生提问老师。教师应教给学生说:“May I ask you a question? Whats the Chinese for? Whats the English for?”朗读时,教师要提醒学生特别注意动词过去式的读音。朗读两三遍之后,教师让学生看短文并提出问题,教师适当给予解释和说明,但不要讲得过细。随后,教师让学生念黑体字,这些都是动词的过去式形式。教师让学生将他们的原形动词写在下面的横线上。最后相互检查。听力原文:Climbing Wutai MountainLast summer, my parents and I took a trip to Wutai Mountain. It was my first time leaving home and traveling to a new place, so I was very excited. We got on the train and five hours later we arrived in a small city at the foot of

      8、 the mountain. Early the next morning, we set out for our climb. The weather was nice, and I was running away ahead of my parents. But soon I had to slow down because the bag on my back was getting heavier and heavier. I wanted to ask my dad for help, but then I remembered I had promised him to carry my own bag. How could I go back on my word? So I pressed on. This famous mountain attracted many visitors. Among these visitors was a little girl from Japan. She was about five or six, and was carry

      9、ing a bag as big as mine. When I learned that she had also climbed up herself, I was surprised. I went up to her and tried to help her. But she said,noand she wanted to go on climbing the mountain with us. The rest of the way to the top was the most difficult. All of us were tired and thirsty. Besides, I had to keep an eye on the Japanese girl, pulling her up when the steps were too high. I kept on. By noon, we finally got to the top. My parents smiled at me. I knew they were proud of me because I had climbed up this high mountain on my own.单元教学活动6 Read, find out and write.第六部分需要学生谈论五个方面的问题。教师可以分别来问学生。首先教师可以让学生谈论放暑假时他们想去哪。为了让学生能说出句子,教师先拿出相关的图片或单词卡片让学生复习一下,比如Shanghai, Tianjin, Wuhan, mountain, waterfall, village, countryside, field, island, garden, lake, jungle, park等。然后,教师给出句型:“Where would you like to go in the holiday? Id like to go to the countryside.”教师要提醒学生地名前


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