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    • 1、商业计划书模板-英文版BUSINESS PLAN TEMPLATEBUSINESS PLANMy Compa ny123 Ma in StreetAn ytow n, USA 10000123-4567Your NameDATETABLE OF CONTENTSExecutive Summary1Man ageme nt2Compa ny History 6Product/Service Descripti on 8Objectives10Competitors 11Competitive Adva ntages12Innovation 14Pric ing15Specific Markets 16Growth Strategy17Market Size and Share 18Target ing New Markets 19Location 20Man ufacturi ng Plan21Research & Developme nt22Historical Finan cial Data23Proforma Finan cial Data24Proforma Bala nee S

      2、heet 27Cost Con trol28Effects of Loa n or In vestme nt29Attachme nts30#Executive SummaryMy Company was formed as a proprietorship, partnership, corporation in Month. Year in City, State, by Joh n Doe in resp onse to the follow ing market con diti ons:Startup, growth opportunities exist in Product/Service.The need for use of efficient distribution and financial methods in these overlooked markets.I/We have several customers who are willi ng to place large orders,co ntracts within the n ext three

      3、mon ths.Several other prospective customers/clie nts have expressed serious in terest in doing bus in ess with in six mon ths.I/We previously owned a compa ny that was active in the widget markets. Over the past few years I spe nt much time study ing ways to improve overall performa nce and in crease profits. This pla n is a result of that study.The basic comp onents of this pla n are:1. Competitive pric ing2. Expa nd the markets3. In creased advertis ing4. Lower our un it costs,5. Thereby achie

      4、v ing higher profits.1. Sign con tracts2. In creased advertis ing3. In crease office staffTo this end, I/we n eed in vestme nt from private in dividuals an d/or compa ni es. A total of $XXX is being raised which will be used to finance working capital, plant and equipment. The company will be in corporated and com mon stock issued to in vestors. The compa ny will be run as a proprietorship, partnership, corporation.Finan cial GoalsSalesNet In comeEarnings per shareYear 1Year 2Year 3$1,000,000$1,

      5、400,000$1,600,000$25,000$250,000$375, ageme ntNameTitleExperienceSales growth from zero to $1,000,000 in five years.Led market in market share -30%.Formulated advertis ing budgets & campaig ns.Pioneered new distribution channels.Established n ati onal sales force.Established n ati onal repair & service cen ters.Brought new and inno vative products to the market.Desig ned poin t-of-purchase materials.Educati onUn iversity of Bost onBosto n, MAB.A. - Computer Scie ncesShort Biograp

      6、hiesPreside ntJoh n Q. Doe, Chief Executive Officer, and Director since February 1988 and Preside nt since Jan uary 1990. Mr. Doe was the foun der and Chief Executive Officer of the orig inal operati ng compa ny known as Random Excess, Inc. He has had experience in the widget field with his own firm, John Doe Co.,of Oshkosh (Wisconsin), from 1980 to 1987. This firm was sold to FatCat Widgets, Inc. in 1987. Mr.Doe has held a sales position with U S West Inc. since then. Mr. Doe graduated from the

      7、 University of Co lorado in 1981 with a bachelor s degree in philosophy. Mr. Doe is employed by the Companyon a full-time basis.Chief Finan cial OfficerRichard Roe, CPA, Chief Finan cial Officer, Treasurer and Director. Mr. Roe joined Ran dom Excess, Inc. in December 1988 as a corporate controller and was named Chief Financial Officer in July 1989.Mr. Roe was appo in ted Treasurer and a Director in July 1990. He served as corporate con troller ofXYZ Lumber Compa ny from August 1981 to December 1

      8、988. Mr. Roe graduated from Metropolita nState College in Den ver, Colorado in 1976 with a bachelor s degree in accou nti ng. Since 1979 he hasbeen licensed as a Certified Public Accountant in the State of Colorado and is a member of theAmerican Institute of Certified Public Accountants. Mr. Roe is employed by the Company on a fulltime basis.Vice Preside ntJoe Dokes, Secretary, Executive Vice Preside nt and Director. Mr. Dokes supervises the compa ny ssales and impleme ntati ons to its largest c

      9、orporate customers, in clud ing US West, Great West LifeIn sura nee, etc. Mr. Dokes has served as Secretary and a Director since February 1988, Vice Preside nt of Operati ons from February 1988 to December 1988, Preside nt of the Compa ny from December 1988 to Jan uary 1990 and Vice Preside nt of Con tract Sales si nce Jan uary 1990. He has bee n in volved since 1986 with the private compa ny orig in ally formed as Ran dom Excess, In c., where his duties included managing the purchasing and sales department. From November 1984 to May 1986 he man aged the sales departme nt at In tegrated Man ageme nt Systems, Inc. From June 1983 to October 1984 he was a buyer for Adams Cou nty, Colorado, School Di


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