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    • 1、http:/ http:/ http:/ http:/ todays society, is a rapid development of high-tech society. With the widespread of computer, people rely more and more on the Internet, and computer network security has become a hot issue of great concern. At present, the computer network security monitoring system in China is not yet perfect, a lot of network intrusion, the loss of information and network attacks and other problems have become more and more serious, security of data and files so that some sensitive

      2、 is not high. Under such severe situation, high-speed computer network security monitoring system is absolutely necessarily appear.严格来说,计算机网络安全就是指在信息系统当中,软件、硬件以及整个系统中的数据受到良好的保护,不会因为偶然或者刻意的各种原因而崩溃,并且整个计算机网络系统还能正常运行,不会中断计算机网络的服务以及数据的传送。 Strictly speaking, the computer network security refers to the information system, software, hardware and the whole system of data are well protected, will not collapse because of various reasons accidental or deliberate, and the computer network system can run nor

      3、mally, do not interrupt service and data transmission network.计算机配置不合理。首先,计算机的文件服务器并没有进行合理的配置,这样就会导致计算机网络运行速度很慢,甚至使计算机的运行稳定性下降,从而影响整个计算机网络系统的质量。其次,就是网卡采用工作站来选配的方式造成不合理,使得网络不稳定,从而无法保证计算机网络系统的稳定性。 The computer configuration is not reasonable. First of all, computer file server is not rationally, it will lead to the computer network running speed is very slow, and even the operation stability of computer decline, thereby affecting the quality of the computer network system. Secondly, is the network

      4、 card with unreasonable workstation to match the way, so that the network is not stable, can not guarantee stability of computer network system.计算机网络的缺陷。计算机网络自身就有着或多或少的不足,其中最为严重的缺陷就是计算机网络系统漏洞的产生。实际上,系统漏洞会对计算机网络的安全造成很大的威胁,若计算机网络攻击者趁着计算机系统漏洞出现之时,通过一些非法手段获取了对系统一般用户的访问权限,那么计算机网络攻击者就有机会透过系统漏洞将自己升级成管理员权限,从而盗取客户的信息以及资料,给用户造成巨大的困扰与不安。况且,网络黑客更是十分了解计算机网络里的各种系统漏洞。 Defects of computer network. The computer network itself has more or less defects, one of the most serious defects is the computer network syste

      5、m vulnerability. In fact, loopholes in the system will cause great threat to the safety of computer network, the computer network attackers take advantage of computer system vulnerabilities arise, through illegal means to obtain the system user access, then the computer network attackers have the opportunity through the loopholes in the system will upgrade administrator privileges, to steal customer information and, to the user caused great distress and anxiety. Moreover, the network hacker is v

      6、ery understand the vulnerabilities of computer network system.计算机网络安全监控系统是专门用来检测不法信息或不法分子的入侵,它能够以网上数据作为追踪的对象,一旦检测到非法入侵,监控系统就会进行实时的警报。所以说,计算机土工格栅厂家网络安全监控系统不仅是解决网络入侵问题的关键系统,它还是保证计算机安全的重要部分。计算机网络安全监控系统一般具有以下基本功能:拥有极为有效的报文捕获能力;拥有大量的报文储存能力,并且该报文讯息还能随时用来做分析的材料数据;能够敏捷发现不法攻击;可以及时对攻击的破坏程度进行实时评估;能够对信息进行有效实时监控。 Computer network security monitoring system is designed to detect the illegal intrusion information or outlaws, which can use the online data as the tracking objects, once detected illegal intrusion

      7、, monitoring system can real-time alarm. Therefore, the computer network security monitoring system not only is the key to solve the problem of network intrusion system, it is an important part of computer security. Computer network security monitoring system has the following functions: has the extremely efficient packet capture ability; has a large number of message storage capacity, and the message information can be used to make analysis of the material data; can agile found illegal attack;

      8、can real-time evaluation of timely to attack damage; it can make effective real-time monitoring on information.监控的对象通常是两个:一是对计算机网络的骨干网进行监控;另一个则是对计算机网络的子网进行监控。监控计算机的骨干网,主要是在骨干核心路由器的地方进行截获,这个过程中必须要保证处理的速度足够快;而监控计算机网络的子网,主要是要求在子网接入骨干网的网络接入点进行截获,跟骨干网相对比,这个处理过程要求速度比较慢。Monitored object is usually two: one is the backbone of the computer network monitoring; another is the computer network subnet monitor. The backbone network monitoring computer, is intercepted in the core router place, must guarantee t

      9、he processing speed is fast enough for the process; and the monitoring computer network subnet, mainly for intercepted at the network access point network access backbone network, compared with the backbone network, this process requires speed relatively slow.总而言之,计算机网络安全监控系统在整个计算机网络当中扮演着最重要的角色,因为计算机网络安全监控系统是控制整个计算机信息交流安全的关键,而且,它也是保障计算机信息安全的最重要部分。随着计算机网络安全隐患的不断涌现,网络攻击的方法不断更新,计算机网络安全监控系统也要相应地进行更新升级,但是,在计算机网络安全监控系统更新的前提必须保证整个计算机网络的运行效率不会被影响,也就是说,计算机网络安全监控系统更新的同时,一定要保持计算机的性能不下降。To make a long story short, the computer network security monitoring system plays the most important role in the whole computer network, because the computer network secu


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