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新目标初中英语八年级下册Unit 9 Have you ever been to Singapore教案

  • 卖家[上传人]:鲁**
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    • 1、Unit 9 Have you ever been to Singapore?(Reading) 一 课时分析本课时通过学习阅读材料“Have you ever been to Singapore”,掌握阅读策略(即在阅读完后学生写下自己学到的东西),并增进学生对世界上其他国家的了解。二 学情分析学生在八年级下册Unit3和Unit9 Section A、Section B已经学习并掌握了现在完成时的用法。本课时将学习阅读关于新加坡的风土人情。通过读说写技能训练,给学生提供更多语言输入和输出的机会,更好地学习并运用阅读策略。三 学习目标1. 语言技能目标:能听懂教师对有关文章的提问,能在教师的帮助引导下顺利完成对长篇阅读材料的理解,并用自己的语言表达已学到的知识。2. 语言知识目标:1)词汇:a)四会词汇:wonderful, holiday, quarter, population, fear, brave, excellent, Indian, dark, wake, fox, natural, environment, temperature, whenever, spring,

      2、 autumn, season, awake. b)三会词汇:southeast, simply, daytime, equator, type. 2)句型:Have you ever been to Singapore? Its a wonderful place to take a holiday.3. 情感目标:能让学生通过对阅读材料的学习,了解其他国家的不同特色,拓宽知识面。四重难点教学重点:通过教师根据文章大意整理出来的脉络图,让学生用自己的话表达已学到的三点或更多的知识。教学难点:如何帮助学生用自己的语言或文章中的好句写下自己学到的东西。教学设计:Step1. Warming up & Presentation1.Free talk2.Pairwork A: Where would you like to take a holiday? And why? B: Id like to ., because its a(n) place to. What about you? Step 2. Before reading1.Watch the video and say the

      3、 name of the country. And then show the picture of Singapore. Have you ever been to Singapore? How much do you know about Singapore?2.Disscussion: What do you want to know about Singapore?3.Show the picture of the passage, and think about two questions: Whats the place in the picture? When is it?Step 3. While reading1.Skimming How many paragraphs are there in the passage?What does each paragraph talk about?2.Careful readingParagraph 1:Location:Singapore is in_.Population: More than_ are _.Langua

      4、ge: In Singapore, you can speak_. Its also a good place_Paragraph2: 1)Can we find any Chinese food there ?2) Can we try any kind of new food there?Paragraph3: 1.) Singapore has a special zoo called_. 2.) A lot of animals _at night, so this is_ to watch them.3.) At the zoo, you can watch lions, tigers, and foxes in a _than a normal zoo.Paragraph4: Are they true(T) or false(F)1.) The temperature in Singapore is almost the same all year round.( )2. )Its best to Singapore in autumn. ( )3.Learn and p

      5、ractice 5 new words: fear, brave, environment, dark, wake.Step 4. After reading1.Present the reading strategy.2.Complete the word map.(3a&3b)3.Correct the 4 statements.(3c)4.Talk about what youve learned in a short passage “ A guide to Singapore”.Step 5. Homework Go for it: Write an ad for our hometown or for a place you have been to.The design of the blackboard Unit 9 ReadingSentence structures: Good places to take a holidayHave you ever been to ?is a good place to study great wonderful excelle

      6、ntNew words: daytime nightsleep v. asleep wake v. awake India n. Indian adj. nature n. natural adj. season autumn wheneverUnit 9 Have you ever been to Singapore?(Reading) 教学反思 八年级英语课堂教研讨会暨送教下乡活动在健跳中学展开。我很荣幸能和另外三位老师在这次活动中向同行们展示自己的课堂教学过程。在这短短一天中,我学到了很多,也深刻意识到自己在备课、课堂教学过程中存在诸多缺点。现作反思如下:一、成功之处:1.备课之前,跟读录音熟悉文本,花大量时间、精力“吃透”文本,对教学目标定位的准确性起到了很大的作用。2.备课中,紧紧围绕教学目标层层展开教学步骤;各个环节设计形式多样,避免课堂教学过程枯燥乏味。3.教学过程中词汇教学重难点突出,呈现方式多样;环节之间的过渡语简洁明了,随时关注学生的学习情况,改变提问方式。二、不足之处:1.Fast reading这一环节中,自然段与要点的连线过于繁杂,实际上第一自然段主要是关于l

      7、anguages,第四自然段关于weather,这样更加简单清晰。2.精读中,对第一段讲解时,我提问“Whats the population?”,这个问句针对不明确,不合理。换成“How many Chinese are there in Singapore?”可能比较妥当。3.在第二段关于food in Singapore中,我无法帮助学生很好理解“Indian food”。说明我备课前准备工作还是不够充分,没有花时间去查找关于新加坡的风土人情,对这个国家的了解只局限于课文知识。究其原因,还是我自己平时过于自负,考虑事情不够周全。4. 5个重点词汇教学中,对“fear”的呈现,其实我的手势表情可以夸张些,让学生一看我动作神态就能猜测词义。可见在课堂上,我还是没有完全放开。5.在After reading中,我通过课文3a, 3b和3c的练习,然后让学生用自己的语言表达这堂课中已学的知识即“A guide to Singapore”。在这个环节中,我其实可以省略课文中3a至3c的练习或把它们作为课后作业,从而留出更多的时间在“A guide to Singapore”,使得目标的达成

      8、更明显有效。 三、结束语 “吃一堑,长一智”,今天的反思就是明天的进步。向同行学习,向优秀的前辈学习,向外籍教师Justin学习。“半尺竿头,更进一步”,我相信自己,可以走得更远。Unit 9 Have you ever been to Singapore? Class_ Name_I. Read each paragraph carefully and finish the tasks.(仔细阅读,完成任务)Paragraph 1:Location(位置):Singapore is in_.Population(人口): More than_ are _.Language: In Singapore, you can speak_. Its also a good place_ Singapore is a(n)_place to_Paragraph2: 1. Can we find any Chinese food there ?2. Can we try any kind of new food there? Singapore is a(n)_place to_Paragraph3: A special zoo called_1.A lot of animals _ at night, so this is the best time to watch them.2.At the zoo, you can watch lions, tigers, and foxes in a _ than a normal zoo.Night Safari is a(n)_zoo to_ at night.Paragraph4: Read carefully and check the two

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