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2022-2023学年译林版八年级下册英语第一单元Unit1《Past and Present》检测卷(含听力及答案)

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    • 1、八年级下册英语单元检测卷Unit1Past and Present班级:_ 姓名:_ 学号:_第一卷 (选择题 共60分)一、听力部分(共20小题;每小题1分,计20分)A) 听下面10段对话。每段对话后有1个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。(每段对话读两遍)1What animal does Mike like best? AB C2How is Lucy going to Xiamen? A B C3Where would Sam like to go? A B C 4What s the weather like? A B C5Who runs fastest? ALucy. BAnn.CLily.6When will the supermarket close? AAt 5:00. BAt 5:15. CAt 4:45.7What subjects will the boy work hard at next term? AEnglish and Physics BMaths and Geography CHistory and English8What w

      2、as the woman doing when the man saw her just now? AShe was searching for some photos on the Internet. BShe was discussing the project. CShe was talking with Lucy.9Why did the mans daughter go to London? ATo study.BTo have a holiday.CTo visit her friends.10Where does the dialogue take place? AIn a shoe shop.BIn a clothes shop.CAt a bookshop.B) 听下面3段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。(每段对话或独白读两遍)听第1段材料,回答第1112小题。11What caused the fire? ACar accident BStoves CLightning.12When did the house

      3、caught fire? AIn the morning BIn the afternoon CIn the evening听第2段材料,完成第1315小题。A school trip on SaturdayMorningFirstMany boys are 13 ThenGirls are singing and dancing.We are sitting by a lake and some are 14 FinallyWe are watching animals in the zoo.AfternoonWe are visiting 15 .13Agetting on the bus Bhaving breakfast Cclimbing the hill 14Adrawing Bswimming Cdrinking water 15Afactories Bthe museum Ca market 听第3段材料,回答第1620小题。16Whats the relationship(关系) between the speaker and Kate? AWorkmates. BC

      4、lassmates.CNeighbours.17What does Kate look like? AShes short and fat.BShe has a round faceCShe has a long nose.18Whats Kate? AA teacher.BA worker.CA doctor.19How does Kate usually go to work? ABy bus. BBy train.CBy car.20How many days does she work every week? A4 days. B5 days C6 days.二、单项选择(每小题1分,共15分)21Lily is _ active girl and she is fond of playing _volleyball Aan; a Ba; the Can; / Da; /22The little girl was afraid of staying _ in the _ house Aalone; alone Balone; lonely Clonely; lonely Dlo

      5、nely; alone23Look at my new smart phone. Wow, its so cool! When and where you it? Ado; buy Bhave; bought Cdid; buy Dhave; had24_ is it from your home to school? Ten minutes on foot.AHow long BHow far CHow many minutes DHow soon25 pleasant life we are having in the twenty-first century!AWhat BHow CWhat a DHow a26- Lucy hasnt come back from the library _.- Yes, I have _ called her.Aalready; yet Byet; yet Calready; already Dyet; already27I can hardly believe my eyesIs that you, Lucy?YesIt has been

      6、almost 20 years we were together.Asince Bbefore Cafter Duntil28Bob, where is Linda? She be in the library, but I am not sureAmust Bmay Cneed Dhas to 29Look! Somebody the lights.Well, it wasnt meI didnt do it.Aturns off Bis turning off Cwas turning off Dhas turned off30MrWang used _in the countryside, but now hes used _in the city.Ato live, to live Bto living, to living Cto live, to living Dto living, to live31-I dont like the short story “The gift” I think its out of date.-Im sorry, but_Although

      7、 it may be old, I still think its a moving story.A it doesnt matter BI dont agreeCyoure welcome Dthats all night32黑骏马When Black Beauty moves to London to work for the Barker family, he is called_.AMerrylegs BJerry CJack DAnne33黑骏马Black Beauty doesnt like Earlshall Park because he has to wear _rein.Along Bshort Chard Dsoft34黑骏马Black Beautys _gives him good advice when he is young.Amaster Bmother Cgroom Dfriend35黑骏马When Black Beauty saw a dead horse, why did he hope it was Ginger?ABecause they were enemies at that time.BBecause he knew Ginger wanted to die.CBecause Ginger liked biting, Black Beauty hated her.DBecause he thought Ginger died and all her problems were over.三、完形填空(15分)

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